Ms. Wei is 72 years old. She pays great attention to health care and has always been in good health. However, just last month, when Ms. Wei was chatting with her neighbors in the community, she overheard her neighbor, Uncle Zhao, saying that eating MSG can easily cause cancer. Un

2024/06/2911:03:33 regimen 1801

Ms. Wei is 72 years old this year. She pays great attention to health care and has always been in good health. However, just last month, when Ms. Wei was chatting with her neighbors in the community, she overheard her neighbor Uncle Zhao saying that eating MSG can easily cause cancer. Uncle Zhao also said, "The high incidence of cancer in our country is mainly due to the frequent consumption of MSG by Chinese people." ".

This makes Ms. Wei very scared because she always has the habit of adding MSG when cooking, and her grandson who has just entered elementary school still eats the food she cooks.

"Oh, I have the habit of adding MSG in cooking. My grandson eats it every day. What if I harm my little grandson?"

Ms. Wei is 72 years old. She pays great attention to health care and has always been in good health. However, just last month, when Ms. Wei was chatting with her neighbors in the community, she overheard her neighbor, Uncle Zhao, saying that eating MSG can easily cause cancer. Un - DayDayNews

Ms. Wei blamed herself and ran home quickly. It happened that Ms. Wei's son was at home and saw his mother running back from outside in a hurry. As soon as he got home, he went straight to the kitchen, took out the newly bought MSG a few days ago and threw it into the trash can outside. Ms. Wei's son quickly asked his mother what she did.

After hearing Ms. Wei’s statement that MSG can cause cancer, Ms. Wei’s son felt very puzzled. Obviously my family has been eating MSG for many years and nothing has happened. Everyone in my family is in good health. How come there is a claim that MSG causes cancer? Ms. Wei’s son feels that the claim that MSG causes cancer is untrue.

Ms. Wei is 72 years old. She pays great attention to health care and has always been in good health. However, just last month, when Ms. Wei was chatting with her neighbors in the community, she overheard her neighbor, Uncle Zhao, saying that eating MSG can easily cause cancer. Un - DayDayNews

In our country, MSG is very popular and can be seen in the kitchens of many families. No matter what dish you’re cooking, a little MSG can make it taste a lot more delicious. However, some people also believe that MSG is bad for human health and can easily cause cancer, and they call MSG a "harmful spirit". Is MSG, one of the seasonings, really so powerful in causing cancer? The doctor will give you the answer below.

The high incidence of cancer in my country is all caused by MSG?

Adding MSG to cooking can make the dishes taste more delicious, so it is very popular with everyone. But now some people say that MSG can easily cause cancer, and attribute the cause of cancer in my country to the habit of eating MSG. But in fact, there is no scientific basis for the claim that MSG is cancerous.

Ms. Wei is 72 years old. She pays great attention to health care and has always been in good health. However, just last month, when Ms. Wei was chatting with her neighbors in the community, she overheard her neighbor, Uncle Zhao, saying that eating MSG can easily cause cancer. Un - DayDayNews

The main ingredient of MSG is sodium glutamate. Monosodium glutamate is a natural substance that is also contained in some fruits and vegetables we often eat in our daily lives, such as grapes and tomatoes. The sodium glutamate we currently see in many foods (including MSG) is mainly obtained from fermentation of corn and rice . Therefore, MSG can be regarded as a natural food, not a synthetic chemical product. [1]

You must know that sodium glutamate itself is also a kind of amino acid that our human body needs. amino acids are important raw materials for the body's protein . If we consume MSG in moderation, it will not do any harm to the body.

Ms. Wei is 72 years old. She pays great attention to health care and has always been in good health. However, just last month, when Ms. Wei was chatting with her neighbors in the community, she overheard her neighbor, Uncle Zhao, saying that eating MSG can easily cause cancer. Un - DayDayNews

However, those who claim that MSG can cause cancer say: MSG alone does not cause cancer, but when we add MSG to stir-fry and heat the MSG, when the MSG is heated above a certain temperature, sodium glutamate will be converted into burnt rice. Sodium acetate , and sodium pyroglutamate are harmful to the human body and even cause cancer.

However, this statement still has no scientific basis and cannot be established. When sodium glutamate is heated above 120°C, it will indeed be converted into sodium pyroglutamate. However, there is currently no scientific basis to prove that sodium pyroglutamate can cause cancer.

Ms. Wei is 72 years old. She pays great attention to health care and has always been in good health. However, just last month, when Ms. Wei was chatting with her neighbors in the community, she overheard her neighbor, Uncle Zhao, saying that eating MSG can easily cause cancer. Un - DayDayNews

sodium pyroglutamic acid appears as a white crystalline powder , which has weak irritation, is basically non-toxic when used, and is not likely to cause any harm to the human body. And in our lives, the temperature of general cooking rarely exceeds 120°C. Therefore, the statement about MSG cancer is not valid.

But we need to know that after sodium glutamate is converted into sodium pyroglutamate, it easily loses its original flavor. Therefore, in order to avoid the conversion of sodium glutamate into sodium pyroglutamate, we should not add MSG too early when cooking, so as not to stir-fry for too long and induce the formation of sodium pyroglutamate. It is best to cook the dishes soon after they are cooked. Before adding MSG .

Ms. Wei is 72 years old. She pays great attention to health care and has always been in good health. However, just last month, when Ms. Wei was chatting with her neighbors in the community, she overheard her neighbor, Uncle Zhao, saying that eating MSG can easily cause cancer. Un - DayDayNews

In summary, MSG is a relatively safe condiment and does not easily cause cancer. Everyone can eat it with confidence.However, MSG is somewhat similar to table salt. MSG also has a certain salty taste. If consumed in large amounts, it can easily cause blood pressure to rise. Therefore, patients with hypertension should eat as little MSG as possible. Doctors suggest that the daily intake of MSG for ordinary people should not exceed 6g. However, since children’s bodies are still growing and developing, MSG should be used as little as possible.

Although MSG is not a carcinogen, it has nothing to do with the incidence of cancer in our country. But in fact, the high incidence of cancer in our country is still closely related to diet. In particular, the following 6 common foods have strong carcinogenic effects. For the sake of health, it is better for us to eat less. Let’s take a look at which 6 are: Grow food.

Ms. Wei is 72 years old. She pays great attention to health care and has always been in good health. However, just last month, when Ms. Wei was chatting with her neighbors in the community, she overheard her neighbor, Uncle Zhao, saying that eating MSG can easily cause cancer. Un - DayDayNews

4 kinds of foods that really cause cancer, it is better to eat less for health

1. Moldy food

In our daily life, we can often see moldy food. If food is stored for a long time, it will become moldy easily. But we must not eat moldy food, because moldy food has produced a large amount of aflatoxin , and aflatoxin is carcinogenic and has been listed as a Class 1 carcinogen by the World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer. Things .

Moreover, once moldy food is eaten, it is not only difficult to be digested and metabolized by the liver, but may also cause great damage to liver tissue, thus inducing canceration of liver tissue.. Regularly eating moldy food can easily induce liver cancer . Therefore, we should be careful to avoid eating moldy food in daily life. We should also replace and clean tableware and kitchen utensils that are prone to mold, such as wooden chopsticks and bamboo chopping boards.

Ms. Wei is 72 years old. She pays great attention to health care and has always been in good health. However, just last month, when Ms. Wei was chatting with her neighbors in the community, she overheard her neighbor, Uncle Zhao, saying that eating MSG can easily cause cancer. Un - DayDayNews

2, Pickled Food

Many people have the hobby of eating pickled food. Common pickled foods include salted fish, sauerkraut and pickles, etc. However, during the pickling process of food, it is easy to produce more nitrite. Although nitrite itself has no carcinogenic effect, it can easily combine with gastric proteins in the stomach and transform into nitrosamine. However, nitrosamines are highly carcinogenic and can easily induce gastric cancer , intestinal cancer and other cancers. [2]

The World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer has classified salted fish as a Category 1 carcinogen , and salted fish can also be regarded as a type of pickled food. A large amount of nitrite is produced during the pickling process. , which is not good for human health. Therefore, we should try to eat as little pickled food as possible, especially if the pickling time is too short, the nitrite content will be higher.

Ms. Wei is 72 years old. She pays great attention to health care and has always been in good health. However, just last month, when Ms. Wei was chatting with her neighbors in the community, she overheard her neighbor, Uncle Zhao, saying that eating MSG can easily cause cancer. Un - DayDayNews

3, alcohol

As early as 2012, alcohol was classified as a class I carcinogen by the World Health Organization . When we drink alcohol, alcohol may repeatedly damage the mucosa of the mouth and esophagus. These damaged parts will be repeatedly stimulated and repaired, which can easily cause cell proliferation and increase the risk of cancer . It is well known that drinking alcohol damages the liver. Long-term heavy drinking can easily lead to hepatitis and liver cirrhosis , further increasing the risk of cancer.

And when we drink wine, the ethanol in the wine may be decomposed into acetaldehyde under the action of alcohol dehydrogenase . Acetaldehyde can combine with the human body's DNA, causing DNA mutations, and can easily cause chronic inflammation, increasing the risk of cancer. Therefore, even a small amount of drinking is harmful to health. It is best for us not to drink at all.

Ms. Wei is 72 years old. She pays great attention to health care and has always been in good health. However, just last month, when Ms. Wei was chatting with her neighbors in the community, she overheard her neighbor, Uncle Zhao, saying that eating MSG can easily cause cancer. Un - DayDayNews

4, barbecue food

Barbecue is many people's favorite food, but barbecue is also a highly carcinogenic food. During the baking process of food, substances such as benzopyrene and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are easily produced. Both benzopyrene and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are carcinogenic, especially benzopyrene, which has been classified as a Category 1 carcinogen by the World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer. If we eat large amounts of barbecued food for a long time and consume too much benzopyrene, it can easily lead to digestive tract tumors and increase the risk of cancer.[3]

When we eat barbecue food, we should especially avoid eating the burnt parts of the food, because this part contains more substances such as benzopyrene and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. If you really want to eat barbecue food, it is recommended to reduce the amount of food you eat, and it is best to wrap the food in tin foil appropriately before grilling. This can avoid direct contact of the food with charcoal fire, and can effectively reduce the production of carcinogens such as benzopyrene.

Ms. Wei is 72 years old. She pays great attention to health care and has always been in good health. However, just last month, when Ms. Wei was chatting with her neighbors in the community, she overheard her neighbor, Uncle Zhao, saying that eating MSG can easily cause cancer. Un - DayDayNews

How can we stay away from cancer? We need to pay attention to the following 3 things

If we want to stay away from cancer, we must not only eat as little as possible the above four easily cancer-causing foods, but also pay more attention to developing healthy living habits in our daily lives. You must know that there are currently no specific drugs that can completely cure many cancers, causing cancer to have a high mortality rate. Therefore, we need to pay attention to cancer prevention and adopt some good methods to actively improve the body's resistance and enhance our anti-cancer ability. So if you want to prevent cancer, doctors recommend doing the following three things.

Ms. Wei is 72 years old. She pays great attention to health care and has always been in good health. However, just last month, when Ms. Wei was chatting with her neighbors in the community, she overheard her neighbor, Uncle Zhao, saying that eating MSG can easily cause cancer. Un - DayDayNews

If you want to actively prevent cancer, the key is to exercise more. Especially for the elderly, if the body's resistance is not good, coupled with a long period of inactivity and lack of exercise, it will be difficult to help promote the body's metabolic function and affect the nutrient absorption of food.

Moreover, lack of exercise can easily cause the body's muscles and bones to lose nutrients. Insufficient nutrition coupled with a decrease in physical fitness can easily lead to a decrease in resistance, a decrease in the body's ability to fight viruses, and an increase in the body's risk of cancer.

Ms. Wei is 72 years old. She pays great attention to health care and has always been in good health. However, just last month, when Ms. Wei was chatting with her neighbors in the community, she overheard her neighbor, Uncle Zhao, saying that eating MSG can easily cause cancer. Un - DayDayNews

Most diseases are related to improper diet. In daily life, eating foods that increase the burden on the body for a long time will easily increase the prevalence of cancer. Indiscriminate eating and overeating can easily affect our digestive system, which may induce malignant tumors of the digestive system. And just like the four foods mentioned above, if we eat them without restraint for a long time, it will increase our risk of cancer. Therefore, if we want to prevent cancer, we must pay attention to dietary rules and health .

We often say that people with a good attitude look younger. In fact, maintaining a good attitude is very important for us to maintain good health. Maintaining a good attitude helps endocrine levels to remain stable, and proper body regulation can reduce the prevalence of many diseases, which is very helpful in the prevention of cancer . Therefore, we must learn to maintain a good mood every day, face life with an optimistic attitude, and have a stable and healthy mentality.

Ms. Wei is 72 years old. She pays great attention to health care and has always been in good health. However, just last month, when Ms. Wei was chatting with her neighbors in the community, she overheard her neighbor, Uncle Zhao, saying that eating MSG can easily cause cancer. Un - DayDayNews


We must avoid getting diseases through the mouth. Although MSG does not cause cancer, in our daily lives, we must pay attention to a healthy diet and eat less of the above 6 types of foods that are easy to cause cancer. Moreover, we must actively exercise and maintain a good attitude in daily life. Only by developing a healthy lifestyle can we minimize the risk of cancer.

[Reference materials]:

[1] Will MSG cause cancer when heated above 100℃? It just doesn’t have the umami flavor[J]. Wang Shuqing. Sources of nitrite in diet and its impact on human body[J]. Food Research and Development,2016,37(03):209-213.

[3] Ruan Guangfeng. Is MSG toxic after heating?[ J]. Health Expo, 2018(8):2.

[4]Wang Lizhi. Cancer-causing foods and cancer-suppressing vegetables[J]. It is helpful to open the book: Seek medical advice , 2014.


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