Hello everyone, welcome to my food self-media, I am Jinxiu V Shandong, a creator in the food field: "Focus on food and make life more flavorful." Today I have brought you a few home-cooked food recipes. The food is also loved by everyone, and it is a very common delicacy. Use ord

2024/06/2521:01:33 food 1160

Hello everyone, welcome to my food self-media, I am Jinxiu V Shandong, a creator in the food field: "Focus on food and make life more flavorful." Today I have brought you a few home-cooked food recipes. This delicacy is also loved by everyone, and it is a very common delicacy. Use ordinary ingredients to make the most delicious meals every day. At the same time, I hope that today’s delicious food can bring you happiness throughout the day.

Minced Pork Zucchini

Hello everyone, welcome to my food self-media, I am Jinxiu V Shandong, a creator in the food field:

Ingredients preparation: Zucchini , pork belly, salt, bean paste, chicken essence, white sugar, cooking wine, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, white sugar, etc.

Step 1: Wash the zucchini, remove the head and tail, divide it into two, and then divide it into four parts. Cut off the inner flesh of the zucchini, then cut it into long strips, put it in a basin, add a spoonful of salt, and marinate for ten minutes. Pour out the water in the basin after ten minutes. Rinse off excess salt with water and set aside.

Step 2: Chop the pork belly, mince garlic, ginger, garlic, and mince spicy millet.

Step 3: Heat oil in a pan, add pork belly when the oil is hot, stir-fry until the oil is released, add onion, ginger, garlic, spicy millet, a spoonful of bean paste, continue to stir-fry until the red oil comes out, add zucchini, add chicken essence, white sugar, cooking wine, Light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, continue to stir-fry over high heat for two minutes.

Cold loofah tips

Hello everyone, welcome to my food self-media, I am Jinxiu V Shandong, a creator in the food field:

Ingredients: 100g loofah tips, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 red pepper, 1/4 spoon of salt, 1/2 spoon of sugar, 3 spoons of white vinegar, 1 spoon of light soy sauce, 1/2 spoon of pepper oil.


1. Boil water in a pot, add cut ends of loofah and blanch them.

2. Take it out, rinse it with cold water three times, drain it and set aside.

3. Mince the garlic and cut the pepper into sections.

4. Put garlic and chili in a bowl, add salt, sugar, white vinegar, light soy sauce, and peppercorn oil.

5. Pour the sauce on the top of the loofah and mix well.

Stir-fried green beans

Hello everyone, welcome to my food self-media, I am Jinxiu V Shandong, a creator in the food field:

Ingredients: 400 grams of green beans , 150 grams of minced pork, 6 dried chili peppers, 1 small piece of ginger, 1 head of garlic, light soy sauce, salt, a little white sugar, dark soy sauce.


1. Remove both ends and tendons from the green beans, wash them, drain them and set aside;

2. Put an appropriate amount of oil in the pot, wait until the oil is hot, add the green beans and fry them;

3. Fry the green beans until the surface is slightly wrinkled. , take it out, drain the oil, and set aside; cut off the dried chili peppers, mince the ginger, and mince the garlic;

4. Take another pot, put an appropriate amount of oil in the pot, wait until the oil is hot, add the ginger, garlic, and chili pepper and saute until fragrant;

5 , add minced pork; add light soy sauce and dark soy sauce and stir-fry the minced meat evenly; then

cold pork loin

Hello everyone, welcome to my food self-media, I am Jinxiu V Shandong, a creator in the food field:

42 pork loin html, 2 hot peppers, 1 red pepper, appropriate amount of oil and salt, 1 tablespoon of chili oil, Appropriate amount of Sichuan peppercorns, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 tablespoon of cooking wine, 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce, 3 slices of ginger


1. Peel off the film from the pork kidneys, wash them, cut the green and red peppers into strips, mince the garlic

2. Plan it in the middle, Remove the white fascia, be sure to slice it cleanly, because the white fascia has a strong smell. Then cut the pork loin with a 2/3 depth knife along the length, and then cut the pork loin into strips.

3. Cut the pork loin into strips.

3. Wash the pork loin twice in clean water, change the water twice, take out the purified water, put it on a plate, add cooking wine and marinate for 10 minutes, this will remove the fishy smell of the pork loin.

4. Add water to the pot and bring to a boil, add Sichuan peppercorns , cooking wine and ginger slices, add pork loin and blanch it until raw, take it out and wash it in cold water, remove it and drain it into clean water

5. Add oil to the pot and heat it up, add Sichuan peppercorns, fry over low heat, and fry the Sichuan peppercorns Make it slightly charred, remove the peppercorns, turn off the heat,

6. Place the pork loin in a large bowl, add green and red pepper strips and minced garlic, pour hot oil on top, add salt, light soy sauce, and chili oil, Use chopsticks to stir evenly, scoop out and serve on a plate.

garlic-flavoredwater spinach

Hello everyone, welcome to my food self-media, I am Jinxiu V Shandong, a creator in the food field:

Ingredients: 500 grams of water spinach, 3 heads of garlic, appropriate amount of chicken essence, 1/2 teaspoon of salt.


1. Wash the water spinach and cut off the hard stems at the roots, then break into small pieces and set aside;

2. Cut the garlic into small pieces and set aside;

3. Put a little lard in the pot, and when it is 50% hot, add minced garlic and saute until fragrant;

4. Then add the folded water spinach and stir-fry evenly;

5. Stir-fry the cabbage leaves and add salt and chicken essence;

Grilled pork ribs with lentils

Hello everyone, welcome to my food self-media, I am Jinxiu V Shandong, a creator in the food field:

Ingredients: 150 grams of pork ribs; 180 grams of lentils; ginger; garlic; green onions; Dried chili pepper; star anise; cinnamon; rock sugar; oyster sauce; chicken powder; dark soy sauce; light soy sauce; cooking wine;


1. Rinse the ribs with clean water and drain; remove the head and tail of the lentils, tear off the old tendons, wash them, and cut them diagonally Cut into two pieces; slice the ginger, peel the garlic, cut the green onion into flowers, wash the star anise, cinnamon and dried chili pepper and set aside;

2. Put an appropriate amount of water in the pot, add the ribs, bring to a boil, take out the ribs and rinse with water Remove the foam and drain; put an appropriate amount of water in the pot and bring to a boil, add a few drops of oil, add the lentils, blanch for about two minutes, take them out, drain and set aside;

3. Heat the pot with oil and add the star anise. and cinnamon, add the ribs after the aroma is released, fry the ribs until both sides are slightly brown, add a small spoonful of cooking wine, stir well; then add ginger, garlic, dried chili, rock sugar, dark soy sauce, light soy sauce, chicken powder, Oyster sauce, stir-fry evenly until coloured;

4. Add about 800 ml of hot water, cover the pot and cook over low heat for 30 minutes; add the lentils, stir-fry evenly then cover the pot, simmer for about 5 minutes and then add the chopped green onions and stir-fry evenly. That’s it.

braised thousand knots

Hello everyone, welcome to my food self-media, I am Jinxiu V Shandong, a creator in the food field:

main ingredients

tofu skin: 200

auxiliary ingredients

stewed soup : appropriate amount; green onion, ginger and garlic: appropriate amount; bean paste: appropriate amount

specific steps

1. cut the thousand sheets into long strips and tie them one by one

2. blanch water One minute to remove the beany smell

3. Heat up the oil in the pan, fry the onion, ginger and garlic until fragrant, add light soy sauce, bean paste, tomato paste and stewed soup to make the juice, add Qianzhang knot and simmer for 8 minutes, then it is ready.

4. Add chopped green onion , blanched red pepper shreds can be garnished.

Stir-fried pork head with sharp pepper

Hello everyone, welcome to my food self-media, I am Jinxiu V Shandong, a creator in the food field:

Ingredients: pork head, sharp pepper, carrot, onion, salt


1. Slice the carrot, cut the pepper into cubes, and onion. Cut the hob into small pieces.

2. Add oil to the pot, heat the oil and add the onions, stir-fry the onions until fragrant, add the carrots and stir-fry for 30 seconds.

3. Add the pepper after 30 seconds and stir-fry for a while. Add the pork head after 30 seconds and stir-fry evenly. Add salt and chicken essence and stir-fry evenly before serving.

Spicy Stir-fried Cabbage

Hello everyone, welcome to my food self-media, I am Jinxiu V Shandong, a creator in the food field:

Ingredients: 1 cabbage, appropriate amount of oil and salt, 1 green onion, 2 slices of ginger, 2 cloves of garlic, Laoganma1 tablespoons, 1/3 tablespoon of rice vinegar, 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce,

Method :

1. Peel the cabbage leaves, wash them in clean water, remove and drain the water. Be sure to drain the water, otherwise it will not be crispy and tender when frying.

2. Use your hands to remove the cabbage leaves. Tear the green onion into pieces, mince the ginger, and slice the garlic.

3. Heat the oil in the pan, add the scallions, ginger, and garlic and sauté until fragrant. Add the cabbage, and stir-fry quickly over high heat until the leaves are slightly soft and slightly translucent.

4 .Add salt, rice vinegar, light soy sauce, 1 tablespoon Laoganma, stir-fry quickly over high heat, turn off the heat, remove and serve.

Spicy diced lotus root

Hello everyone, welcome to my food self-media, I am Jinxiu V Shandong, a creator in the food field:

Ingredients: Lotus root (150g) Beans (150g) Pork (100g) ), sweet and spicy sauce (appropriate amount)


1. Prepare raw materials, dice the pork in advance and marinate with a tablespoon of cooking wine, a tablespoon of light soy sauce, salt and chicken essence for 15 minutes

2. Add the diced pork to the pan and slide it into oil Fry until mature and set aside.

3. Dice lotus root and beans

4. Heat a pan with cold oil and sauté chopped green onions until fragrant, then add a large spoonful of sweet chili sauce and stir-fry until red oil

5. Add beans first and stir-fry until cooked, then add diced lotus roots, and cook in cooking wine in the middle.

6. Finally add the fried diced pork, season with salt and chicken essence.

I am Jinxiu V Shandong, an author in the field of food. If you like my articles, please follow me! If you don’t know what to eat every day, please follow me and share delicious food with you every day. Articles are updated every day. See you there or leave. Welcome to forward it so that more people who love food can share it.

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