〖Tofu Crucian Carp〗〖Materials〗3 500g fresh crucian carp, 125g cooked vegetable oil, 400g tender tofu, 3g refined salt, 30g Pixian bean paste, 20g soy sauce, 30g glutinous rice juice, 1g MSG, sweet sauce 10 grams each, 10 grams each of ginger and garlic, 25 grams of water bean flo

2024/05/2609:26:33 food 1291

〖Tofu Crucian Carp〗〖Materials〗3 500g fresh crucian carp, 125g cooked vegetable oil, 400g tender tofu, 3g refined salt, 30g Pixian bean paste, 20g soy sauce, 30g glutinous rice juice, 1g MSG, sweet sauce 10 grams each, 10 grams each of ginger and garlic, 25 grams of water bean flo - DayDayNews

〖Tofu crucian carp〗


500g of 3 fresh crucian carp, 125g of cooked vegetable oil, 400g of tender tofu, 3g of refined salt, 30g of Pixian bean paste, 20g of soy sauce, 430g of glutinous rice juice, 1 MSG grams, sweet sauce 10 grams, 10 grams each of ginger and garlic, water bean powder 25 grams, 20 grams of chopped green onion, 700 grams of fresh soup.


1. Use a knife to cut the tofu into pieces about 5 cm long, 3 cm wide and 1 cm thick. Put it in a boiling water pot and cook for about two minutes. Add a small amount of salt to maintain tenderness when cooking. Remove and put it in. Soak in a bowl of fresh soup.

2. First, remove the scales and gills of the crucian carp, disembowel it, remove the internal organs, wash it, and make two cuts on both sides of the fish body with a depth of 0.3 cm to break the skin, and apply 2 grams of salt.

3. Heat the oil in the pot until it is 60% hot, add the crucian carp and fry until both sides turn yellow, remove from the pot and put it on a plate. Leave 50 grams of remaining oil in the pot, add finely chopped watercress and stir-fry until fragrant, add ginger, garlic rice seeds, fresh soup, fermented glutinous rice juice, soy sauce, sweet sauce, then add the fried fish, and cook over low heat for about 3 minutes; Remove the tofu, put it into the pot and cook for another 3 minutes to absorb the flavor. Place the fish on the plate first. Pour water and soybean flour into the pot to thicken the sauce. Add chopped green onion and spoon it around the fish body. Serve.


1. The time for boiling the tofu should not be too long to avoid the tofu becoming old. Pick it up and soak it again in fresh soup.

2. Pay attention to maintaining the overall shape of the fish and tofu during firing.


This fish dish is seasoned with sweet sauce and fermented glutinous rice juice. The finished dish has the characteristics of bright red color, delicious tofu, tender crucian carp, tender but not rotten, and rich and delicious flavor.

〖Tofu Crucian Carp〗〖Materials〗3 500g fresh crucian carp, 125g cooked vegetable oil, 400g tender tofu, 3g refined salt, 30g Pixian bean paste, 20g soy sauce, 30g glutinous rice juice, 1g MSG, sweet sauce 10 grams each, 10 grams each of ginger and garlic, 25 grams of water bean flo - DayDayNews

〖Stir-fried bean sprouts with leeks〗


Mung bean sprouts 400g, 100g of leeks. Appropriate amounts of peanut oil, refined salt, green onions, and ginger.


1. Remove both ends of the mung bean sprouts, wash them thoroughly in cold water, and remove them from the water.

2. Wash the leeks and cut them into 3 cm long sections. Cut the green onions and ginger into shreds.

3. Put the pot on a high fire, add peanut oil, heat the pot with green onion and ginger, then pour in the bean sprouts, stir-fry a few times, then add the leeks, add refined salt, stir-fry a few times and it is ready.


This dish is rich in vitamin C and iron, and has the effects of enriching blood, lowering fat, and losing weight.

〖Tofu Crucian Carp〗〖Materials〗3 500g fresh crucian carp, 125g cooked vegetable oil, 400g tender tofu, 3g refined salt, 30g Pixian bean paste, 20g soy sauce, 30g glutinous rice juice, 1g MSG, sweet sauce 10 grams each, 10 grams each of ginger and garlic, 25 grams of water bean flo - DayDayNews

〖Honey potato dices〗


200 grams of potatoes, 1 apple each, white pear , carrot and pineapple 50 grams each. Appropriate amounts of honey, salt, ginger juice, and stock.


1. Peel and core the apples and white pears, and dice the potatoes, pineapples, and carrots.

2. Add appropriate amount of stock to the pot, add diced potatoes and bring to a boil, add salt to taste, then add diced carrots and cook in ginger juice.

3. Put the diced apples, diced pears, and diced pineapples into the pot, add honey, mix well, wait until the soup thickens, and serve.


Potatoes can neutralize acidic substances in the body and have beauty effects. Fruits are natural beauty foods.

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