Emphysema is a serious respiratory disease of the lungs. Due to various reasons, the elasticity of the alveolar walls deteriorates, which increases the air content in the lungs and ultimately causes difficulty in breathing. Patients with mild emphysema have no obvious symptoms in

2024/06/2708:23:33 regimen 1199

Emphysema is a serious lung respiratory disease.

Due to various reasons, the elasticity of the alveolar walls deteriorates.

It is a chronic disease of the respiratory system that increases the air content in the lungs, eventually causing difficulty in breathing.

Emphysema is a serious respiratory disease of the lungs. Due to various reasons, the elasticity of the alveolar walls deteriorates, which increases the air content in the lungs and ultimately causes difficulty in breathing. Patients with mild emphysema have no obvious symptoms in - DayDayNews

Patients with mild emphysema have no obvious early symptoms, and may even be found during a physical examination without any obvious symptoms.

This situation generally does not require special treatment. They must quit bad habits and require regular follow-up.

Emphysema is a serious respiratory disease of the lungs. Due to various reasons, the elasticity of the alveolar walls deteriorates, which increases the air content in the lungs and ultimately causes difficulty in breathing. Patients with mild emphysema have no obvious symptoms in - DayDayNews

When emphysema is severe, the ventilation function is obstructed, and the chest is over-inflated, resulting in a barrel-shaped chest,

, which causes the patient to experience symptoms such as chest tightness, shortness of breath, , and dyspnea.

At this time, the patient needs to communicate with the doctor in a timely manner, and according to the treatment plan , timely treatment.



Abdominal breathing method :

The patient chooses a comfortable position, relaxes the whole body and slowly exhales and inhales.

Abdominal breathing training can increase the up and down movement of the diaphragm. ,

breathe deeply and slowly, and can obviously Improve ventilation function.

Emphysema is a serious respiratory disease of the lungs. Due to various reasons, the elasticity of the alveolar walls deteriorates, which increases the air content in the lungs and ultimately causes difficulty in breathing. Patients with mild emphysema have no obvious symptoms in - DayDayNews

Walking exercise:

Alternate between walking and fast walking, adjust according to your own physical strength, and improve cardiopulmonary function.

Emphysema is a serious respiratory disease of the lungs. Due to various reasons, the elasticity of the alveolar walls deteriorates, which increases the air content in the lungs and ultimately causes difficulty in breathing. Patients with mild emphysema have no obvious symptoms in - DayDayNews

Tai Chi :

Tai Chi is a physical and mental exercise recognized by traditional Chinese medicine to exercise lung function.

is very beneficial to patients with weak lung function.

Emphysema is a serious respiratory disease of the lungs. Due to various reasons, the elasticity of the alveolar walls deteriorates, which increases the air content in the lungs and ultimately causes difficulty in breathing. Patients with mild emphysema have no obvious symptoms in - DayDayNews



Quit smoking:

Long-term smoking is the main cause of emphysema.

Continued smoking will seriously irritate the airway and continue to swell, thus aggravating the condition.

Control the original disease:

Emphysema patients often develop from early chronic diseases,

such as bronchial asthma or chronic bronchitis, etc.,

Reduce the harm of emphysema, The most important thing that cannot be ignored is control infection of the primary disease, thereby preventing further progression of emphysema.

Doctor’s Tips: Therefore, emphysema is not a terminal disease, but the probability of emphysema disease increases with age, making treatment more difficult;

Therefore, maintain control and treatment and timely preventing is the key to emphysema.

picture source | Visual China

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