The heart is very fragile at certain moments. Today, Dr. Ha has listed for everyone the 8 behaviors that are most likely to cause cardiovascular events in life. Everyone must be careful and careful! 1. Overeating and overeating are very detrimental to patients with heart disease

2024/06/2412:38:32 regimen 1236

The heart is very fragile at certain times. Today, Dr. Ha has listed for everyone the 8 behaviors that are most likely to cause cardiovascular events in life. Everyone must be careful and careful!

1 Overeating

Overeating is very detrimental to patients with heart disease and will hit the heart in many ways.

After overeating, the gastro-coronary reflex may occur, that is, the expansion of the stomach causes reflex contraction of the coronary arteries, resulting in coronary artery blood supply reduction and further myocardial ischemia .

Overeating can also induce increased sympathetic nerve excitability, adrenaline and other hormone secretions, causing increased heart rate, blood pressure, and myocardial oxygen consumption. If coronary heart disease already exists, it can induce acute Ischemic attack .

After eating a high-fat diet, the level of blood lipids will be significantly increased, resulting in increased blood viscosity, making blood clots more likely to form.

The heart is very fragile at certain moments. Today, Dr. Ha has listed for everyone the 8 behaviors that are most likely to cause cardiovascular events in life. Everyone must be careful and careful! 1. Overeating and overeating are very detrimental to patients with heart disease  - DayDayNews

2 Sitting for too long

For every hour of sitting, the chance of blood vessel blockage will increase by 14%. Sitting for a long time without exercise is not conducive to blood circulation in blood vessels, aggravates the deposition of atherosclerotic plaques in blood vessels, leading to stenosis or even blockage of blood vessels.

The heart is very fragile at certain moments. Today, Dr. Ha has listed for everyone the 8 behaviors that are most likely to cause cardiovascular events in life. Everyone must be careful and careful! 1. Overeating and overeating are very detrimental to patients with heart disease  - DayDayNews

How to reduce the damage caused by sitting for a long time? You can find the answer in the previous article: How to offset the harm caused by sitting for a long time?

3 Bathing time is too long

Whether you are taking a bath or showering, the time should be controlled to about 10 minutes.

Although hot baths can dilate blood vessels and accelerate blood circulation, taking a bath for too long can easily cause hypotension and lead to dizziness when standing and other conditions. Especially elderly patients are more likely to have accidents and fall down. , there may also be more dangerous secondary injuries.

In addition, overheating or overcooling water temperature will cause the contraction of blood vessels in the skin, increase the burden on blood vessels and the heart, and increase the risk of cardiovascular events.

The heart is very fragile at certain moments. Today, Dr. Ha has listed for everyone the 8 behaviors that are most likely to cause cardiovascular events in life. Everyone must be careful and careful! 1. Overeating and overeating are very detrimental to patients with heart disease  - DayDayNews

Therefore, it is recommended that you adjust the appropriate temperature (about 38℃~40℃, a little higher or lower is okay according to personal habits), and control the bathing time!

4 Waking up too fast

In the morning, the human body secretes some hormones that wake up the body, which will put a certain amount of pressure on the heart. After a night's sleep, the body is often in a state of dehydration, blood viscosity is high, increasing the risk of myocardial infarction.

So get up slowly and drink a glass of water immediately after getting up, which is very helpful in preventing heart risks in the morning.

The heart is very fragile at certain moments. Today, Dr. Ha has listed for everyone the 8 behaviors that are most likely to cause cardiovascular events in life. Everyone must be careful and careful! 1. Overeating and overeating are very detrimental to patients with heart disease  - DayDayNews

5 The amount of exercise has increased dramatically

I don’t have time on weekdays, so crazy exercise on weekends has probably become the normal life of some “pseudo-fitness people”. But about 6% of heart disease is related to a sharp increase in physical activity, especially running horses and lifting iron without any protection, which are very dangerous behaviors.

Exercise should be done step by step, within your ability, make a plan that suits you, and develop regular exercise habits.

The heart is very fragile at certain moments. Today, Dr. Ha has listed for everyone the 8 behaviors that are most likely to cause cardiovascular events in life. Everyone must be careful and careful! 1. Overeating and overeating are very detrimental to patients with heart disease  - DayDayNews

6 Hot and cold

Hot and cold weather will bring great challenges to the regulation of the human circulatory system:

Whether it is excessive contraction or excessive expansion of blood vessels, it will increase the burden on the heart , and the accompanying dietary changes ( High-fat, high-calorie diets in winter and cold, exciting cold drinks, beer, barbecues, and reduced exercise in summer all invisibly increase the risk of heart disease.

The heart is very fragile at certain moments. Today, Dr. Ha has listed for everyone the 8 behaviors that are most likely to cause cardiovascular events in life. Everyone must be careful and careful! 1. Overeating and overeating are very detrimental to patients with heart disease  - DayDayNews

Although we cannot change the climate, we can adhere to a healthier lifestyle. And for the elderly who are already at high risk of heart disease, moderately creating a pleasant microenvironment through air conditioning can help the heart comfortably survive the severe cold and heat.

7 Forcing to defecate

Forcing to defecate will increase abdominal pressure. Excessive abdominal pressure will increase cardiac output resistance, blood pressure and myocardial oxygen consumption. can aggravate myocardial ischemia in patients with coronary heart disease and induce Angina pectoris attacks may even cause acute myocardial infarction .

Patients with coronary heart disease should pay attention to keeping the stool smooth, use medication when necessary, and do not strain to defecate.

The heart is very fragile at certain moments. Today, Dr. Ha has listed for everyone the 8 behaviors that are most likely to cause cardiovascular events in life. Everyone must be careful and careful! 1. Overeating and overeating are very detrimental to patients with heart disease  - DayDayNews

8 Extreme emotions

Whether it is great joy or great sadness, the fluctuations in emotions will make the heart feel like riding a roller coaster.Extreme emotional changes will increase adrenal gland secretion. At this time, blood vessels will constrict, heartbeat will accelerate, and blood pressure will rise, which will easily increase the load on the heart and produce a series of heart problems .

The heart is very fragile at certain moments. Today, Dr. Ha has listed for everyone the 8 behaviors that are most likely to cause cardiovascular events in life. Everyone must be careful and careful! 1. Overeating and overeating are very detrimental to patients with heart disease  - DayDayNews

And for patients with heart disease, they should consciously control their emotions, maintain a calm mind, and try to avoid participating in highly stimulating activities.

Authors: Jiang Yunqiu, Shi Zhan


The heart is very fragile at certain moments. Today, Dr. Ha has listed for everyone the 8 behaviors that are most likely to cause cardiovascular events in life. Everyone must be careful and careful! 1. Overeating and overeating are very detrimental to patients with heart disease  - DayDayNews

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