You must pay attention to these points when talking to the leader

2021/10/1219:26:02 emotion 363

In real life, we often see this situation: people who work in the same company have almost the same hard work. Some people are appreciated by leaders and quickly stand out, while others are left out. Because the former understands that hard work is important, but it is more important to let the leader pay attention to all his efforts. In the workplace, two people with similar abilities in doing things, and the one with poor language skills, often have much fewer opportunities for promotion than the one who can do things and talk. In the speaking ability, the ability to talk back is the most important thing. Speak concisely, keep a sense of proportion, and consider the general situation when answering to the leader.

Wang Yu is young and capable, lively and cheerful, and within a few years of joining the industry, his position has risen "crashly" and soon became the main player in the company. A few days ago, the new boss took up his post. Just when he went to work, he called Wang Yu over and said, "Wang Yu, you have rich experience and strong ability. There is a new project here, so please pay more attention to it!"

is highly valued by the new boss, and Wang Yu is delighted in his heart. It happens to be going to Wuxi for negotiations in a surrounding city on this day. Wang Yuyi has a group of several people. It is inconvenient to take the bus and people are also involved, which will affect the negotiation effect; take a taxi, one car can’t sit, two cars The cost is too high; it is better to charter a car, which is economical and affordable.

The decision was made, but Wang Yu did not directly handle it. Several years of working life taught her that it is absolutely necessary to report to the boss when something happens.

So, Wang Yu found the boss and said: "Boss, I think..." She analyzed the pros and cons of several options, and then said, "So, I decided to pack a car!"

After the report, Wang Yu found that the boss's face had darkened. He said bluntly, "Really? But I don't think this plan is very good. You should buy a ticket and go on a long-distance bus!" Wang Yu was stunned. She never expected that such a reasonable and reasonable suggestion would be beaten. "Return ticket." She really couldn't figure it out, it didn't make sense, any fool could see that the third option was the best.

Wang Yufan's awareness of reporting to the boss more often is very valuable, and the fault lies in improper wording. What Wang Yu said was: "I decided to pack a car!" In front of the boss, it is most taboo to say "I decide how to do".

If Wang Yu could say this: Boss,Now we have three options, each with pros and cons. I personally think that chartering a car is more feasible, but I can't be the master. You have rich experience, can you make a decision for me? When the boss hears such words, he will definitely be a favor and agree to your request. Doesn't it have the best of both worlds?

You must pay attention to these points when talking to the leader - DayDayNews

At work, anyone may say something wrong in front of the leader. Although occasionally saying the wrong thing will not lose his job, the consequences are very bad. How to talk to your own leader is an important subject in interpersonal relationships. If you can grasp the heat of talking to your leader well and take the right amount of speaking, your career will be smooth sailing. After all, leaders are not like ordinary colleagues, not to mention that they should pay attention to proportion when speaking with ordinary colleagues, and they should not be too unscrupulous.

So, if you accidentally say something wrong in front of the leader, how can you take remedial measures? If you say something wrong in front of the leader, once you react, you must stop immediately and apologize immediately. Don't avoid it because you are afraid. You should face the facts, respect the other party, and explain it if necessary. The explanation must be clear and specific to the matter itself; unnecessary excuses will only make the matter darker and darker.

When talking to the leader, you must pay attention to the wording. Words like "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter," it will leave the leader with the impression of indifference and lack of politeness, so it's better to say less. "Why don't you know?" This sentence can cause a lot of harm even to a close friend. If you say this to the leader, the consequences will of course be even more serious. "Thank you!" This sentence should have been said when the superiors expressed condolences or rewards to the subordinates. If you say this to the leader, it doesn't seem appropriate. "It's too late!" This sentence means that the leadership is too slow to make things go wrong. From the perspective of the leader, there must be a reproach of "Why don't you come earlier?" "It's not easy to do!" The leader assigns tasks, but you say "it's hard to do". On the one hand, it shows that you are shirking responsibility, and on the other hand, it will make the leader lose face. "You really moved me!" In fact, the word "moved"

was what the leader said to his subordinates. For example, "You work seriously and responsibly, and you are not afraid of hardship. I am very touched." It is not appropriate for the subordinates to use the word "moved" to the superiors. Respect the leader, you should say "admire". For example, "Manager,We all admire your decisiveness!" In addition, being overly polite can sometimes lead to misunderstandings. You should be cautious when talking to the leader, keep a proper balance, and consider the general situation.


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