Surveys show that middle-aged people account for up to 70% of liquor consumers, making them the absolute main force. Life is short, there are only a few springs and autumns. Why do middle-aged people love drinking liquor so much? There are mainly two reasons. One is to relieve st

2024/03/2114:20:32 food 1112

survey shows that middle-aged people account for up to 70% of liquor consumers, and is the absolute main force.

Life is short, and it lasts only a few years. Why do middle-aged people love drinking liquor so much? There are mainly two reasons.

Surveys show that middle-aged people account for up to 70% of liquor consumers, making them the absolute main force. Life is short, there are only a few springs and autumns. Why do middle-aged people love drinking liquor so much? There are mainly two reasons. One is to relieve st - DayDayNews

One is to relieve stress.

The life of middle-aged people is boring, either at work or at home. Drinking is their most important way to relax.

Especially for liquor, the older you get, the better you can taste the various flavors in it. Corresponding to the ups and downs in the first half of your life, without saying a word, you can soothe thousands of melancholy in your heart.

This is the only indulgence in life after reaching middle age. Only at this time can they forget their various identities and boldly be themselves. When they wake up from their dreams, they can face life better.

Surveys show that middle-aged people account for up to 70% of liquor consumers, making them the absolute main force. Life is short, there are only a few springs and autumns. Why do middle-aged people love drinking liquor so much? There are mainly two reasons. One is to relieve st - DayDayNews

The second is to maintain social interaction.

Drinking liquor is a social habit passed down from generation to generation. Whether it is work entertainment or a gathering with friends, at this age, liquor has become an indispensable protagonist on the wine table.

Two people who are not familiar with each other can become brothers by drinking a glass of liquor together, talk freely, and their relationship will gradually deepen.

Having more friends makes life easier, and this is even more true in our humane society.

Therefore, when a person reaches middle age, he must drink this wine.

Even though there are various reasons for drinking, after middle age, as the age increases, the physical condition shows a downward trend. In order to better protect yourself, no matter how much you like to drink, you must remember the "2 no touches", there are many benefits.

①Do not touch low-quality alcohol!

Surveys show that middle-aged people account for up to 70% of liquor consumers, making them the absolute main force. Life is short, there are only a few springs and autumns. Why do middle-aged people love drinking liquor so much? There are mainly two reasons. One is to relieve st - DayDayNews

Most of the alcohol-blended wines on the market are made from cheap potatoes. The brewed wine has many impurities and less flavor. It is often necessary to add "edible flavors" and "edible spices" to the raw materials. Drinking this kind of wine is not only unpleasant to your senses, but drinking too much can be harmful to your health. Therefore, it is best for middle-aged people not to touch this kind of wine.

When people reach middle age, they have many minor health problems that keep popping up. If you can't quit drinking and still drink frequently, it's best to choose high-quality liquor.

What is considered high-quality liquor? must first be brewed from pure grains. Good grains produce good wine, and the grain land is good. During the brewing process, rich aroma and flavor substances can be fermented, so there is no need to use messy additives for flavoring.

Surveys show that middle-aged people account for up to 70% of liquor consumers, making them the absolute main force. Life is short, there are only a few springs and autumns. Why do middle-aged people love drinking liquor so much? There are mainly two reasons. One is to relieve st - DayDayNews

Furthermore, the brewing process plays an important role in the quality of wine. Take sauce wine as an example. If it is brewed using the sand channeling process, you can buy a bottle for more than ten yuan, and drinking it can easily cause discomfort. High-quality Maotai wines such as Maotai and Guotai use the traditional Daqu Kunsha process, so that the wine produced has a long aftertaste.

This is the case for Jun Zhongyuan Private Liquor produced in the core production area of ​​Guizhou Maotai Liquor. The brewer once passed down the government to and studied under the tutelage of Maotai's former deputy director Li Xingfa . He has strict requirements for brewing, and the craftsmanship is the same as that of Feitian. , select red tassel waxy sorghum as raw material, adopt the "Surveys show that middle-aged people account for up to 70% of liquor consumers, making them the absolute main force. Life is short, there are only a few springs and autumns. Why do middle-aged people love drinking liquor so much? There are mainly two reasons. One is to relieve st - DayDayNews2987" process , and it will take one year to brew new wine.

After the new wine is brewed, it is stored in the cellar for 16 years to fully evaporate the harmful substances in the wine, and it can be released from the factory only after it becomes more mature.

Surveys show that middle-aged people account for up to 70% of liquor consumers, making them the absolute main force. Life is short, there are only a few springs and autumns. Why do middle-aged people love drinking liquor so much? There are mainly two reasons. One is to relieve st - DayDayNews

Once the bottle mouth is opened, 's rich sauce aroma will instantly float into the nasal cavity, mixed with 's light floral and fruity aroma and pasty smell , which smells very pleasant. After entering the mouth, the wine body is mellow and delicate, and is very comfortable. It is neither spicy nor dry when swallowed, and has a hint of grain aroma. The more you drink it, the smoother it becomes! is very suitable for middle-aged people to drink .

② Don’t touch wine that is beyond your tolerance!

Whether it is at the wine table or when drinking by themselves, middle-aged people should pay attention to "enough is enough" when drinking liquor.

Surveys show that middle-aged people account for up to 70% of liquor consumers, making them the absolute main force. Life is short, there are only a few springs and autumns. Why do middle-aged people love drinking liquor so much? There are mainly two reasons. One is to relieve st - DayDayNews

Some people find it difficult to do it because it is something they cannot control, especially at the wine table. Friends keep "sincerely" urging them to drink. Even if they can't drink it, they are too embarrassed to refuse, so they can only bite the bullet and drink. And done. One cup after another, if you don't pay attention, you will get drunk.

As a middle-aged person, he is already mature enough. Is it still unclear what his priorities are?

A true friend will not persuade you to drink wine that you can't drink, so don't be kidnapped by some "hypocrisy" and refuse when you should.

Surveys show that middle-aged people account for up to 70% of liquor consumers, making them the absolute main force. Life is short, there are only a few springs and autumns. Why do middle-aged people love drinking liquor so much? There are mainly two reasons. One is to relieve st - DayDayNews

If you are not responsible for your body and cannot control your drinking, once something happens, others will just hide and watch the fun. Be careful that you regret it alone and the whole family will suffer. By then it will be too late to regret it.

Middle-aged people can drink, but remember to "drink for pleasure" and don't put too much pressure on yourself for the so-called face.

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