Text/Yixi Youai Liang Shiqiu once said: "The fun of middle age lies in knowing life and yourself well enough to do what you can do." When people reach middle age, they have gone through years of hardships and experienced the ups and downs of life. . A more transparent, deeper und

2024/05/2107:04:32 emotion 1081


Liang Shiqiu once said: "The fun of middle age is to know life and yourself well enough to do what you can do."

When people reach middle age, they have gone through years of hardships and experiences. The ups and downs of life. A more transparent, deeper understanding of life.

I gradually understood that if you want to live a comfortable life, you need to learn to control yourself. Be careful, don't be meddlesome, don't be sentimental.

Text/Yixi Youai Liang Shiqiu once said:

o1 I don’t have much to say, so I won’t say much.

The ancients said that disaster comes from the mouth, and too many words will lead to mistakes. Talking too much can easily bring disaster and cause unnecessary trouble. After Zhu Yuanzhang became emperor, one day, a friend who had let go of cattle with Zhu Yuanzhang asked to see him. When this friend saw Zhu Yuanzhang, he danced with joy. Then he recalled endlessly the time when the two of them herded cattle for a rich family. He also talked about the experience of stealing beans together: "Once, we put the stolen beans in an earthen pot and cooked them. Before they were cooked, everyone rushed to eat them. As a result, the pots were all broken, and you just looked at them. I grabbed beans from the ground and ate them, but unfortunately the red grass roots got stuck in my throat, and I almost lost my life..."

In front of all the civil and military officials, this embarrassing story was actually told. Zhu Yuanzhang was annoyed, angry, and very embarrassed. So he ordered: "Where did this lunatic come from? Come on, drag this nonsense person out and behead him!" "And just like that, this talkative man lost his life.

If you can't keep your mouth shut, you're only endangering yourself.

As humans, if you don't talk too much, you'll have fewer problems. If you don't If you talk too much, you can live with peace of mind.

Wang Yangming once met a deaf man. Because the deaf man could not distinguish right from wrong with his ears, and he could not hear right from wrong, his life was not that bad and he lived a very comfortable and happy life. Life.

Wang Yangming was deeply affected by it and wrote a speech: "There are many talks, but there are also many problems. Morality is not words, but actions. "

" maxim Lianbi " says: "Sit quietly and think about your own mistakes, and don't talk about others' faults in small talk. "After middle age, shut up, don't recognize others, and don't speak. To deal with other people's mistakes is a profound practice and a wise way of life.

Text/Yixi Youai Liang Shiqiu once said:

o2 Be worry-free and not troublesome. " Disciple Rules " There is a saying: "Don't mind your own business." The basic training for people is not to interfere with things that have nothing to do with you.

There are always people in life who like to interfere in other people's private affairs for no reason. You must know that if you don't treat yourself as an outsider, If you interrupt others suddenly, it is not only difficult to gain recognition from others, but also more likely to be burned.

I have read a joke about "Journey to the West". Tang Monk is very careful and always likes to take care of his disciples. Sun Wukong . There was a hole in his trousers, so he quietly sewed it up. However, when he looked at it the next day, he found that the hole had opened again, so he sewed it up again on the third day. Once. He was considerate, but Sun Wukong was angry and impatient: "Master, don't you care about your own business? Can you sew a hole for me and tell me where to put the tail? Blindly interfering in trivial matters that have nothing to do with you will not only waste your efforts, but also often lead to a situation of "good intentions go unpaid".

Middle-aged people should pay attention to how often they get along with others, respect others and keep quiet.

o3 is ruthless and barely hurt. Writer Zhang Meng said: "The most terrifying idea for a person is to make friends with everyone. This is neither realistic nor necessary."

In this life, you can meet all kinds of people, but there is no need to put your sincerity at risk. Give it to anyone you see. You often think that you are good to others, and others think you are good, but in fact it is not that sincere.

In " Wulin Gaiden ", Zhu Wushuang has devoted his heart to everyone in the inn since he stepped into " Tongfu Inn ". Not only was he always eager to help everyone with his dirty work, but he also took care of everyone's emotions and moods in every detail.

Someone's shoulders stiffened and he immediately made a buckwheat pillow .Someone broke up, but even though he was confused, he immediately stood up and patiently comforted me. However, she has always been warm and sincere, and although she is not treated equally well by others, she is still somewhat transparent. There was a talent competition with Xiao Guo, and the loser left the inn. The

competition is divided into four stages. She has won three rounds, a big win. However, when the final voting began, the other partners of the inn, as judges, all turned to Xiao Guo. No one cares about the fact that even if they lose, they can't go anywhere. Not all kindness in this world can be appreciated, and not all honesty can be exchanged for true love.

As the saying goes: "If you are affectionate, others may not be upright. If you are sincere, others may not be wholehearted. You may be sincere and giving, but it may not bring good results." When interacting with people, you don't have to do good things to everyone.

Learning different treatments is the best social principle. Actor Liu Tao has been working in the entertainment industry for more than 20 years and knows countless people. However, she admits that she only has two girlfriends in total. This is not because she is unpopular, but in her opinion, her energy is limited and she does not have to invite too many people into her life.

Treat them wholeheartedly, leaving 3 or 2 best friends is enough. Passion requires choice, and hard work requires lowering the threshold for disappointment and scarring.

Middle-aged people, stop trying to be nice to everyone. Also, don’t treat everyone with the same enthusiasm. It’s wise to spend your valuable time and energy on people of real value.

I read a passage: "When a person reaches middle age, it is no longer the law of the outside world, but the law of the soul." After middle age, you must take care of yourself and take appropriate actions.

Text/Yixi Youai Liang Shiqiu once said:

Only in the second half of life can you live a peaceful, secure, comfortable and comfortable life.

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