Memory refers to the process of each of us storing and using the information content of our own thoughts. If the reserve is reduced or the use is impaired, this continuous process cannot be completed, resulting in memory loss, which can be manifested as short-term partial forgetf

2024/06/2614:09:33 regimen 1507

I don’t know if friends have experienced these situations in daily life: they were about to say something, but suddenly forgot it; they remembered to bring something before going out, but then they remembered it after going out; they didn’t know where to put something that was at hand just now. ...

These are the symptoms of memory loss , that is, memory loss .

To understand the reasons for memory loss in and , we must first understand what memory is.

Memory refers to the process of each of us storing and using the information content of our own thoughts. If the reserve is reduced or the use is impaired, this continuous process cannot be completed, resulting in memory loss, which can be manifested as short-term partial forgetfulness or partial forgetfulness. Manifested as comprehensive and permanent forgetfulness.

Memory refers to the process of each of us storing and using the information content of our own thoughts. If the reserve is reduced or the use is impaired, this continuous process cannot be completed, resulting in memory loss, which can be manifested as short-term partial forgetf - DayDayNews

Is memory loss a disease?

Memory loss is a symptom that can appear in both physiological and pathological states. Therefore, memory loss itself is not a disease. In each of our lives, whether it is physiological aging or pathological reasons, Everyone may have experienced "memory loss" to one degree or another. The early symptoms of certain diseases can be prominent

and manifest as memory loss, such as Alzheimer's disease; but conversely, the occurrence of memory loss does not necessarily mean that you are suffering from Alzheimer's disease, but may be a physiological and transient memory loss. , such as forgetting tomorrow's work arrangements or appointments with others when you are overtired or depressed, but you can usually recover quickly.

Memory refers to the process of each of us storing and using the information content of our own thoughts. If the reserve is reduced or the use is impaired, this continuous process cannot be completed, resulting in memory loss, which can be manifested as short-term partial forgetf - DayDayNews

Why are middle-aged and elderly people prone to memory loss?

After normal human beings enter middle-aged and old age, the brain gradually undergoes degenerative changes, cerebral arteries become hardened, the function of synapses of neurons in the brain decreases, and the overall function of the brain declines, so memory loss is prone to occur, which can be manifested as forgetfulness. , forgetting what has happened before and forgetting what happened recently or just now, but can often remember things that happened many years ago.

Research has found that the human body's best memory appears around the age of twenty. After that, as age increases, brain function gradually declines, especially after the age of forty; in addition, continued work and life pressure and sudden life stress Irritating events (such as huge trauma and blow) and bad living habits (excessive smoking and drinking) can also cause temporary memory loss. Therefore, once you enter middle-aged and old age, due to the physiological brain function degradation itself, if there are other inducements at the same time, such as cerebral arteriosclerosis and bad living habits caused by high blood pressure , symptoms of memory loss will easily occur. If you do not If we pay attention to it, remove the triggers, and let it develop, it may eventually turn into pathological memory loss or even dementia.

Memory refers to the process of each of us storing and using the information content of our own thoughts. If the reserve is reduced or the use is impaired, this continuous process cannot be completed, resulting in memory loss, which can be manifested as short-term partial forgetf - DayDayNews

Are the forgetfulness and memory loss we often talk about the same thing?

As age increases, the brain, like other organs of the human body, will gradually age, leading to memory loss. The main manifestation is recent memory loss, which often manifests as remembering something and not being able to remember it for a while. Thinking about it again, or remembering it after being reminded and contacted, such as often forgetting where the items are placed, difficulty remembering the name and address of the guest, unable to remember where the items were purchased, etc., while long-term memory and immediate memory are normal. Intelligence is not affected, there is no obstacle to social activities, and it will not affect life and work. They can not only take care of their own lives, but also take care of their families. Although their memory has declined, their ability to understand and judge major events has not diminished. Medically, this is called "age-related memory loss," which is what we often call "age-related memory loss." "Forgetfulness" is a physiological phenomenon of brain aging in normal elderly people, which develops slowly.

Many friends will ask, if it’s just memory loss, why do we need to take blood tests, and why does the doctor ask for a referral to a psychology department?

Blood test is an important means and method to find out the cause of memory loss. In addition to the most routine tests such as blood routine, liver and kidney function, and electrolytes, blood folic acid, vitamin B12, thyroid function, etc. also need to be checked for abnormalities. Therefore, the purpose of examining these related laboratory tests is to rule out other causes of memory loss and help diagnose and differentially diagnose related diseases.

In addition, some patients with memory loss are mainly caused by depression and other reasons. In this case, after antidepressant treatment, the condition will be significantly improved, and the memory will also be significantly improved.

Memory refers to the process of each of us storing and using the information content of our own thoughts. If the reserve is reduced or the use is impaired, this continuous process cannot be completed, resulting in memory loss, which can be manifested as short-term partial forgetf - DayDayNews

What are the treatments for memory loss?

First of all, it is necessary to clarify the causes of memory decline, such as lack of nutrients, insomnia, high mental stress, drug abuse, etc. If it is caused by the above reasons, you can try to make symptomatic adjustments without taking medicine first, such as supplementing with corresponding nutrients. Such as vitamin B group and amino acids , adjust and improve sleep, relax your mental state, quit drinking, stop taking certain drugs, etc.

If memory loss is accompanied by other phenomena, such as obvious headaches, dizziness, physical weakness, numbness, personality changes, etc., you need to go to the hospital for treatment. It is necessary to treat different causes, be careful to prevent the symptoms from getting worse, and use appropriate medications. In addition, you should also pay attention to emotional regulation to avoid being in a state of anxiety and depression for a long time.

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The content is excerpted from Chen Shengdi, editor-in-chief of "Getting Out of the Misunderstandings of Medical Treatment"

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