According to the latest survey of Chinese women by the World Health Organization, 96% of married women will suffer from gynecological diseases, which are only classified into severity. About 41% of women of childbearing age also have gynecological diseases of varying severity.

2024/06/2621:04:33 regimen 1795

Did you know that gynecological diseases are becoming more and more rampant nowadays and are on an increasing trend every year? It is not an exaggeration to say this.

According to the latest survey of Chinese women by the World Health Organization , 96% of married women will suffer from gynecological diseases, which are only classified into severity. About 41% of women of childbearing age also have gynecological diseases of varying severity. This set of data means that gynecological diseases have almost become diseases that often accompany women, and they are getting younger and younger.

According to the latest survey of Chinese women by the World Health Organization, 96% of married women will suffer from gynecological diseases, which are only classified into severity. About 41% of women of childbearing age also have gynecological diseases of varying severity. - DayDayNews

What are gynecological diseases and what are the symptoms of them?

Gynecological diseases, the main diseased parts are the uterus, reproductive tract and other parts of women. When these parts are invaded by bacteria that can cause disease, inflammation caused by infection occurs, which is gynecological inflammation. Once it happens, it will not only be a torture to your body, but also affect your life and work.

Common gynecological inflammations are vaginitis, cervicitis, pelvic inflammatory disease, etc., which can lead to women's abnormal menstruation, dysmenorrhea, bleeding after amenorrhea, etc., and often feel to backache, especially It's on both sides of the back of the waist, and sometimes the legs also feel sore. The frequency of urination increases and there is a tingling sensation when urinating.

At the same time, women can take a look at the underwear they change every day. Most gynecological inflammations will have abnormal white bands, the color changes from transparent or milky white to light yellow, which looks like tofu , and may also have blood streaks. If the reproductive tract is a little itchy or painful, it is best to go to the hospital for examination to prevent gynecological diseases.

According to the latest survey of Chinese women by the World Health Organization, 96% of married women will suffer from gynecological diseases, which are only classified into severity. About 41% of women of childbearing age also have gynecological diseases of varying severity. - DayDayNews

Gynecological is a "privilege" for female friends. Once you have it, it will be difficult to stay away. If it is not treated in time, it will worsen the disease and cause more serious diseases, causing many women to have headaches. Especially in summer, the weather is hot and humid, coupled with the unique position of the buttocks, which makes it difficult to ventilate, and the "blessing" of urine, feces and reproductive tract secretions, it is easy for bacteria to breed and cause gynecological diseases.

If you want to "stay away" from gynecological diseases, stick to 3 good habits

According to the latest survey of Chinese women by the World Health Organization, 96% of married women will suffer from gynecological diseases, which are only classified into severity. About 41% of women of childbearing age also have gynecological diseases of varying severity. - DayDayNews. Don't treat "panty liners" as treasures, change underwear frequently

Use panty liners one or two days before menstruation to prevent menstrual blood from contaminating underwear, which will not be washed off. A pair of underwear will be wasted. But some women don’t know whether they really have mysophobia or they don’t want to wash their underwear at night, so they often use panty liners. The pads look white and clean, but in fact they are very airtight. In addition to women who often sit and work for long periods of time, their buttocks are not easily breathable, which can easily lead to the accumulation of bacteria and gynecological inflammation.

Although underwear cannot be changed at any time during the day, underwear made of pure cotton, silk and other fabrics are very breathable. Even if there are bacteria, they will not be stuffy and provide conditions for them to breed. At best, I can just wash it when I take a shower at night, it won't be a hassle.

According to the latest survey of Chinese women by the World Health Organization, 96% of married women will suffer from gynecological diseases, which are only classified into severity. About 41% of women of childbearing age also have gynecological diseases of varying severity. - DayDayNews

. Develop the habit of going to the toilet and don’t hold it in.

When your body feels the urge to urinate, you should quickly go to the toilet to eliminate it. Don’t hold it in. Although the bladder is elastic you can hold it in if you want to, but it is "difficult" for the bladder. Over time, the urinary storage function of the bladder will become worse. You will feel like having a little urine. The toilet can even cause urinary incontinence.

Although urine is mostly made of water, it also contains toxins and bacteria. Holding back urine will cause bacteria to stay in the body, causing urinary tract and reproductive tract infections, and causing gynecological inflammation. To avoid the worst outcome, it is best not to hold your urine.

. Pay attention to personal hygiene and be clean.

Women are also famous for their love of cleanliness. Parts like the buttocks are well cleaned when taking a shower every day. In fact, just wash them with running water and it will be fine. When taking a bath in summer, you will use shower gel and to wash your hair and body, which is enough. However, some women will also use soap and cleaning fluid for cleaning. Although it is clean, most cleaning products are alkaline and will destroy the acid-base balance of women's private parts. While cleaning the germs, they will also Washing away the beneficial bacteria will make it easier to cause gynecological diseases.

Nowadays, gynecological diseases are highly prevalent among women in our country. The most direct way to prevent them is to do gynecological health regularly. Even if inflammation is discovered, if it is discovered early, it will be cured earlier and better.

Common gynecological examinations include

Leucorrhea routine: This examination can know whether there are any abnormalities in your reproductive tract, such as Cleanliness is not up to standard, whether there are germs etc. Check it once a year.

Uterine color Doppler ultrasound: This examination can determine whether you are suffering from uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts and other diseases. At the same time, it can help doctors determine the severity, size and location of the disease, so that it is better to prescribe the right medicine for treatment.

Cervical smear: Take some cervical cells and secretions for testing to see if there are Trichomonas , Candida, herpes simplex virus and other harmful microorganisms. However, this examination requires putting medical equipment into the woman's body. In the body, women who have not had sex are not recommended to check .

Gynecological bimanual examination: The doctor will examine the female reproductive tract to see if you have genital warts, cervical polyps and other diseases, because these diseases require naked eye diagnosis, but unmarried women can Anal diagnosis is to see the rectal diagnosis.

Especially the following women should pay attention to physical examination!

Women with irregular menstruation : It may be Uterine fibroids and decreased luteal function

Women with reproductive tract itching: It may be diabetes , but it may also be due to endocrine reasons, and it cannot be avoided that it is a gynecological disease.

Women with lower abdominal pain: The pain is persistent and may be dysmenorrhea, but it may also be other gynecological inflammations.

Menopause is approaching and women after the age of 50: decline in physical fitness, hormone secretion disorders, and ovarian decline are the periods of high incidence of gynecological tumors. It is best to have a gynecological examination half a year or a year to prevent serious consequences.

According to the latest survey of Chinese women by the World Health Organization, 96% of married women will suffer from gynecological diseases, which are only classified into severity. About 41% of women of childbearing age also have gynecological diseases of varying severity. - DayDayNews

In summary, gynecological inflammation is highly prevalent nowadays. In addition to paying good attention to physical hygiene, women must also have the habit of regular physical examinations. This will seriously affect their health and life.


1. "Nine out of ten women suffer from inflammation"?! Gynecological inflammation is high in summer! Women must remember these words 2022-07-09 10:39 · Health Daily

2. The incidence rate of common gynecological diseases is as high as 87.6%, and women are prone to it. Don’t be an afterthought when suffering from these gynecological diseases. Original2020-07-13 18:39·Health plus

3. What does a gynecological examination check? How to check?2020-11-13 08:11·Doctor’s Report on Women and Children’s Channel

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