Recently, there was a patient named Zhang, a 28-year-old female who works in an Internet company. I usually work under a lot of pressure, I often work overtime and stay up late, and my diet is irregular.

2024/06/2911:07:32 regimen 1204

Recently there was a patient named Zhang, a 28-year-old female who works in an Internet company. I usually work under a lot of pressure, I often work overtime and stay up late, and my diet is irregular. In addition, my lover often travels on business and is not around, so I can only endure a lot of emotions and pressure silently. Finally, in the physical examination organized by the company last year, thyroid nodule was detected. Because there were no symptoms of discomfort, and the nodule was also benign, the patient did not pay much attention to it. He just followed the doctor's instructions at the time and had regular reviews without any treatment.

But recently, I suddenly felt some discomfort and swelling in my neck, so I went to the hospital for a review. The results showed that the nodule had grown a lot and had reached level 3. At this time, the patient felt that he should pay more attention to it, so So I told my lover that I had nodules. The patient's lover was very concerned and felt that treatment should be done as soon as possible, so he came to our hospital and found me to see what treatment options were available.

Recently, there was a patient named Zhang, a 28-year-old female who works in an Internet company. I usually work under a lot of pressure, I often work overtime and stay up late, and my diet is irregular. - DayDayNews

I re-examined the patient and determined that the nodule was benign in nature and had not yet become malignant, so microwave ablation could be performed. Because the patient is young and female, microwave ablation is most suitable for this patient, thus avoiding scarring after traditional excision surgery. After the ablation, the patient asked me, why are there so many thyroid diseases now? In fact, it has something to do with our living habits and the advancement of inspection technology.

1. Progress in examination equipment

Nowadays, medical technology is advancing rapidly, and the sophistication of examination equipment has also been greatly improved. For example, the accuracy and sensitivity of ultrasound examinations are much better than in the past. Even small nodules of 2-3 mm can be clearly detected, leading to previously undetected diseases such as thyroid nodules (including thyroid microcarcinoma etc.) are easily discovered.

2, Thyroid screening is popular

In the past, the neck was not a screening item for routine physical examination. Now that thyroid color ultrasound has become popular, relatively more cases have been screened out. The increase in the incidence of thyroid diseases due to improved diagnostic technology is not necessarily a bad thing. Early detection and diagnosis will help improve the cure rate. Even if thyroid cancer is detected, there is no need to worry too much. More than 90% of it can be cured.

Recently, there was a patient named Zhang, a 28-year-old female who works in an Internet company. I usually work under a lot of pressure, I often work overtime and stay up late, and my diet is irregular. - DayDayNews

Who is prone to thyroid nodules?

1. People with hormone disorders

According to clinical research in recent years, the higher the level of estrogen in the body, the more likely thyroid disease will occur. This is also the reason why the proportion of women suffering from thyroid disease is higher than that of men. Moreover, women are more prone to mood swings and changeable temperaments. People who stay up late or take hormonal drugs or estrogen supplements improperly will cause hormonal disorders in the body. In particular, staying up late will lower the body's resistance, causing the immune system to be unable to detect nodules in time, making thyroid nodules more likely to develop later. be found.

2. People who suffer from thyroid disease but do not treat it.

If you suffer from thyroid-related diseases, such as chronic thyroiditis, thyroid tumors, , goiter... but do not treat it, under such conditions, thyroid cells will be damaged for a long time. The cells cannot be effectively restored, and the diseased cells continue to divide and even undergo DNA mutations, eventually leading to the occurrence of thyroid nodules and thyroid cancer.

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#thyroid# #How to deal with thyroid nodules found during physical examination# #thyroid examination#

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