How can couples reconcile after a quarrel?

2020/06/2901:08:02 emotion 1288

It is inevitable that there will be some bumps in life, and it is normal for two people to quarrel. However, the most important thing is that if there is a problem, you can't keep it and solve it in time

Then how do you reconcile with the other party after a quarrel?

1. Buy small gifts for the other party

How can couples reconcile after a quarrel? - DayDayNews

At this time, it is better to choose what you want.

Give the other party something he likes and let him temporarily forget the conflict with you

so that both parties will slowly forget the quarrel

will only remember your good

2. Don’t say hurtful things when arguing

How can couples reconcile after a quarrel? - DayDayNews

quarrel It’s normal, but don’t say anything that hurts.

This will prevent the other party from coming off stage and make it difficult for you to reconcile.

Every time your cruel words will leave a scar in his heart, maybe When you said that you broke up, you were still wondering why you broke up

So, the quarrel is to solve the problem, not to press the other side, let alone use his love for you as a weapon to make him compromise

3. Calm and calm

How can couples reconcile after a quarrel? - DayDayNews

When you are angry, you will never think that you are wrong

Calm and calm are good for both parties

But calm is not cold war, cold war is consuming you Feeling

After the cooling-off period has passed, you should give the other party down the steps as soon as possible.

4. Find an excuse to talk to the other party

How can couples reconcile after a quarrel? - DayDayNews

can be an emoticon to admit mistake

can also be asking where something is

and chatting by the way, I don’t need to teach it to this point

The thing I’m afraid is that two people will not speak, and it will become more troublesome in the end. The bigger

5, help the other party do things

How can couples reconcile after a quarrel? - DayDayNews

can help him get something,

can also take him out to eat when he is hungry


In fact, it is to get the other person down the steps, so that he is no longer angry.

Everyone, how can we reconcile? Discuss with everyone in the comment area

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