Family has a special meaning to everyone, and they are also the people who can truly accompany you through the ups and downs on this long road of life. This is especially true for parents. As the ones who gave birth to you and raised you, they are always willing to give selflessl

2024/05/1817:51:33 emotion 1950

Family has a special meaning to everyone, and they are also the people who can truly accompany you through the ups and downs on this long road of life. This is especially true for parents. As the ones who gave birth to you and raised you, they are always willing to give selflessly to their children without asking for anything in return.

There is a Chinese saying called filial piety comes first . Just five words also express the spirit of the Chinese nation. Every child should understand the profound meaning behind this sentence.

Family has a special meaning to everyone, and they are also the people who can truly accompany you through the ups and downs on this long road of life. This is especially true for parents. As the ones who gave birth to you and raised you, they are always willing to give selflessl - DayDayNews

incident review: There is such a woman who married in another province. She truly interpreted the profound connotation behind this sentence with practical actions and set an example for countless children around the world.

The woman had not been back to her parents' home after three years of marriage. She was really homesick, so she took advantage of her husband's vacation to ask him to take care of her son who was on summer vacation. She wants to go back to visit her parents.

The husband agreed impatiently and asked her to go early and come back early, so as not to stay too long.

She packed her things and quickly bought a ticket to go back to her parents' home. Her parents picked her up at the station early.

Unexpectedly, when he returned to his parents' house, before he could say a few words, his father suddenly fainted, which frightened the mother and the woman. My mother, who was used to being cared for by her father, had never seen such a scene before, and she was frightened to the point of being helpless.

In this chaotic scene, only a woman can be the backbone of this small family.

Seeing that her father was unconscious, the woman calmly stepped forward to give him first aid, while urging her mother to call the emergency number. In panic, the mother trembled and called the emergency number. The family of three was waiting for rescue at home.

While waiting for rescue, the woman thought that her home was on the top floor and there was no elevator. If the woman's family only waited for rescue upstairs, it would take a lot of time to go back and forth upstairs.

In order to get her father rescued as soon as possible, the woman directly carried her father on her back and planned to go downstairs without saying anything.

Family has a special meaning to everyone, and they are also the people who can truly accompany you through the ups and downs on this long road of life. This is especially true for parents. As the ones who gave birth to you and raised you, they are always willing to give selflessl - DayDayNews

When she was in panic, the woman didn't even wear shoes and went out barefoot. At that time, she was thinking about her father and was afraid that something would happen to him.

The time calculated by the woman was very accurate. When the family of three arrived downstairs, the ambulance from the emergency center had just arrived. The woman hurried to the ambulance carrying her father on her back and sent her father to the hospital as quickly as possible.

The doctor checked his father's condition and gave him first aid. Fortunately, he was sent to the hospital in time and his life was not in danger. The woman and mother were relieved.

After handling her father's condition well, the doctor came over to praise the woman and told her that it was because she carried her father downstairs in time to save time that she saved her father's life. If the woman did not respond in time, it would be too late by the time her father was sent to the hospital.

After listening to the doctor's words, the woman couldn't help but burst into tears, and her whole heart couldn't stop trembling. She repeatedly thought about if she had not returned to her parents' home, if she had not made this decision in time, would her father have left them?

Under the treatment in the hospital, his father quickly recovered. He was very moved when he heard the nurses talk about his experience in the hospital. He thanked his daughter countless times for the calm decision he made at that time, which saved his life.

Family has a special meaning to everyone, and they are also the people who can truly accompany you through the ups and downs on this long road of life. This is especially true for parents. As the ones who gave birth to you and raised you, they are always willing to give selflessl - DayDayNews

Author's point of view:

It is said that parents love their children the most, and children treat their parents sincerely, wishing they could devote all their strength to their parents when they need them. The

woman has set an example for everyone with her practical actions. When facing danger, everyone should try to stay calm first and never do something regrettable because of being too impulsive.

In addition, the attitude and spirit of women towards their parents are also worth learning. The people who treat themselves best in this world must be their parents. They are always willing to dedicate all of themselves to their children, so children should also know how to be grateful. .

If you are far away from your parents, try to go home and see them more often. If you are in the same city or under the same roof as your parents now, try to do things that make them happy. After all, life is short and full of surprises, and no one knows what will happen tomorrow.

The only thing we can do is to cherish the present moment, be filial to our parents in the limited time, and go home often.

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