Everyone has his or her own opinion when comparing the status of influential figures. The so-called slobber and brickbats fly together, and conspiracies and intrigues go hand in hand.

2024/06/3012:35:33 news 1339

"Waiwai Kan Fengshen" Issue 1180

Everyone has their own opinion when comparing the status of influential figures. The so-called saliva and bricks fly together, conspiracy and conspiracy go hand in hand. In short, it is public opinion and public opinion. rational.

There are many influential figures in the Romance of the Gods, Jiang Ziya Yang Jian Nezha, etc., which have been passed down to this day and are still talked about. Among them, the ones that are most compared together are Yunxiao and Kong Xuan.

Everyone has his or her own opinion when comparing the status of influential figures. The so-called slobber and brickbats fly together, and conspiracies and intrigues go hand in hand. - DayDayNews

┋The background of the two

To compare Yun Xiao and Kong Xuan in all aspects, who is better, then first of all, the background cannot be ignored.

Buddha said that there are six reincarnations and that all living beings are equal; the ancients said that when a prince breaks the law, he is guilty of the same crime as the common people; now even the little friends in kindergarten memorize freedom, equality, integrity, and friendship.

But the question is, adults who have experienced many social beatings, do you believe in the so-called equality of all people? Anyway, I don’t believe it. Otherwise, why do some people have everything when they are born, while some people work hard all their lives and still get nothing? , nothing else, it is determined by one’s origin.

The importance of family background is not only reflected in the different life circumstances, but also the ascetics are affected by this. You see Yuanshi Tianzun Taishang Laojun, the two saints, when they see Jie teach disciples, they open their mouths. Such a thing is worthy of the Tao.

Everyone has his or her own opinion when comparing the status of influential figures. The so-called slobber and brickbats fly together, and conspiracies and intrigues go hand in hand. - DayDayNews

What are the origins of Yun Xiao and Kong Xuan? One of them "Created the world and became the Taoist", the other " once saw the beginning of the world, and also saw the sun, the moon and the stars ".

It can be seen that both of them are powerful powers that have existed in the chaos era. According to the settings of today's fantasy novels, they are both innate creatures.

So from the perspective of birth, Yun Xiao and Kong Xuan are on par.

Yun Xiao and Kong Xuan, who came from the same background, were surprisingly similar in terms of personality. Not to mention that they were in a passive situation with Jiang Ziya. Even how to deal with the captured Chanjiao disciples, they It is also a practice of only confining but not killing.

Everyone has his or her own opinion when comparing the status of influential figures. The so-called slobber and brickbats fly together, and conspiracies and intrigues go hand in hand. - DayDayNews

┋The two people’s hostile attitudes

Yunxiao went down the mountain because of family ties. Bixiao and Qiongxiao vowed to go down the mountain to avenge their brother Zhao Gongming. She was worried that her two sisters would get into trouble, so she followed closely. Kong Xuan, who was on the outlying island;

, was responsible for it, because he was a general under King Zhou, and he was loyal to the king at the expense of his salary. King Zhou ordered him to stop Jiang Ziya's army, so he had to obey his orders.

Yun Xiao and Kong Xuan's battles against Jiang Ziya were both complete victories, and each of them captured a bunch of prisoners alive.

But whether it was the Twelve Immortals captured alive by Yunxiao, or the Li Jing, Jin Zha, Muzha, etc. captured by Kong Xuan, none of them were in fear of their lives. Why? It wasn't because of Yun Xiao and Kong Xuan. He had no intention of killing them.

Everyone has his or her own opinion when comparing the status of influential figures. The so-called slobber and brickbats fly together, and conspiracies and intrigues go hand in hand. - DayDayNews

In yesterday’s article, Waiwai talked to everyone about the killing prohibition of the Twelve Immortals of the Chan Teaching, which is to kill people to escape one’s own destiny. In the process of killing, both parties rely on their own abilities. Either you die or I live. If the skills are not as good as If a person is killed by someone else, it means that the power of heaven is unpredictable and the calamity is difficult. In other words, there is no good fortune.

Therefore, if Yunxiao has murderous intentions and kills, the twelve immortals will have no choice but to fly to the list of gods.

In the same way, if Li Jing and others who later became saints in the body of and were killed by Kong Xuan, then they would also end up on the list and become gods.

The thoughts between Yunxiao and Kong Xuan actually coincide with the manifestation of the number of days. As a monk, you always make some choices, unconsciously or intentionally, that can only be explained by cause and effect.

Everyone has his or her own opinion when comparing the status of influential figures. The so-called slobber and brickbats fly together, and conspiracies and intrigues go hand in hand. - DayDayNews

┋The conduct and character of the two people

The hostile attitudes of Yun Xiao and Kong Xuan are due to cause and effect on the one hand, and determined by their character on the other hand.

Judging from Yunxiao's refusal to lend the golden scissors and her determination not to become a Fu Ge Mo, she is quite perseverant, but despite her perseverance, she is still not immune to the moral kidnapping of Han Zhixian , so she has no choice but to lend the golden scissors.

In fact, before and after she lent the golden scissors, Yun Xiao was reluctant in her heart, but since she had promised, she could not go back on her promise. As soon as the golden scissors were taken away by Zhao Gongming, she was looking forward to it, hoping that Zhao Gongming would quickly take away the golden scissors. Send the scissors back in exchange.

Later, the two sisters went down the mountain to avenge Zhao Gongming. Yunxiao knew clearly that he would be on the list when he went down the mountain, but he still followed them to die. Although it was excusable, it was also detestable.

Yunxiao suffered the loss when he suffered. Now, she hides determination behind her determination.

Everyone has his or her own opinion when comparing the status of influential figures. The so-called slobber and brickbats fly together, and conspiracies and intrigues go hand in hand. - DayDayNews

Due to his character, Yunxiao fell step by step, which led to the two saints Yuanshi Tianzun and Taishang Laojun to join forces to kill him. Compared with Yunxiao, Kong Xuan was more decisive.

It was his duty for Kong Xuan to lead troops to stop Jiang Ziya, and he had to come. However, before setting off, Kong Xuan, like Yun Xiao, probably understood that his trip would bring about the fruits of his spiritual practice.

People who practice Taoism always have love impulses. Once they come, they will probably know their future by just counting. Kong Xuan said that he has given up the three physiological phenomena in this life, which is equivalent to telling us that he is already Daluo The state of perfection is the same as the path from the clouds to the end of the world to the jade capital.

Based on the above, except for slightly different personalities, Yun Xiao and Kong Xuan are almost the same in terms of birth, personality, and even moral conduct.

Everyone has his or her own opinion when comparing the status of influential figures. The so-called slobber and brickbats fly together, and conspiracies and intrigues go hand in hand. - DayDayNews

┋The records of the two

Yun Xiao and Kong Xuan are comparable in all aspects. If you have to decide who is better, you can only use the record to speak. Coincidentally, among the opponents of the two, there are Jiang Ziya, Yang Jian, Ran Deng , Lu Ya .

vs. Jiang Ziya: Yunxiao was injured once by Jiang Ziya with the divine whip, and the sacrifice of Hunyuan Jindou and Jiang Ziya's apricot yellow flag were equal once; Kong Xuan brushed away Jiang Ziya's divine whip once, and was equal once by Jiang Ziya who sacrificed the apricot yellow flag. .

Judging from the result of the battle against Jiang Ziya, Kong Xuan won!

vs. Yang Jian: Yunxiao sacrificed to Hunyuan Jindou and captured Yang Jian. Kong Xuan used five-color divine light to brush Yang Jian, but Yang Jian escaped.

So judging from the results of the battle against Yang Jian, Yunxiao won!

Everyone has his or her own opinion when comparing the status of influential figures. The so-called slobber and brickbats fly together, and conspiracies and intrigues go hand in hand. - DayDayNews

Let’s look at the battle against Randen Taoist : Under Yunxiao’s Hunyuan Golden Fight, Randen ran away; under Kong Xuan’s five-color divine light, Randen also ran for his life, so the winner could not be determined. Judging from the results of

, Yun Xiao and Kong Xuan each received one vote, which is still a tie.

However, there is one thing worth noting here, that is, there is a magic weapon borrowed from the Yunxiao battle, but Kong Xuan used his own magical power. For this alone, Kong Xuan won. After all, the magic weapon is something outside the body, and the magical power he cultivated is the real magic weapon. Belongs to oneself.

In addition, Yun Xiao and Kong Xuan have one thing in common, that is, their defenses are very weak. Yun Xiao has already lost all his energy, but he is inevitably injured by the whip.

There is also Kong Xuan, who is obviously so powerful, but he is hit by Deng Chanyu's five-light stone again and again.

Everyone has his or her own opinion when comparing the status of influential figures. The so-called slobber and brickbats fly together, and conspiracies and intrigues go hand in hand. - DayDayNews

Some people say that the best defense is offense, but Yun Xiao and Kong Xuan explained it with facts. If there is no defense, no matter how advanced your cultivation is, you will inevitably get injured. However, minor injuries are insignificant to them, anyway. They all have magical elixirs that can cure entrance diseases.

It is undeniable that the strength of Yun Xiao and Kong Xuan is enough to disdain the three realms. Of course, the range is below the saints.

It was precisely because the two of them were so powerful that the ones who finally took action against them were all saints. As a result, Yunxiao was made a god and Kong Xuan entered Lingshan as the Ming King.

Although the results of the two of them were not satisfactory, if you look carefully, there are actually signs. Kong Xuan said that he would not swim in three times a second, and as a result, he entered Buddhism; the three Yunxiao sisters held the Hunyuan Gold. If they fight, it is destined that they will be responsible for reincarnation and reproduction in the future. This is probably the number of days.

After the Conferment of Gods was over, Yun Xiao and Kong Xuan were both shining brightly in their respective positions and fields. As for the past, let it go with the wind. We are here to discuss the differences between the two of them and what their backgrounds are. , Dao Xing and others were fighting so seriously, I wonder if they would find it funny.

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