Pharmacist Wang recently went back to his hometown to visit several elders, several of whom have high blood pressure. He found that when they discussed high blood pressure, they were not keen on which medicine should be used, but were more concerned about what to eat to lower blo

2024/06/2222:16:32 regimen 1058

Pharmacist Wang recently went back to his hometown to visit several elders, several of whom suffer from high blood pressure . He found that when they discussed high blood pressure, they were not keen on which medicine should be used, but were more concerned about what to eat to lower blood pressure. The most heated topics they discussed were apocynum tea, celery soaked in vinegar, peanuts soaked in vinegar, etc. They all tried to solve the problem by "eating", enjoying the taste and lowering blood pressure. As soon as they mentioned these, they felt that the topic could not be stopped. In fact, there are some true and false, and some effects are not obvious. Here, Pharmacist Wang will share a few "easy" anti-hypertensive foods.

Pharmacist Wang recently went back to his hometown to visit several elders, several of whom have high blood pressure. He found that when they discussed high blood pressure, they were not keen on which medicine should be used, but were more concerned about what to eat to lower blo - DayDayNews

Speaking of this, we need to mention the "homogeneous origin of medicine and food". As early as 2000 years ago, the "Huangdi Neijing" had already proposed the concept of "the same origin of medicine and food". Many foods have been modified over the course of thousands of years. It has been verified that there are many medicinal values ​​. In 2017, our country also published the "Catalogue of Medicinal and Food Homologous Raw Materials", which has very good guiding significance for what to eat, which involves a variety of foods with antihypertensive effects. .

1. Hawthorn

Hawthorn is a food that is currently being researched very hotly because it is rich in flavonoids and triterpenoids. Hawthorn has been proven to be able to adjust the contractility and heart rate of the heart to lower blood pressure. However, for hawthorn, lowering blood pressure Pressure is not the best at it. What it is best at is protecting the heart and lowering blood lipids . Hawthorn flavonoids have very strong antioxidant capabilities, which are very helpful in improving coronary blood supply and myocardial metabolism, and can also significantly reduce blood pressure. blood lipids reduce the deposition of various lipids in the liver.

However, it should be noted that although hawthorns are not eaten in large quantities, they should not be eaten continuously. Do not eat more than 7 hawthorns a day. Normally, one or two hawthorns a day is enough. In addition, it is not recommended for people with weak stomachs.

Pharmacist Wang recently went back to his hometown to visit several elders, several of whom have high blood pressure. He found that when they discussed high blood pressure, they were not keen on which medicine should be used, but were more concerned about what to eat to lower blo - DayDayNews

2. Rapeseed seed

Rapeseed seed, which we often call radish seed , is rich in active ingredients such as alkaloids, glucosinolates, isothiocyanate flavonoids, among which sinapinine thiocyanate has antihypertensive activity Ingredients, water-soluble alkaloids from radish seeds can activate the nitric oxide-myocardial nitric oxide synthase system, dilate blood vessels, lower blood pressure, and may protect target organs by resisting oxidative damage.

3. Pueraria lobata , Oyster

The main antihypertensive effect in Pueraria lobata is Puerarin . Puerarin's blood pressure-lowering effect was first discovered in 1980. Puerarin has a β-receptor blocking effect, by inhibiting β -Adrenaline lowers blood pressure. The study also found that puerarin can prevent the accelerated heartbeat and hypotension caused by isoproterenol.

Pharmacist Wang recently went back to his hometown to visit several elders, several of whom have high blood pressure. He found that when they discussed high blood pressure, they were not keen on which medicine should be used, but were more concerned about what to eat to lower blo - DayDayNews

Oyster and kudzu root have a synergistic effect, and the mechanism involves inhibiting the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, improving vascular endothelial function, and blocking various signal transduction pathways triggered by intracellular calcium ions in aortic smooth muscle cells, etc. Function related.

4. Laminaria

Laminaria belongs to Phaeophyta seaweed. Kelp and Wakame , which also belong to Phaeophyta, also have the same effect. Its mechanism of action is by inhibiting the renin-angiotensin system and kallikrein-kinin. The system exerts the effect of lowering blood pressure, which is similar to the mechanism of ACEI antihypertensive drugs that we often talk about.

5. Cassia seed

Cassia seed extract has a vasodilatory effect, mainly because it inhibits the opening of receptor-operated calcium channels, regulates the release of iNOS and nitric oxide in vascular endothelial cells, and also inhibits intracardiac angiotensin II and aldosterone. and are related to the secretion of endothelin , but it should be noted that cassia seeds contain anthraquinones, which are not suitable for eating in large quantities. Do not eat too much at a time. It is okay to eat a little occasionally. Long-term use of large amounts may cause colorectal melanosis. .

Pharmacist Wang recently went back to his hometown to visit several elders, several of whom have high blood pressure. He found that when they discussed high blood pressure, they were not keen on which medicine should be used, but were more concerned about what to eat to lower blo - DayDayNews

In addition, the "Catalogue of Food and Medicinal Raw Materials" also records several foods with blood pressure lowering effects, including chrysanthemums, papayas, bergamot, walnut kernels, etc.

Pharmacist Wang noticed that many middle-aged and elderly people like to soak some of these foods in water and drink them. It is recommended to eat them normally, because many of the active ingredients are fat-soluble and not water-soluble. You may not be able to drink them after soaking them in water for a day. How many active ingredients are there, it's not as effective as taking one sip.In addition, the above-mentioned foods have limited antihypertensive effect and cannot replace daily antihypertensive drugs . Although comes from the same source of medicine and food, it is relatively safe, but it is also relative. The dosage still needs to be moderate, and excessive consumption is not allowed. .

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