Eating oatmeal often has many benefits, but there are also some taboos, do you know?

2019/07/2710:26:09 health 2345

Oatmeal is a common food in life, many people love to eat it. Not only that, oatmeal does not pick people, whether it is diabetics or hypertension patients can eat. ?Since there are advantages, there must be certain disadvantages. What are the disadvantages of eating oatmeal? Let's take a look at the taboos of eating oatmeal.

Eating oatmeal often has many benefits, but there are also some taboos, do you know? - DayDayNews

It is not suitable to eat too much at one time

When eating oats, it is not advisable to eat too much at one time, preferably 40 grams per day, otherwise it will cause Stomach cramps or bloating.

Eating oatmeal often has many benefits, but there are also some taboos, do you know? - DayDayNews

should not be cooked for a long time

should not be cooked for a long time, cooking oatmeal for too long will destroy vitamins, cooking raw oatmeal will cost 20-30 Minutes, it takes 3 minutes to cook the oatmeal, and it is best to stir once in the middle.

Eating oatmeal often has many benefits, but there are also some taboos, do you know? - DayDayNews

Not suitable for people

Oats are high-fiber foods, which can increase human metabolism and are prone to flatulence, so people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases It is not suitable for patients and those with weak gastrointestinal digestion and absorption capacity.

Oatmeal contains a lot of gluten, so people who are allergic to gluten should not eat it.

If the internal fire is strong, and those with dry liver and lungs eat too much oatmeal, it is easy to cause physical discomfort, so they should not eat more.

Eating oatmeal often has many benefits, but there are also some taboos, do you know? - DayDayNews

Foods that are not compatible with oats

Do not eat with spinach, oranges, coffee, sweet potatoes, sugar, oatmeal and spinach together will affect The human body absorbs calcium. Eating it with oranges can cause abdominal pain and nausea. Eating it with coffee will destroy the nutrition of oatmeal. Eating it with sweet potatoes will cause stomach cramps and flatulence. Eating it with sugar will cause bloating.

Eating oatmeal often has many benefits, but there are also some taboos, do you know? - DayDayNews

In daily life, the editor recommends that you can eat some oats appropriately, because it contains rich nutrients. Especially for middle-aged and elderly people, eating more oatmeal can have a certain preventive effect on heart blood diseases. According to a comprehensive analysis by the Institute of Health of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, China's naked oats contain 15.6% of crude protein, 8.5% of fat, starch releases calories, phosphorus, iron, calcium and other elements. Compared with the other eight kinds of food, they are among the best. Oats are rich in B vitamins, niacin, folic acid, and pantothenic acid, especially vitamin E, which is as high as 15 mg per 100 grams of oat flour. Oatmeal porridge is rich in magnesium and vitamin B1. It also contains phosphorus, potassium, iron, pantothenic acid, copper and fiber. It can lower cholesterol and has auxiliary effects on fatty liver, diabetes, and constipation.

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