In traditional Chinese medicine, "phlegm" is often referred to as "drink". Phlegm refers to the abnormal qi-transformation function of the lungs, spleen, kidneys, triple burners and other organs due to external factors, internal injuries to the seven emotions, or injuries caused

2024/05/2306:20:33 regimen 1002

In Chinese medicine, "phlegm" is often referred to as "drink". Phlegm refers to the internal organs such as the lungs, spleen, kidneys, triple burner due to external factors, internal injury to the seven emotions, or diet. Diseases caused by abnormal gasification function, water-liquid metabolism disorder, staying or permeating in a certain part of the body.

As the saying goes, "accumulated water becomes drink, and drink condenses into phlegm." Generally, the thicker and turbid ones are called phlegm, and the clear and thin ones are called drink. Phlegm not only refers to the visible phlegm spit out by coughing, but also includes scrofula, sputum core and phlegm stagnated in the organs, meridians and other tissues. Clinically, it can be determined by the syndromes it exhibits. This kind of phlegm is called "invisible phlegm".

Erchen Decoction is a famous prescription for eliminating phlegm and reducing dampness, and is widely circulated. I believe many friends have heard of it. I often use Erchen Decoction internally and external acupoint massage to treat patients with thyroid nodules and , and the feedback is very good.

Medical records: Ms. Wang, 35, is from Guangdong and is a company executive. During the company's physical examination, she was found to have thyroid nodules. At that time, the hospital recommended that she undergo surgical removal. However, she was afraid of surgery and worried that the nodules would relapse after the operation. Through a friend’s introduction, I found out that I wanted to treat thyroid nodules with conservative Chinese medicine.

In traditional Chinese medicine,

The examination sheet showed:

The left lobe of the thyroid gland and the oval nodule were 2*2.5*1.4mm thick, showed low echo, smooth edges, and no obvious blood flow signal inside.

At the time of diagnosis, the patient reported palpitations, restlessness, fatigue, restless sleep at night, dark tongue, and less coating.

Syndrome differentiation: Qi-fire stasis.

Prescription for oral administration: Pinellia , tangerine peel, Poria , Licorice , ginger, Black plum .

In traditional Chinese medicine,

In traditional Chinese medicine,

In traditional Chinese medicine,

Principle: Pinellia ternata has the effect of drying dampness and can resolve phlegm and dampness; tangerine peel has the effect of regulating qi and reducing phlegm, drying dampness and relieving the stomach;

Poria has the effect of strengthening the spleen and exuding dampness, and can assist the two main herbs to resolve phlegm. Dispel dampness;

In traditional Chinese medicine,

Black plum can astringe lung qi and relieve cough; licorice can harmonize various medicines;

ginger can neutralize and inhibit the toxicity of pinellia.

In traditional Chinese medicine,

External acupoint prescription:

In fact, the two major acupoints in our body can also help resolve phlegm and dampness. Today I will tell you about the two acupoints on our body : Yinlingquan and Fenglong point .

To dry dampness and reduce phlegm, you need to find acupoints in the spleen meridian and stomach meridian. Fenglong point is the acupoint of foot Yangming stomach meridian . It is a very effective phlegm-resolving acupoint, which can not only dissolve tangible phlegm, but also dissolve phlegm. Invisible phlegm.

Yinlingquan is an acupoint on the foot Taiyin spleen meridian , which has the effect of strengthening the spleen and removing dampness. The best effect is achieved by massaging the two acupoints together, which is equivalent to the Erchen Tang prepared by the human body.

During the second consultation, Ms. Wang reported that her sleeping condition had improved, but she still had hot flashes and sweating. So based on the original recipe, he added dried peaches and raw oysters, and Zi Xu took it for a period of time.

After the third diagnosis, the patient reported that his symptoms had improved. There was no tenderness when palpating the thyroid gland . The texture was soft and the nodules were no longer palpable. The reexamination showed that the nodules were normal. Ms. Wang was very happy.

is sharing it here today, to remind everyone, don’t be nervous if you find thyroid nodules. If you don't sleep well, your immunity will be low. Coupled with low immunity and physical problems, there may be new nodules. Even if things go on like this, the chance of malignant disease will increase. Therefore, after discovering thyroid nodules, you must maintain a good attitude and actively cooperate with the treatment, and you will have a good result.

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