Do you have 10 taboos for dealing with people in the workplace?

2021/10/1514:29:06 emotion 1649

It is very important to develop in the workplace. IQ is important and EQ is even more important. Many comrades pay attention to learning some methods and skills of communication and coordination. In fact, character and cultivation are more important in dealing with people. People often say: "Character determines success or failure", but everyone has shortcomings and shortcomings in their personality. Some comrades have poor interpersonal relationships and poor career development, to a large extent because of lack of personality. Today, Lao Wang will talk about ten problems that should be overcome in the workplace for your reference.

Do you have 10 taboos for dealing with people in the workplace? - DayDayNews

One is a talented person . Zeng Guofan once said: "The talented people in the world are defeated with a proud word; the mediocre people in the world are defeated with a word of laziness." This is a good explanation because laziness is nothing, and because pride fails, it is not easy to attract attention. . Relying on talent and arrogant things is a problem that many talented people love to commit; defeating due to arrogance has many lessons in history, and some even paid the price of blood. Throughout the dynasties, some of the founding heroes had many fate, some were beheaded, and some were punished by the nine tribes. Many people attributed the cause to "cunning rabbits to die, running dogs cooking", but there were also factors such as tribute, self-slowness, weighty township, and so on. In real work, some capable people do not develop well in the workplace. To a large extent, it is because they are able to perform well, offend the leader, offend colleagues, and plunge themselves into an unfavorable interpersonal environment. Therefore, those who have a little ability must keep in mind the ancient teachings, always work hard on arrogance, and maintain a modest and cautious style.

The second is the . To develop in the workplace, everyone wants to make achievements in order to get the attention of leaders and the recognition of colleagues. But if you are too happy and bragging, you do all the work, and you are capable of everything, it is easy to attract jealousy. As the saying goes: "The wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it." It is not only the weakness of human nature, but also the reason for itself. So don’t show up when you have achieved results in your work.Even if the evaluation is done, you have to stop there. Sometimes you have to expose yourself to shortness and ugliness, and give more consideration to the feelings of the comrades around you, so that the interpersonal relationship will be more harmonious. For people who really do practical things, I believe that what is done is something that colleagues can see, and the leader knows it well.

Three is a good teacher . Some comrades have the problem of being a good teacher. At work, they don’t think about how to do their own affairs well, "cleaning the snow in front of their own door", but often give pointers to other people’s affairs, "what should you do about this matter" . Unexpectedly, you might say it unintentionally, but unknowingly hurt others' hearts. Some comrades like Zhuge after the event. He didn't express his position or speak before the event. If something went wrong afterwards, he would say "Why don't you listen to me" to show his brilliance. These things are all subsections, but they are also the ones that are most likely to offend people and cause conflicts. We must pay attention to overcome them.

Four is good to kick the ball . Some comrades do not have a strong sense of teamwork and cooperation, and they are afraid of taking more responsibility and taking more responsibility. At the same time, has a strong sense of and "small circles". When a colleague asks for help, or needs cooperation, he always refuses to help, for fear of getting better off others. Most comrades with this habit have difficulty cooperating with others.

Do you have 10 taboos for dealing with people in the workplace? - DayDayNews

Five is the gossip . Some comrades like to spread trivia and gossip behind their backs. They thought that this would attract more friends, but in fact it often backfired.People say "there are ears on the wall". You think these trivial things are unknown to others, but many times they reach the person's ears. Spreading often has the effect of magnification and bias. Even if you don't mean to speak badly about people, it may cause some unnecessary contradictions. And everyone knows that there are many people who like to talk small things. A wise person keeps a distance from them. It is not easy for him to make real friends. Therefore, in the workplace, we must keep in mind that "misfortunes come from the mouth" and "too many words must be lost." You must open your mouth and speak slowly, otherwise you will fall into the circle of right and wrong if you are not careful.

Sixth is to dismantle from behind. There is inevitably a competitive relationship in the development of the workplace. You may feel jealous when you see others being praised, and you may be dissatisfied when you see others promoted. This is all due to human nature. Workplace practice must pay attention to overcoming these weaknesses. It is important to know that personal development is based on team development. Unity can produce results, and unity can produce cadres. Unity is the basic quality of professionals in the workplace. If you don’t treat the competitive relationship correctly in the workplace, you get into trouble because of competition, you believe in office warfare, you like to pick people's faults, watch people’s jokes, stumble, and even intrigue, intrigue, fight in secret, and often end up not only harming others, but also hurting others. Lost myself.

Seven is to be smart . Some comrades are not loyal enough, work hard enough, and don’t have to focus on work, but like to be clever, opportunistic, and sneaky. Leaders are different from time to time, inviting credit, ostentation, and superficial writing. Although this kind of person may benefit in the moment, everyone has to get along for a long time in the workplace. Leaders are not invisible, and colleagues are not fools. If a person is too shrewd, not many people are willing to work with him. At the same time, a person is always intimidated by light and fearful of the heavy. He cannot be tempered in his work, his abilities cannot be improved, and he has truly important tasks but cannot take on them. When that happens, he will show his true colors and let everyone know whether you have the real skills.

Eight is selfish .Some comrades are more selfish, can't afford to lose money, love takes advantage of small things, cares about everything, and want to profit, this kind of comrades are often unpopular. As the saying goes: "Wealth gathers people to disperse, wealth disperses and people gather." People still need to be more generous and open-minded in the workplace to get along with others. Selfish people may take advantage of everything for a while, but in the long run they still outweigh the gains.

Do you have 10 taboos for dealing with people in the workplace? - DayDayNews

Nine is a good Mr. . Some comrades are afraid of offending others, do not like to take care of things, do everything well, lack their own principles and standpoint. On the surface, this kind of people are in harmony with others, and they are well-known, but they are afraid of contact with contradictions. At the same time, because he doesn't like to control or dare to control, he lacks ideas and standpoint in case of trouble. Although he is comfortable with him, it is difficult to establish the prestige of the masses.

ten is to compete eagerly . Some comrades have strong personalities, short tempers, unwilling to resign, and are competitive in everything, and often conflict with others. Some comrades do not respect the leadership, do not obey the management, and look at the leadership as not pleasing to the eye. Everything is clever. This kind of comrades will not work smoothly.

and above are common bad habits in the workplace. In fact, all of us have weaknesses of this kind, and even have some dark sides psychologically. This is due to human nature. The workplace is a practice. Here we list these bad ailments and set up a warning sign. You can always compare, watch, improve, and continuously improve your cultivation level and realm.

Do you have 10 taboos for dealing with people in the workplace? - DayDayNews


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