What are the benefits and disadvantages of eating vegetarian food regularly? You know

2020/02/2916:32:16 health 2360

Zhongnong Huahe "China Good Food Network", Zhenyou Mall editor Many people nowadays insist on eating vegetarian food for a long time, believing that eating vegetarian food is good for health. The editor today tells you the advantages and disadvantages of eating vegetarian food. After you read it, you will know whether the benefits outweigh the disadvantages or the disadvantages for your health!

food can be divided into two major categories of meat and vegetables. Excessive consumption of meat and vegetables can easily lead to obesity and many health problems. Such as hyperlipidemia, fatty liver, etc. It is based on this that many people who love health prefer to eat vegetarian food.

What are the benefits and disadvantages of eating vegetarian food regularly? You know - DayDayNews

Vegetables, grains, beans, fruits, seeds and nuts

There are several types of vegetarian food. One is a vegan and only eats sexual foods: vegetables, grains, beans, fruits, seeds and nuts; there are also dairy vegetarians. That is, dairy products are included in the diet, but meat and seafood are not eaten; there are egg-milk vegetarians who eat eggs and dairy products, but not meat and seafood.

What are the benefits of regular vegetarian diet:

1. Long-term eating vegetarian food is good for the kidneys and heart, and will not burden the kidneys and heart. It reduces the occurrence of gout and cardiovascular diseases caused by excessive fat.

2. reduces the burden on the digestive system. Vegetarian food is easier to digest than meat, and vegetarian food containing dietary fiber can also help digestion.

3. Vegetarian food can reduce human dependence on meat. The growth of most carnivores requires a large number of food sources, especially animal husbandry, which has a serious impact on the environment. Therefore, being vegetarian may protect the natural environment and wild animals to a certain extent.

What are the benefits and disadvantages of eating vegetarian food regularly? You know - DayDayNews

Vegetarian vegetables: Stir-fried broccoli with mushrooms

4. Purify the mind, get rid of meat, and reduce the killing of animals to a certain extent. It makes people feel that the survival meaning of other animals is no different from that of humans, which makes our hearts more peaceful and reduced Guilt.

5. It can help us build a good figure. Generally, vegetarians rarely have obesity. Therefore, vegetarians can reduce our absorption of fat and avoid obesity. Some vegetarians can maintain a good weight.

6. Being vegetarian can prevent high blood pressure. One is that most vegetarians maintain a good body weight, which is good for blood pressure; the other is that the diet of vegetarians is high in fiber and potassium, which are good for preventing high blood pressure.

7. Vegetarians have zero intake of red meat and refined meat, which can prevent rectal cancer and colon cancer.

What are the benefits and disadvantages of eating vegetarian food regularly? You know - DayDayNews

Fresh vegetables

Of course, because of the diet characteristics of vegetarians, it is easy to cause a lack of some nutrients. Therefore, vegetarians also need to pay attention to the supplement of protein, vitamin D, vitamin B12, vitamin B2, minerals and other nutritional elements in their diet. In order to ensure the health of the body.

Harm of eating vegetarian food for a long time:

1. Lead to lack of high-quality protein in the human body. Among the 20 kinds of amino acids that make up natural proteins, 8 kinds of amino acids cannot be synthesized by the human body but must be obtained from food. They are called essential amino acids, which are essential components for maintaining life metabolism and growth and development.

2. has a higher probability of hyperglycemia. Because they cannot get protein and fat-derived energy from meat, vegetarians can only supplement it with rice, pasta and other foods. This will often consume excess carbohydrates, leading to the risk of high blood sugar.

3. Causes micronutrient deficiency. Micronutrients, namely minerals and vitamins, require less nutrients for the human body, but in order to maintain survival, growth and development, physical activity and health, these are essential substances.

What are the benefits and disadvantages of eating vegetarian food regularly? You know - DayDayNews

braised tofu

4. long-term non-contaminated meat will make some nutrients needed by the human body not be able to be supplemented in time, causing some organs in the human body to be damaged.

5. Being vegetarian all year round will increase the burden on the stomach.

However, vegetarians should often eat eggs, fish, milk, yellow flower, fungus, mushroom, kelp, and various fruits, and add a little broth when cooking. Why is eating vegetarian food harmful to the body for a long time?

nutrition is the basic guarantee of human health. If the human body lacks the necessary nutrients, it will cause various diseases in the body and even endanger life.

someIn order to control the "three highs", and some female friends, in order to lose weight, it is very dangerous to take long-term vegetarian diet. The human body is composed of more than 50 elements. According to the research and certification of scientists, there are 18 essential trace elements related to human health and life. Once these essential trace elements are lacking, the human body will get diseases and seriously endanger life. For example, iron deficiency anemia, zinc deficiency, mouth, eyes, anus, papules, eczema, iodine deficiency cause goiter...etc. Moreover, the human body's trace elements can also play a role in disease resistance and cancer prevention.

What are the benefits and disadvantages of eating vegetarian food regularly? You know - DayDayNews

mushrooms, rape,

Therefore, if you want to ensure a healthy body, you must have a balanced diet. If you eat a vegetarian diet for a long time, you should also take in and supplement protein appropriately. In addition to eating meat properly, there are also many protein-containing foods, such as beans, milk, cereals, sugar, nuts, fruits, vegetables...etc. Don't eat too much.

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