Why is it difficult for people to feel happy in middle age?

2021/10/1305:47:02 emotion 1948

I saw the news two days ago that a 29-year-old mother left a pair of children and committed suicide. It's so heartbreaking!

The anxiety and depression of contemporary people are getting worse, and more and more tragedies are taking place...especially when people reach middle age, there are old and young people, and the pressure on their hearts is huge, and the responsibilities and burdens on their shoulders are getting heavier and heavier.

First, let me talk about the external, interpersonal relationships at work and getting along with superiors and subordinates; the growth and education of children; the health and companionship of both parents in the family, the harmonious coexistence of husband and wife, and the trivialities in family trivial matters. , Everything is covered.

Why is it difficult for people to feel happy in middle age? - DayDayNews

And internally, we are too short of someone who understands ourselves, and the pain in our hearts is too dare to tell and no one can tell. The weakness of middle-aged people is too much face. He knocked out his teeth and smoked in his stomach. It seemed that he was strong but his heart was fragile.

These seemingly ordinary things add up like a mountain that crushes us out of breath...

Why is it difficult for people to feel happy in middle age? - DayDayNews

Zhang Ailing has such a sentence, a middle-aged man, he woke up. The people around are relying on themselves, but they are not relying on people. And middle-aged women have become the "three no products", no appearance, no body, no freedom, super insecure...this is the status quo of most middle-aged people today.

Nevertheless, the day will move forward on its own, it roars like a wheel of advancement. Everything we experience is sweet, bitter, and terrible, that is everything in life...


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