Bupleurum, Malt, White Peony, Yinchen and Three-High Cholecystitis, Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Diseases

2021/04/0213:51:12 health 1839

Bupleurum, , malt , white peony yin Chen, regulates the treatment of spleen, stomach, liver and gallbladder diseases, hypertension, diabetes, high blood lipids , and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. It is unique for patients with excessive greasy liver and gallbladder dysregulation.

1. The combination of Bupleurum, Malt, White Peony and Yinchen has the functions of soothing the liver, promoting cholestasis, reconciling yin and yang, promoting clearing and reducing turbidity.

Main content features:

1. Soothing the liver , promoting choleretic , regulating qi and dehumidification. Regulate the changes of liver stagnation and qi stagnation, such as acute and chronic hepatitis, fatty liver, fibrosis, cirrhosis, and cholecystitis.

2. Improve and adjust the functional properties of promoting clearness and reducing turbidity caused by the imbalance of gasification.

, such as causing mutagenic diseases on the qi and blood circulatory system, immune metabolic function, liver, gallbladder, spleen and stomach function system, etc., has the effect of promoting and improving.

3. It has health care and curative effect on the resistance to damp heat, turbidity and dryness, see , anorexia , nausea, vomiting, dizziness, etc., or heat is heavier than wet mouth, bitterness, dryness of the throat, and red and yellow urine. .

Second, the characteristics of medicinal properties.

1. Yin Chen bitter, pungent, cold. Return to the liver and gallbladder, stomach and spleen channel.

Yinchen has the effects of clearing damp-heat, promoting choleretics and relieving jaundice.

Yinchen research features, also has the effects of protecting the liver and choleretics, lowering blood pressure, lowering blood sugar, regulating blood lipids, anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-tumor, anti-arteriosclerosis, inhibiting pathogenic microorganisms, and promoting immune enhancement.

2. The malt is calm and sweet. Return to the spleen and stomach, liver and gallbladder meridian.

malt has the functions of promoting qi and eliminating food, invigorating the spleen and appetizing the stomach, returning milk and reducing swelling.

Clinically, malt also has the functions of lowering blood sugar, regulating endogenous hormone secretion, and improving renal function.

3. Bupleurum white peony cooperates, soothes the liver and regulates qi, nourishes the liver and restrains yin, relieves stomach pain, smooths ventilation, regulates the spleen and stomach promotes clearness and reduces turbidity ,Reconcile yin and yang and keep the scattered unity.

The combination of white peony nourishing liver and astringent yin and Bupleurum dispersing and relieving the combination, forming a trend of dispersing and regaining, strengthens the power of soothing the liver and regulating qi, so as to relieve the evil changes such as stagnation.

Bupleurum, Malt, White Peony, Yinchen and Three-High Cholecystitis, Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Diseases - DayDayNews

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Original works Author Luo Zhanguang Doctor.


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