After a tiring day, many women want to take a hot bath when they get home. This can relax the body and relieve fatigue. Especially when the weather is hot, the body is prone to sweating, so Female friends basically take a shower once a day.

2024/06/2314:33:32 regimen 1100

After a tiring day, many women want to take a hot bath when they get home. This can relax the body and relieve fatigue. Especially when the weather is hot, the body is prone to sweating. So female friends basically take a shower once a day.

Why is it convenient for women to stand while taking a shower?

First: Conditioned reflex

In fact, this is not a quirk, it is just a conditioned reflex. For example, when you see sour food, your mouth will secrete saliva unconsciously. When taking a bath, the sound of running water is very similar to the sound of urination, and the brain will Create an association with the sound of urination. When the faucet is opened, the sound of running water stimulates the brain and associates it with the process of urination, which can easily lead to the urge to urinate.

After a tiring day, many women want to take a hot bath when they get home. This can relax the body and relieve fatigue. Especially when the weather is hot, the body is prone to sweating, so Female friends basically take a shower once a day. - DayDayNews

Second: It is more convenient

When taking a shower, the body is already soaked. Because of the body structure, the urine will remain with the thighs. It can be cleaned in time without other odors or soiling of clothes, so in order to Convenient, many women will urinate standing up when they feel the urge to urinate in the shower.

Third: curiosity drives

Because women need to squat down to urinate every day, many women will try to pee standing up when taking a shower because of curiosity. It doesn’t matter even if they pee on their legs during the shower. , rinse it off directly.

After a tiring day, many women want to take a hot bath when they get home. This can relax the body and relieve fatigue. Especially when the weather is hot, the body is prone to sweating, so Female friends basically take a shower once a day. - DayDayNews

After a tiring day, many women want to take a hot bath when they get home. This can relax the body and relieve fatigue. Especially when the weather is hot, the body is prone to sweating, so Female friends basically take a shower once a day. - DayDayNews1

Is it good or bad for girls to urinate while standing?

One: odor residue

When a girl urinates while standing, due to the particularity of the physiological structure, part of the urine will flow along the roots of the thighs to the soles of the girl's feet. If it cannot be removed in time, Rinsing the urine will result in a small amount of urine odor remaining on women's bodies, affecting their personal image.

Second: Aggravating infection

Due to the special physiological structure of girls, when urinating while standing, a small amount of urine will enter the private parts, which will increase the chance of infection and induce gynecological inflammation.

After a tiring day, many women want to take a hot bath when they get home. This can relax the body and relieve fatigue. Especially when the weather is hot, the body is prone to sweating, so Female friends basically take a shower once a day. - DayDayNews

Third: Cause bacterial infection

If most women often urinate standing up while taking a bath, it is very likely that the residual urine will flow into the private parts. If there is no habit of cleaning the private parts, it is easy to cause bacterial infection.

Harmful substances in urine can also cause urethritis , which can affect the urethra and uterus. In daily life, it is recommended to empty the urine before taking a bath and try to avoid urinating while standing. Way.

After a tiring day, many women want to take a hot bath when they get home. This can relax the body and relieve fatigue. Especially when the weather is hot, the body is prone to sweating, so Female friends basically take a shower once a day. - DayDayNews

How to avoid gynecological diseases:

After a tiring day, many women want to take a hot bath when they get home. This can relax the body and relieve fatigue. Especially when the weather is hot, the body is prone to sweating, so Female friends basically take a shower once a day. - DayDayNews: Do regular gynecological examinations

Many people do not care about regular physical examinations. They think that good health does not require spending money on physical examinations. Physical examinations are very necessary. Many irreversible diseases are caused by urination. Come.

If you have regular physical examinations every year, you can detect diseases in time, and achieve early detection and early treatment. Don't wait until a minor illness becomes a serious illness before you treat it. This will not be worth the gain.

After a tiring day, many women want to take a hot bath when they get home. This can relax the body and relieve fatigue. Especially when the weather is hot, the body is prone to sweating, so Female friends basically take a shower once a day. - DayDayNews

After a tiring day, many women want to take a hot bath when they get home. This can relax the body and relieve fatigue. Especially when the weather is hot, the body is prone to sweating, so Female friends basically take a shower once a day. - DayDayNews: Eat less sugar and sweets

Many women like to eat sweets and sugar during menstrual period, which not only makes people become obese, but also increases the risk of yeast infection.

Therefore, sugar intake needs to be controlled. When buying food, look at the nutritional label and choose low-sugar or sugar-free foods. In addition, avoid processed carbohydrates and wine, which are also high in sugar.

After a tiring day, many women want to take a hot bath when they get home. This can relax the body and relieve fatigue. Especially when the weather is hot, the body is prone to sweating, so Female friends basically take a shower once a day. - DayDayNews

3: Gynecological tumors

Gynecological tumors are more related to drug abuse, so you should pay attention to safety and avoid promiscuity, pay attention to personal hygiene, avoid incorrect use of hormonal drugs, eat regularly, participate in more exercises, and enhance resistance. Get regular physical exams.

4: Choose comfortable underwear

Underwear is a very private item, an object in direct contact with the reproductive organs, so it is important to prevent gynecological problems and materials.

Many uninformed women care too much about the style when buying underwear, but ignore the internal material and breathability, which leads to various gynecological diseases.

It is best to choose pure cotton material and light color. It is not recommended to choose underwear that is too tight as it is not breathable.

After a tiring day, many women want to take a hot bath when they get home. This can relax the body and relieve fatigue. Especially when the weather is hot, the body is prone to sweating, so Female friends basically take a shower once a day. - DayDayNews

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