When traveling outdoors on a hot day, if the toxins produced by heat in the body are not expelled from the body in time, it will cause heat stroke. Heat stroke is the most common illness during wilderness travel. In addition to bringing some medicines to treat heatstroke, the emp

2024/06/2303:22:33 regimen 1536

When traveling outdoors on a hot day, if the toxins produced by heat in the body are not expelled from the body in time, it will cause heat stroke. Heat stroke is the most common illness during wilderness travel. In addition to bringing some medicines to treat heatstroke, the emphasis is on prevention. If you travel under hot weather exposed to the sun for a long time, you should arrange adequate rest time and stay in a cool place. At the same time, you should pay attention to shade and cooling while traveling. You can put a wet hand towel on your head, drink more water, and open the door appropriately. Wear shorts and pants.

When traveling outdoors on a hot day, if the toxins produced by heat in the body are not expelled from the body in time, it will cause heat stroke. Heat stroke is the most common illness during wilderness travel. In addition to bringing some medicines to treat heatstroke, the emp - DayDayNews

Recently, we often watch the news, and a new term "overheating death" has been used. Now in this volatile period, everyone needs to pay attention to it. Some people think that Huoxiang Zhengqi Water is omnipotent. In fact, Huoxiang Zhengqi Water cannot be used for all symptoms and needs to be treated specifically according to the situation at that time.

When traveling outdoors on a hot day, if the toxins produced by heat in the body are not expelled from the body in time, it will cause heat stroke. Heat stroke is the most common illness during wilderness travel. In addition to bringing some medicines to treat heatstroke, the emp - DayDayNews

I have a friend who went to the beach in Weihai, Shandong Province. After returning, she developed diarrhea, dizziness, fatigue and other symptoms. She thought she had heatstroke, so she took antidiarrheal medicine and Huoxiang Zhengqi capsules for a few days. However, not only did the symptoms not improve, but his mental state also gradually deteriorated.

When traveling outdoors on a hot day, if the toxins produced by heat in the body are not expelled from the body in time, it will cause heat stroke. Heat stroke is the most common illness during wilderness travel. In addition to bringing some medicines to treat heatstroke, the emp - DayDayNews

Later I went to the hospital, and the chief Chinese physician who treated her said that the lady’s condition was indeed heatstroke, but it was a typical symptom of sunstroke. There was no point in taking Huoxiang Zhengqi capsules, which have the effect of dehumidifying and warming the body. . The famous doctor Zhang Jingyue once said: "The summer months are cold, so it is called Yin-shu; the summer months are hot, so it is called Yang-shu." "There are two types of summer, Yin and Yang, and we must distinguish them." Dr. Long introduced that whether it is Yang-shu Whether it is Yin-shu or Yin-shu, symptoms such as dizziness and headache, loss of appetite, soreness and weakness of limbs, and fever will appear, but there are essential differences between the two.

When traveling outdoors on a hot day, if the toxins produced by heat in the body are not expelled from the body in time, it will cause heat stroke. Heat stroke is the most common illness during wilderness travel. In addition to bringing some medicines to treat heatstroke, the emp - DayDayNews

Yangshu is what everyone takes for granted. It refers to heatstroke caused by long-term exposure to high temperature environments or long-term outdoor activities in summer, resulting in excessive loss of water in the body and failure to replenish it in time, resulting in an imbalance in the body's temperature regulation. , generally called "Zhongyangshu", also called "moderate heat". It often manifests as high fever, upset, thirst, profuse sweating, pale tongue with yellow coating, rapid and rapid pulse, etc. In severe cases, it can cause coma.

When traveling outdoors on a hot day, if the toxins produced by heat in the body are not expelled from the body in time, it will cause heat stroke. Heat stroke is the most common illness during wilderness travel. In addition to bringing some medicines to treat heatstroke, the emp - DayDayNews

If the above symptoms appear, it means that the heat has damaged the body. Under the guidance of a professional Chinese physician, you can choose Chinese patent medicines " Shi Dishui and Ren Dan " (forbidden for infants and pregnant women), or traditional Chinese medicine decoctions such as "Baihujia" Ginseng Decoction" " Qingshu Yiqi Decoction " etc.

When traveling outdoors on a hot day, if the toxins produced by heat in the body are not expelled from the body in time, it will cause heat stroke. Heat stroke is the most common illness during wilderness travel. In addition to bringing some medicines to treat heatstroke, the emp - DayDayNews

In addition, you can add an appropriate amount of Adenophora , American ginseng , Ophiopogon japonicus, Polygonatum to make soup in your diet to achieve the effect of replenishing qi and nourishing yin. In daily life, you can also drink mung bean soup, lotus leaf tea, and eat watermelon to relieve summer heat. However, those with weak spleen and stomach who are prone to diarrhea should use with caution.

When traveling outdoors on a hot day, if the toxins produced by heat in the body are not expelled from the body in time, it will cause heat stroke. Heat stroke is the most common illness during wilderness travel. In addition to bringing some medicines to treat heatstroke, the emp - DayDayNews

On the other hand, Yin-shu is very consistent with the characteristics of "yin". Compared with Yang-shu, which is sudden and severe, Yin-shu often starts slowly but lingers. For example, when it is extremely hot, suddenly entering an air-conditioned room and blowing a strong cool breeze, or immediately taking a cold shower, eating a lot of cold drinks, etc., will cause the originally open skin pores to shrink reflexively, trapping the heat and humidity in the body, making it difficult for the body to dissipate heat, leading to "sunstroke". Yin-shu often manifests as fever and aversion to cold, no sweat, nasal congestion runny nose , heavy head and body sleepiness, joint pain, mental fatigue, diarrhea and abdominal pain, pale tongue, thin or white greasy coating, stringy and thready pulse .

When traveling outdoors on a hot day, if the toxins produced by heat in the body are not expelled from the body in time, it will cause heat stroke. Heat stroke is the most common illness during wilderness travel. In addition to bringing some medicines to treat heatstroke, the emp - DayDayNews

To cope with the summer heat, we can eat "coix seed porridge" on a daily basis, which has the effect of strengthening the spleen and removing dampness , or drink some ginger tea to warm the body and dispel cold. In summer, people are prone to colds due to craving for cold, especially gastrointestinal cold . Symptoms include greasy tongue coating, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea. At this time, you can take Huoxiang Zhengqi Water under the guidance of a professional doctor. It should be noted that Huoxiang Zhengqi Water contains alcohol. People who are allergic to alcohol or are not suitable for drinking should choose a non-alcoholic dosage form.

When traveling outdoors on a hot day, if the toxins produced by heat in the body are not expelled from the body in time, it will cause heat stroke. Heat stroke is the most common illness during wilderness travel. In addition to bringing some medicines to treat heatstroke, the emp - DayDayNews

When we hike outdoors, especially when we carry out mountaineering activities in hot, humid and windless mountainous areas, people will suffer from heat stroke because the body cannot control the body temperature through the evaporation of sweat. The main symptoms of heat stroke are: headache, dizziness, restlessness, strong pulse, noisy breathing, body temperature that may rise above 40°C, and dry and red skin. If not treated in time, people suffering from heatstroke may lose consciousness quickly and to a severe degree, which may lead to accidents. Therefore, be sure to prepare necessary emergency supplies before departure. There are many things that can be predicted in advance.

When traveling outdoors on a hot day, if the toxins produced by heat in the body are not expelled from the body in time, it will cause heat stroke. Heat stroke is the most common illness during wilderness travel. In addition to bringing some medicines to treat heatstroke, the emp - DayDayNews

Be sure to prepare medicines to prevent and treat heatstroke before mountaineering in summer, such as ten drops of water, cooling oil, Rendan, etc. In addition, you should also prepare some refreshing drinks and sunglasses, sun hats and other heatstroke prevention equipment. In fact, there is no need to be afraid of heatstroke. As long as there are corresponding solutions, it can be alleviated. Sometimes when traveling outdoors and hiking, if you follow a suitable leader and a suitable club, many risks will be reduced to a very small extent. After all, our company has also received professional training, and because we have traveled to many places, we also have certain risks. Personal experience...

When traveling outdoors on a hot day, if the toxins produced by heat in the body are not expelled from the body in time, it will cause heat stroke. Heat stroke is the most common illness during wilderness travel. In addition to bringing some medicines to treat heatstroke, the emp - DayDayNews

Finally, I suggest that when symptoms of discomfort occur, you should go to a regular medical institution in time to accurately identify the type of heat stroke and then treat it accordingly. There are thousands of mountains and millions of waters in the world. The mountains are still there and the water is still there, but everyone’s safety always comes first and remains unchanged. Welcome everyone to pay attention to Elvis Outdoor Club. During this summer vacation, I am with you all.

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