Insufficient liver blood is a type of blood deficiency, which is often caused by insufficient liver biochemistry, chronic diseases that damage liver blood, and excessive blood loss. If liver blood is insufficient, the focus is on nourishing liver blood. Daily attention should be

2024/05/2721:23:32 regimen 1957

Insufficient liver blood is a type of blood deficiency . It is often caused by insufficient liver biochemistry, chronic disease that damages liver blood, and excessive blood loss.

In case of insufficient liver blood, the focus is on nourishing liver blood. Daily attention should be paid to emotional regulation, adequate sleep, avoiding overexertion, and maintaining a comfortable mood.

The occurrence of insufficient liver blood is mostly related to factors such as improper diet, emotional disorders, chronic illness, physical weakness, excessive blood loss and other factors.

Insufficient liver blood is a type of blood deficiency, which is often caused by insufficient liver biochemistry, chronic diseases that damage liver blood, and excessive blood loss. If liver blood is insufficient, the focus is on nourishing liver blood. Daily attention should be  - DayDayNews

So what are the specific symptoms of insufficient liver blood?

1. Dizziness

The symptoms of liver blood deficiency include dizziness and headache, dry eyes, weakened vision, decreased vision, or dry eyes, blurred vision, vertigo, and orbital pain, etc.

2. White face and pale lips.

Obvious symptoms of blood deficiency may occur, including pale and dull complexion, pale lips, lack of blood, dry skin without ruddy skin, and thready pulse.

3. Numbness of limbs and pale nails

Insufficient liver blood can manifest itself as sluggish claws and nails, including symptoms of tendons and veins. Insufficient blood circulation and lack of good nourishment of tendons and veins will easily lead to numbness of limbs and difficulty in joint flexion and extension. Condition. In addition, the symptoms of nails and may also appear, such as nails that are pale and dull, soft and thin in texture, and some may be deformed or brittle.

Insufficient liver blood is a type of blood deficiency, which is often caused by insufficient liver biochemistry, chronic diseases that damage liver blood, and excessive blood loss. If liver blood is insufficient, the focus is on nourishing liver blood. Daily attention should be  - DayDayNews

4. Women have oligomenorrhea.

Insufficient liver blood manifests in women, and may cause uterine symptoms. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that women are blood-based, and menstrual water is transformed by blood. The generation and operation of blood depend on the liver’s drainage and storage. Insufficient blood function and liver blood lead to female uterine malnutrition, which may lead to low menstrual flow, light color, amenorrhea, etc.

What to do if liver blood is insufficient? How should I make up for it?

Insufficient liver blood can easily cause dizziness, fatigue, insomnia, etc., or dry eyes, tearing in the wind, etc. Blood circulation in the liver decreases, which can easily reduce the liver's functions of nutrient absorption, metabolism, or toxin conversion and removal. Therefore, protecting the liver, The basis of nourishing the liver is also to nourish the blood.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that "the liver stores blood, and the liver is the sea of ​​blood." Moreover, the liver governs dispersion and can regulate qi and blood. Only when the liver distributes qi and blood to other organs reasonably can the functions of these organs be performed normally. Therefore, once the liver blood is insufficient, it will not only affect the health of the liver, but also easily cause diseases. So, what symptoms will appear in the body when liver blood is insufficient? The main symptoms may be as follows:

1. Dry and dull eyes

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that "the liver governs the eyes, and the liver opens the eyes." When a person has insufficient liver blood, he cannot nourish his eyes better, and dry eyes will easily occur. , the situation of unclear vision.

2. Tongue coating Light color

The tongue is like a mirror of the body. The quality of the tongue is related to the health of the body. Usually people with insufficient liver blood will also have tongue abnormalities, which are mainly manifested as the color of the tongue becoming lighter and even the tongue coating. whitish.

3. Nails are rough and easy to break

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the liver governs the tendons , and our nails are also part of the tendons. When liver blood is insufficient, our nails will become rough, lack luster, and are prone to texture and white spots. , or even break etc.

4. Physical fatigue

People with insufficient liver blood have a deficiency of Qi and blood in their body, which often manifests as fatigue and weakness, lack of energy and energy, feeling tired when doing anything, and poor energy.

5. Insomnia and Dreams

In life, many people will suffer from insomnia, but you may not know that frequent insomnia and dreaminess may also be caused by insufficient liver blood in the body. Especially for female friends, if you often have poor sleep quality, take longer to fall asleep, and have many dreams, it is very likely that you have insufficient liver blood.

Insufficient liver blood is a type of blood deficiency, which is often caused by insufficient liver biochemistry, chronic diseases that damage liver blood, and excessive blood loss. If liver blood is insufficient, the focus is on nourishing liver blood. Daily attention should be  - DayDayNews

If you have the above five symptoms, it is recommended to pay attention to it. It is best to supplement liver blood. For example, the following foods can be supplemented according to your own situation to help nourish liver blood.

1. Black sesame

Black sesame has a sweet and mild taste. It has the function of nourishing the liver and kidneys, moistening dryness and nourishing blood. It is very suitable for people with insufficient liver blood. However, since , sesame and contain a lot of fat and are difficult to digest, it is recommended to consume about 10g per day.

2. Duck blood

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that duck blood is cool in nature and returns to the liver and spleen meridian . Regular consumption can nourish liver blood and is easily absorbed by the body. It is a good choice to supplement liver blood.

3. Black plums

Sour foods have a protective effect on the liver, among which black plums are the most significant. Wumei contains a variety of organic acids, which can effectively improve liver function, thereby achieving the purpose of regulating, nourishing and protecting the liver. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that ebony is also a food that "harmens liver qi and nourishes liver blood", but it needs Appropriate amount, 2-3 pills per day is enough.

4. Lycium barbarum and red dates

Lycium barbarum is sweet in taste and neutral in nature, and enters the liver, kidney, and lung meridians, while red dates also have a certain effect of replenishing qi and blood . You can usually drink wolfberry and red dates soaked in water according to your own situation, which can nourish the liver and replenish liver blood.

Insufficient liver blood is a type of blood deficiency, which is often caused by insufficient liver biochemistry, chronic diseases that damage liver blood, and excessive blood loss. If liver blood is insufficient, the focus is on nourishing liver blood. Daily attention should be  - DayDayNews

So what should I do if the liver blood is insufficient?

1. Life management

You should pay attention to rest, do not stay up late, exercise appropriately, maintain a happy mood, eat a balanced daily diet, mainly light meals, eat warm foods, and eat more fresh vegetables and fruits.

2, Chinese medicine conditioning

You can take appropriate blood-nourishing drugs such as Siwu Decoction , Guipi Decoction , Sijunzi Decoction , Compound Ejiao Pulp , Shengxuebao Oral Liquid, etc., and take Goju Dihuang Pills to nourish liver blood and replenish blood. Liver yin, etc., or use dietary therapy such as eating chicken liver and other iron-rich animal offal to nourish the liver. At the same time, it can be combined with some traditional Chinese medicines to nourish blood and liver, such as the common donkey hide gelatin, polygonum multiflorum, angelica root, white peony root, rehmannia glutinosa, etc.

Insufficient liver blood is often manifested by blood loss and loss of liver nourishment. Dietary conditioning can be carried out by supplementing liver blood, such as using some dietary remedies to supplement insufficient liver blood.

Insufficient liver blood is a type of blood deficiency, which is often caused by insufficient liver biochemistry, chronic diseases that damage liver blood, and excessive blood loss. If liver blood is insufficient, the focus is on nourishing liver blood. Daily attention should be  - DayDayNews

So how can you adjust your diet if you have insufficient liver blood?

1. Liver-nourishing and blood-tonifying porridge

For example, ginseng porridge, chicken juice porridge, red dates and wolfberry porridge, Polygonum multiflorum porridge, lean meat black rice porridge, etc. Most of these porridges can nourish qi and blood and strengthen the spleen and stomach. It has auxiliary therapeutic effects on people with deficiency of Qi and blood, stomach deficiency, lack of food, etc.

2. Qi and blood nourishing soups

For example, you can make lily and longan soup, yellow croaker soup, crucian carp and tofu soup, Codonopsis pilosula chicken soup, red dates, pork liver and mushroom soup, Huaishan wolfberry black chicken soup, etc., including longan meat , Codonopsis pilosula. , red dates, wolfberry, etc. are rich in nutrients and can nourish qi and blood to a certain extent.

3. Eat more other liver-protecting foods

For example, you can eat chicken liver porridge, gastrodia steamed chicken liver, etc., or eat other foods that can assist in nourishing the liver, such as spinach, black sesame, fungus , pig blood, deep sea Fish, etc., and eat more fresh fruits such as mulberries, grapes, dragon fruit , etc., which can not only supplement vitamins but also promote the movement of liver blood.

People with insufficient liver blood should actively replenish both qi and blood, and use more blood-nourishing foods as food supplements. Or they can drink some chrysanthemum tea and other daily supplements to assist in liver detoxification, and take drugs that replenish qi, liver, and blood. Adjuvant treatment, etc.

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