As the old saying goes, "Winter nourishes the dog days and summer nourishes the dog days." This year's dog days are coming soon, starting on July 16 and ending on August 24, a total of 40 days. The dog days of summer are the hottest period of the year. The weather is hot and the

2024/06/2621:11:32 regimen 1292

As the old saying goes, "Winter nourishes the dog days, and summer nourishes the three volts." This year's dog days are coming soon, starting on July 16 and ending on August 24, a total of 40 days. The dog days of summer are the hottest period of the year. The weather is hot and the human body sweats a lot. Therefore, during this period, we must pay attention to cooling down and make some adjustments in our diet.

As the old saying goes,

After entering the ambush, I suggest that everyone can often say "3 melons, 2 beans and 1 meat". This is also a traditional eating custom left by the older generation. So what does "3 melons, 2 beans and 1 meat" refer to here? Let’s take a look with the editor below!

[3 melons]

Winter melon

Winter melon, the name can bring a bit of coolness to the body. Although the name is winter melon, it is indeed a seasonal vegetable in summer, very suitable for consumption in the dog days of summer. Winter melon is cool in nature and can be eaten regularly in hot weather to relieve the heat. It also has relatively high nutritional value. Winter melon is rich in crude fiber, high-quality water, vitamins and other nutrients. Eating 500 grams of winter melon is equivalent to consuming more than 400 grams of high-quality vitamins. It contains water, so winter melon has become a very popular vegetable for many female friends.

As the old saying goes,

[ braised winter melon ]

As the old saying goes,

1. Wash the winter melon, peel and flesh it, and cut it into 2 cm long chunks.

2. Add oil to the wok. When the oil is hot, add one star anise and a few cloves of garlic and stir-fry until fragrant. Then add the winter melon and fry until both sides are brown.

3. Add an appropriate amount of boiling water, then add salt, light soy sauce to taste, a little dark soy sauce to adjust the color, cover the pot and simmer over medium heat for 2 minutes.

4. Finally, add a little water starch to thicken the gravy, stir-fry evenly, remove from the pan, and garnish with chopped green onion.

Bitter Melon

Speaking of bitter melon, I believe many friends are familiar with it. It looks very green and delicious, but it does taste very bitter. Bitter melon is one of the seasonal vegetables in summer. It tastes bitter and is cool in nature. In the dog days of summer, eating some bitter melon can clear away heat and relieve polydipsia. Many friends are deterred by the bitterness of bitter melon. Today I will share with you a recipe that makes bitter melon not too bitter. Both adults and children love to eat it. It is very convenient to put it in the refrigerator and eat it anytime.

As the old saying goes,

[Sprite Bitter Melon]

As the old saying goes,

1. Prepare 500 grams of bitter melon, wash the bitter melon and remove the pulp inside. This pulp is the main source of the bitter taste of bitter melon.

2. Cut the peeled bitter melon into strips or slices, put it in a basin, add two small spoons of salt, stir well, kill the water for half an hour, then wash it with clean water and squeeze out the water.

3. Put the squeezed-out bitter melon into a basin, add 50 grams of white sugar, 20 grams of white vinegar, and 100 grams of bitter melon. Put it in the refrigerator and marinate for more than 2 hours before eating.


The dog days of summer are the season when large quantities of loofah are on the market. The loofah in this season is not only fresh and crisp, but also has higher nutritional value. Luffa is rich in vitamins, minerals, plant mucus and fructose gum. When the weather is hot and you have no appetite, you can make a stir-fried loofah for your family, which is delicious and appetizing.

As the old saying goes,

【Sauteed Loofah】

As the old saying goes,

1. Wash the fresh loofah and cut it into small pieces. Immediately soak the cut loofah in light salt water to prevent oxidation and blackening.

2. Add water to the pot. After the water boils, add a little cooking oil, then blanch the loofah in the pot. After boiling, cook for 20 seconds and remove. Drain the water.

3. Do not use an iron pan when frying loofah, otherwise it will easily cause the loofah to turn black. Add oil to the wok. When the oil is hot, add chopped green onion and minced garlic and stir-fry until fragrant. Then add the blanched loofah and stir-fry.

4. Stir-fry for about half a minute, add an appropriate amount of salt and MSG to taste, add a little water starch to thicken, stir-fry a few more times and it is ready to serve.

【2 beans】


After entering the hot days, many friends like to eat barbecue. Boiled edamame in many barbecue restaurants is basically a must-have at every table. Why are edamame so popular in this season? In fact, it has something to do with our dietary customs. Edamame is a seasonal vegetable in summer, and it is also a "high-potassium vegetable." The human body sweats a lot in summer, which easily causes the loss of "potassium." Eating some edamame at this time is good for the body. Very beneficial.

As the old saying goes,

[Boiled edamame]

1. Clean the fresh edamame and soak it in water for half an hour to soften the skin of the edamame and make it easier to taste.

2. Add water to the pot. After the water boils, add a lot of salt, then add star anise, peppercorns, dried chili peppers, cinnamon, and bay leaves. Cook on high heat for 3 minutes. The aroma of the spices is cooked out, then take it out and let it cool.

3. Boil another pot of water. After the water boils, add a lot of salt, add the soaked edamame, do not cover the pot, cook over high heat for 5 minutes, and cook until the edamame is broken.

4. Finally, put the cooked edamame into the cool water and soak it for half an hour before eating.

Mung beans

Mung beans are a high-quality ingredient with high protein and low fat. They are also a must-have for relieving the heat in the dog days of summer. Many friends like to make mung bean soup for their families during the dog days of summer. However, the mung bean soup they make at home is either not sandy or red in color. In fact, the method is wrong. Let me share with you a method to make mung beans come out of the sand quickly without turning red.

As the old saying goes,

[Mung Bean Soup]

1. Prepare a bowl of mung beans, wash them and add an appropriate amount of water to cover them, then put them in the refrigerator to freeze.

2. Add water to the pot and bring to a boil. Add frozen mung beans. After boiling, maintain high heat and cook for 15 minutes. Finally, add yellow rock sugar to taste.

[1 meat]


Speaking of mutton, many friends may think that mutton is more suitable to eat in winter. In fact, it is more suitable to eat mutton in the dog days of summer. "A bowl of soup for sheep is better than eating ginger; a bowl of soup for sheep does not require a doctor's prescription." I don't know if you have heard of this saying. In fact, eating mutton in the dog days can be traced back to the Yao and Shun period. To this day, this tradition is still preserved in many areas of our country.

As the old saying goes,

So what are the benefits of eating mutton in the dog days of summer? In eight words, it can be summarized as “treating heat with heat, sweating and detoxifying”. Let me share with you a mutton soup recipe suitable for home cooking.

[Mutton Soup]

1. Cut fresh mutton into large pieces of about 4-5 cm, preferably bone-in mutton. The stewed soup will be better.

2. Add water to the pot, blanch the mutton in cold water, cook over high heat for 3 minutes, then remove and drain.

3. Add oil to the wok. When the oil is hot, add the blanched mutton and stir-fry. Stir-fry the mutton until the surface is brown, then add an appropriate amount of boiling water. After boiling the pot, keep simmering over medium-high heat for 40 minutes.

4. Finally, cut the cooked mutton into small pieces, put it into a bowl, add salt and white pepper to taste, and sprinkle with chopped green onion and coriander.

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