After the equinox, I often can’t fall asleep at night and can’t get up in the morning. There are generally 4 reasons

2021/03/2201:18:03 health 1457

I don’t know why I have always had a bad sleep recently. I often cannot fall asleep until after midnight at night. I am often confused and dreaming. But when I should get up in the morning, I feel sleepy. Sometimes I often feel sore and heavy in my limbs, sometimes even if I sleep for a long time at night.

Especially some young people, including children, often do this. Is this the so-called "spring sleepiness"?

After the equinox, I often can’t fall asleep at night and can’t get up in the morning. There are generally 4 reasons - DayDayNews

Can't sleep at night or wake up in the morning? There are generally 4 reasons:

In fact, in addition to some disease factors, this season is prone to poor sleep, easy to get tired and other phenomena are indeed related to the season to a certain extent, boiled down to the following 4 points:

1, " Liver fire "prosperous, affect sleep

Traditional medicine believes that in spring, Yang Qi rises and liver fire is more vigorous, which affects sleep.

actually has a lot to do with human fatigue, because after the vernal equinox, the day is long and night is short, and the body's activity or workload begins to increase, so it is easy to fatigue, including physical and psychological fatigue.

The liver is an important metabolic organ of the human body. As the body is fatigued, the burden on the liver increases, so it is easily affected. If you don't sleep at night, your body's metabolic activity will increase its burden and affect liver health. And often poor sleep will also cause anger , so it forms a vicious circle.

Therefore, to raise the liver in spring, in addition to reasonable sleep and staying up late, you must also pay attention to a light diet to avoid excessive fatigue, especially when you are overworked, pay attention to self-regulation.

After the equinox, I often can’t fall asleep at night and can’t get up in the morning. There are generally 4 reasons - DayDayNews

2, If the moisture is too heavy, the human body will be very tired

Many people will find that,I actually had enough sleep time at night, but after waking up, I still felt sore and heavy in my limbs, and I couldn't get up when I got up early. In the words of Chinese medicine, it is because the body is too wet.

There may be two reasons. One is that the sleeping environment may be too cold and humid, especially those who live in low floors or basements, which are generally more prone to this phenomenon.

Another reason is that you may catch cold at night, such as kicking the quilt, blowing the window against the human body, etc. It is easy to affect sleep, getting up in the morning is very tired, and the limbs are heavy. It is the same if you are sick.

At present, the rain is relatively sufficient, which accelerates the change of temperature, so the indoor is generally prone to humidity, and the temperature is relatively low. The phenomenon of "returning to the south sky" is relatively common. It is recommended to improve the sleeping environment, keep the room clean and dry, especially the bedding, and spend more time in the sun.

At the same time, you also need proper exercise during the day, preferably sweating slightly.

After the equinox, I often can’t fall asleep at night and can’t get up in the morning. There are generally 4 reasons - DayDayNews

3. Eat too much greasy, spicy, and salty food

Dinner is too greasy, spicy food is not easily digested by the body, and it will also affect sleep. People who eat too salty dinner are prone to lack of water, prone to flustered and insomnia, and naturally cannot get up in the morning.

recommends that you should eat lightly at night and don't eat too much. At the same time, avoid eating too late for dinner, or frequent supper, drinking a lot of beer for dinner and other eating habits.

After the equinox, I often can’t fall asleep at night and can’t get up in the morning. There are generally 4 reasons - DayDayNews

4. Go to bed too late at night

Some elderly people like to play with their mobile phones if they can’t sleep, and the more they watch, the more energetic they are. The same is true for some young people. If you go to bed late for a long time, and suddenly go to bed earlier, it is naturally difficult to fall asleep, and it is naturally difficult to get up in the morning.

After the equinox, I often can’t fall asleep at night and can’t get up in the morning. There are generally 4 reasons - DayDayNews

All in all, if you can't get up when you should get up in the morning, or if your limbs are sore, it is a sign of poor sleep.On the one hand, we must correct our own living habits, including regular sleep, reasonable diet, exercise, mentality, and stay away from mobile phones before going to bed, and improve sleep quality by soaking feet, massaging, and listening to light music.

At the same time, pay attention to the care of the living environment, including keeping the room clean, tidy, and dry, ventilating during the day, and closing the windows at night.

Middle-aged and elderly people should avoid staying in a cold, humid environment for too long, including basements, cold fresh markets, under the shadow of trees beside rivers, etc.

After the equinox, I often can’t fall asleep at night and can’t get up in the morning. There are generally 4 reasons - DayDayNews

Whenever it is sunny, you should get more exposure to the sun. For the bedding and other bedding at home, you should also use more sunlight for the laundry.

Elderly people should not stay at home during the day, go out for activities or exercise more, communicate with others more, maintain an optimistic attitude, and sleep more easily.


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