"I believe there must be someone you love in this world. He will pass through the turbulent crowds in this world, walk past them one by one, and come to you with a heart full of warmth and heavy love." Everyone is looking forward to the true love. In love, it is a very happy thin

2024/05/2400:31:32 emotion 1055

"I believe there must be someone you love in this world. He will pass through the turbulent crowds in this world, walk past them one by one, and come to you with a heart full of warmth and heavy love." Everyone is looking forward to it. In true love, it is a very happy thing to have someone who cares about and cares for you, and to have sweetness and concern in your heart. But love is not something that you will have immediately if you want it. It is not that the other person will fall in love with you if you work hard.

Compared to men, women are much more emotional and always have many fantasies about love. Maybe a look or a word from the other person will trigger your thoughts. Some silly women, when the other party says something, they just think about it forever and pay foolishly, but in the end they get nothing. A man's mouth can sometimes be a lie. Just listen to what the man said, don't take it seriously:

1. I will buy it for you.

Money is nothing, but it can test feelings. When two people are together, there will definitely be the cost of love. When you fall in love with someone, you will be willing to spend money for the other person. When you are always calculating, it is probably because you don't love enough. Leilei has been with his girlfriend Lina for a long time. He is eloquent and has a lot of sweet words, but he is always stingy and reluctant to spend money. Every Valentine's Day or birthday he would say "I'll buy it for you", but he never bought a flower.

Although love cannot be measured by gifts, facing such a stingy boyfriend, Alina endured it, but she always felt unbalanced. Because my boyfriend is not moneyless, but stingy. Before Lina could mention the breakup, Leile found a rich woman and glared at her.

If a man spends money for you, he doesn’t necessarily love you. If he doesn’t want to spend money for you and always makes excuses for you, he definitely doesn’t love you. Just listen to these words and don’t be stupid and unclear.

2. Fat ones are the cutest.

Xiaomi is a chubby girl with an average appearance but a good personality. The key is that her family is rich. Her friends joke that anyone who marries her will save many years of hard work. Xiao Wu chased her for a long time and finally caught up with her, and began to obey Xiaomi's words. Xiaomi felt that she was not good-looking because she was fat and wanted to lose weight, but Xiaowu said that "fat is the cutest" and said that he didn't like other girls who were as thin as ribs. Xiaomi was very happy and began to eat and drink indulgently. After a while, her weight skyrocketed. She overheard her boyfriend talking to a friend about how fat and ugly she was, and she realized that she was being taken advantage of.

Everyone likes good-looking people, and men are visual animals. Whether a woman loves it or not, she must dress herself up to look better and manage her figure. Of course inner beauty and outer beauty are combined and cannot be done to please anyone. When a man says he looks good if he is fat or looks good no matter what, he is mostly just perfunctory and forgets it. If you take it seriously, you will lose.

3.I will marry you when the time comes.

When you like someone, you will naturally fantasize about a family and be willing to contribute to this family with your beloved. When you fall in love with someone, you just can't wait and want to be with them as soon as possible. If you step too late, you will be afraid of long nights and dreams. Some men are just having fun with a woman, without any thought of having a long-term future with her.

Dandan has been dating her boyfriend for 5 years. Since the campus romance, she has fantasized about marrying him in a beautiful wedding dress countless times, but her boyfriend never mentioned marriage. After her hints came to no avail, she simply revealed that she would marry her when the time came. When she asked when, her boyfriend hesitated and couldn't answer, and told her not to think too much. As a result, her boyfriend was in two different situations, and she was the spare tire. Dandan wanted to cry but had no tears.

When a man says he doesn’t want to get married, he just doesn’t want to marry you. If he says he will marry you later, he is definitely lying to you. Just listen to him.

4. My phone is out of battery.

The person who loves you will reply to your message in seconds, and even if the phone is out of battery, he will borrow the phone to call you. When you really fall in love with someone, you care about them very much and want to share every detail of your life with them, instead of not replying to messages for a whole day, even if you send them to Moments.

Xiaobai said that her boyfriend never replies to her messages very quickly and sometimes doesn’t answer her phone calls. When she asked, her boyfriend said that the phone battery was out of battery or that the phone bill would be gone.She blessed her boyfriend to bring a charger, but he still ran out of power every three days. However, after she called numerous times to no avail, she was stunned when she found out that her mutual friend texted him back instantly. It turns out it’s not that there’s no power, it’s that I just don’t love it.

When a man doesn’t want to contact you, he definitely doesn’t want to contact you because he doesn’t love you. There is no surprise. Just listen to the lies, if you take them seriously you will be stupid.

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