Girls have stricter control over their body figures and do not allow themselves to suddenly gain weight. As soon as I find that I am getting fatter, I will try my best to lose weight. But sometimes you will find that no matter how hard you try to lose weight, the areas you want t

2024/06/2621:10:32 regimen 1211

Girls have strict control over their body figures and do not allow themselves to suddenly become fat. As soon as I find that I am getting fatter, I will try my best to lose weight. But sometimes you will find that no matter how hard you try to lose weight, the areas you want to lose weight are not noticeable.

In fact, sometimes it may not be caused by obesity, but may be caused by something strange in the body.

Women become fat in 2 places, mostly because the uterus is "troublesome"

01 The abdomen is fatter

Every woman wants to have a "small waist". If in the process of losing weight, the abdomen is not easily injured, or the abdomen becomes fatter. If the abdominal fat is reduced, there may be problems with the health of the uterus.

For example: cold palace may lead to abdominal obesity. "Thermal expansion and cold contraction" will affect the blood circulation of the uterine blood vessels when the uterus is cold. When the blood circulation is blocked, it will affect the consumption of abdominal fat and the elimination of abdominal toxins, which will appear over time. The phenomenon of abdominal obesity.

Girls have stricter control over their body figures and do not allow themselves to suddenly gain weight. As soon as I find that I am getting fatter, I will try my best to lose weight. But sometimes you will find that no matter how hard you try to lose weight, the areas you want t - DayDayNews

02 The upper body becomes fat

If a girl’s upper body is fatter, she will look very fat. However, in addition to natural obesity causing the upper body to become obese, abnormalities in the uterus of women can also cause the upper body to become obese.

Because when the uterus is abnormal, it will more or less affect the normal menstruation. When menstruation is disordered, it will affect the elimination of menstrual blood in the body, so toxins and garbage in the body will accumulate in the body for a long time.. Over time, it will affect women's metabolism.

When metabolism is abnormal, it will affect the conversion of nutrients in the body and the consumption of fat in the body, causing fat to accumulate in the body, thus causing abdominal obesity.

If you have good living habits and suddenly appear obese in these two parts, you need to pay attention and check your uterus to see if there is any abnormality.

In fact, there are many "barometers" that represent the health of the uterus. Not only can you use the above two parts to understand the health of the uterus, you can also judge whether the uterus is healthy through the following performances.

The hair becomes strong

The "uterus" is a representative of women's health, but the secretion of estrogen is also a representative of uterine health. Therefore, when there is a problem with the uterus, the secretion of estrogen in the body will also be abnormal, causing the male hormone and to take the dominant position. At this time, women's hair will become strong. In addition, when there are too many male hormones in a woman's body, in addition to having strong hair, she may also suffer from polycystic ovary syndrome , which will affect women's fertility.

Girls have stricter control over their body figures and do not allow themselves to suddenly gain weight. As soon as I find that I am getting fatter, I will try my best to lose weight. But sometimes you will find that no matter how hard you try to lose weight, the areas you want t - DayDayNews

Women who have an unhealthy uterus will appear older than their peers. Women will look older. Because when the uterus is abnormal, it will affect the elimination of toxins in the body. When toxins accumulate in the body, it will affect a woman's beauty, such as: wrinkles become more numerous, pores become enlarged, acne occurs, the skin becomes dull, etc.

are more likely to suffer from gynecological diseases

The uterus is in a "sub-healthy" state for a long time, and if it cannot be adjusted in time, the uterus will become increasingly unhealthy. In the long run, it may cause gynecological diseases.

If you don’t want to be attacked by gynecological diseases, you need to protect your uterus and don’t do things that harm the health of your uterus easily, such as: frequently eating cold and raw food, staying up late for a long time, etc.

Irregular bleeding

If bleeding occurs during non-menstrual periods, or if the amount of bleeding is large or small during menstruation, there may be a problem with the uterus. If uterine fibroids may cause irregular bleeding in women.Under normal circumstances, menstrual flow is between 20 and 60 ml. If it is more than 80 or less than 20, it is abnormal.

Girls have stricter control over their body figures and do not allow themselves to suddenly gain weight. As soon as I find that I am getting fatter, I will try my best to lose weight. But sometimes you will find that no matter how hard you try to lose weight, the areas you want t - DayDayNews

I wonder if you will have such doubts when you see your upper body getting fatter. Since upper body obesity may be caused by uterine abnormalities, is lower body obesity also related to some kind of disease?

Lower body obesity has nothing to do with disease. , mainly related to these reasons, such as:

Genetic reasons: If the upper body is thinner and the lower body is fatter, it may not necessarily be caused by a certain disease, but may be related to genetics. If both parents are obese in the lower body, the probability of their children being obese in the lower body is 75%; if one of them is obese in the lower body. The probability of children having lower body obesity is 60%.

In addition to genetics, obesity in the lower body may also be related to bad living habits.. If it cannot be corrected in time, the lower body may become fatter and fatter, such as:

·Sitting or standing for a long time: Usually for a long time If you can't sit still or stand for a long time, it will affect blood circulation in the stationary state and also affect the consumption of fat in the legs, causing fat to accumulate in the lower body, resulting in lower body obesity.

·Crossing the legs: This action is a classic action that many office workers like. But this behavior is bad for your health. Crossing your legs for a long time will affect blood circulation and cause blood to stay in the legs. At this time, edema in the lower body will occur. As a result, my lower body becomes fatter and fatter.

Girls have stricter control over their body figures and do not allow themselves to suddenly gain weight. As soon as I find that I am getting fatter, I will try my best to lose weight. But sometimes you will find that no matter how hard you try to lose weight, the areas you want t - DayDayNews

· Endocrine disorders: Frequent staying up late, eating irregularly, and being unhealthy will lead to endocrine abnormalities in the body. This time may lead to endocrine disorders. Endocrine disorders can easily lead to fat accumulation, leading to obesity in the lower body.

Summary: Body shape is indeed very important to us girls, but we cannot blindly lose weight. If local obesity occurs in daily life, it is not necessarily caused by gaining weight, but may be related to disease and living habits.

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