The dog days of summer occur between the mild summer heat and the extreme summer heat. They are the hottest, humid, and sultry days of the year. They are also the time of year when you are most likely to get sick. During these 40 days, how to properly relieve the heat is a big pr

2024/06/2621:12:33 regimen 1853

The Dog Days appear between the minor heat and the extreme heat . They are the hottest, humid and sultry days of the year, and are the most likely time of the year to get sick.

During these 40 days, how to properly relieve the heat is a big problem. At this time, the weather is extremely hot and muggy. Many people choose to drink a cold drink or eat an ice cream to feel refreshed. But you may not know that drinking cold drinks and eating ice cream are more likely to cause heatstroke.

In summer, you need to perspire to keep your body temperature stable. A large glass of cold drink will convey the feeling of "my body is cool" to the human body's nervous system, thereby inhibiting the body's normal response to sweating and regulating body temperature.

The dog days of summer occur between the mild summer heat and the extreme summer heat. They are the hottest, humid, and sultry days of the year. They are also the time of year when you are most likely to get sick. During these 40 days, how to properly relieve the heat is a big pr - DayDayNews

Eating and drinking like this for a long time will cause heat to accumulate in the body and make heat stroke more likely. Compared with eating cold drinks, drinking a cup of warm water can relieve the heat.

In addition, you can also drink some soups and water that are helpful for relieving heat. It not only relieves heat, but also has a certain therapeutic effect. Today, Teacher Xiaobao will talk to you: The 40 days when you are most likely to get sick are here! As the old saying goes, "Drink four soups when you are in bed, and you won't need help from the doctor." Remember it now.

Mung bean soup is the most commonly consumed food to relieve heat in the dog days of summer. In addition, there are many foods that can also clear away heat and relieve heat.

The dog days of summer occur between the mild summer heat and the extreme summer heat. They are the hottest, humid, and sultry days of the year. They are also the time of year when you are most likely to get sick. During these 40 days, how to properly relieve the heat is a big pr - DayDayNews

1. Drink three bean soup

Mung beans, black beans, adzuki beans are boiled together to make three bean soup. It is refreshing and relieves fire, which is perfect.

Wash the mung beans, adzuki beans, and black beans, and soak them in cold water for half an hour. Put the three beans into the pot, add an appropriate amount of water, and simmer over low heat. After about forty minutes, the bean aroma will overflow and the beans become soft, add Just the right amount of brown sugar.

Traditional Chinese Medicine's "Supplements to the Outline of the Compendium" records: "Boil soup every day and eat it with children to thin out acne. If you encounter acne poison, you can also use this soup to drink it; pound it and apply it on it, and the poison will disappear on its own." It is often used in the dog days of summer. Drinking three bean soup can detoxify and reduce fire, cool and relieve fire.

2. Drinking old duck soup in the dog days of summer Old duck soup

When many people think of old duck soup, their first reaction is that it is greasy! In fact, in the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, duck meat is believed to be sweet in taste and cold in nature, and can replenish deficiency, disinfect heat, and dilute water channels.

means duck meat has the functions of nourishing deficiency, nourishing yin, clearing heat, and promoting urination. Drinking a bowl of duck soup in the dog days of summer is also a good choice to relieve the heat!

To stew old duck soup, use old ducks that are more than one year old, slaughter them, cut them into pieces, soak them in cold water for 1 hour, and then add them to the pot in cold water.

After the water boils, cook for 3 minutes. Remove the duck pieces to remove the blood and fishy smell. Then add enough water to the casserole, add green onions, ginger slices, and cooking wine, and simmer on low heat for 3 hours.

Add salt, pepper, cut white radish or winter melon half an hour before cooking. You can also add vermicelli, cooked fungus , soaked lotus seeds and other ingredients according to personal preference.

The dog days of summer occur between the mild summer heat and the extreme summer heat. They are the hottest, humid, and sultry days of the year. They are also the time of year when you are most likely to get sick. During these 40 days, how to properly relieve the heat is a big pr - DayDayNews

3. Drink Tremella Lotus Seed Soup in the Dog Days Tremella and Lotus Seed Soup

Every July and August, when the headache begins, is the best time to eat lotus seeds. During this period, fresh lotus seeds or whole lotus seeds are sold in both the north and the south.

Eating fresh lotus seeds in moderation has the benefits of enhancing the body's immunity, laxative, delaying aging, protecting cardiovascular and cerebrovascular systems, and anti-oxidation.

Prepare fresh lotus seeds, Tremella and rock sugar. Remove the roots of Tremella fuciformis, wash and chop them, and wash the lotus seeds; put water, rock sugar and other ingredients into a casserole, bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce the heat to low, and simmer until the Tremella fuciformis and lotus seeds are soft and waxy. If you put it in the refrigerator before eating it, the flavor will be better.

Teacher Xiaobao here reminds everyone that the lotus seed heart hidden in the lotus seeds can be picked out individually to make tea.

It has certain effects of lowering blood pressure, assisting in regulating arrhythmia and lowering blood pressure. Overall, it has the benefits of nourishing the mind and calming the mind, clearing away heat and reducing heat.

The dog days of summer occur between the mild summer heat and the extreme summer heat. They are the hottest, humid, and sultry days of the year. They are also the time of year when you are most likely to get sick. During these 40 days, how to properly relieve the heat is a big pr - DayDayNews

4. Drink a bowl of lotus root powder in the dog days of summer

Lotus root is a cool food, and it can even be eaten raw . It can play a very good role in clearing away heat, and can treat thirst, cough, and constipation caused by body heat. It has a very good alleviation effect on symptoms such as acne.

If you use fresh lotus roots to make lotus root starch at home, remember to choose thick, fresh lotus roots. If you find it troublesome to do it yourself, you can also buy lotus root starch and brew it, but there are also tips on how to make a delicious bowl of lotus root starch.

Prepare 20 grams of lotus root starch and a small cup of yogurt. Pour the lotus root starch and yogurt into bowls respectively. Add a small amount of mineral water or cold boiled water and stir into lotus root starch. Then pour in about 150ml of boiling water and stir while pouring.

In the dog days of summer, make a bowl of delicious soup to relieve the heat for your family. The whole family can spend these difficult 40 days comfortably.

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