When you get along with the opposite sex, what makes a man move is often these "charm points" in you

2020/04/0300:33:06 emotion 1310

"Dielianhua is warm on the sun and the wind is beginning to break the ice, Liuyanmei and cheeks, I feel that the spring heart is moved." Some people are superficial and are moved by your appearance. Some people are sensible, and what likes you is your unique charm. When a man falls in love with you and moves his heart to you, it must be because you have charms that make him feel sparkly. So when the opposite sex gets along, men will be moved by these "charm points" in you.

When you get along with the opposite sex, what makes a man move is often these


The gentleness of girls is the most deadly, gentleness is a treasure in the world. When a boy meets a gentle girl, he is always attracted to gentleness. What is tenderness? Gentleness is just the right understanding, you need comfort, she happens to be there. You are in a dilemma, she seems unintentional, but cleverly helps you resolve it. When you are embarrassed, she understands you and changes the subject for you. The so-called gentleness, is not the meticulousness in the bones, not the lingering charm, but she understands you. So when two people get along, what makes a man's heart move is often the tenderness in you.


independence is a trait that a girl should have. You have an independent personality, independent financial ability, and independent lifestyle. This kind of independence is a kind of charm. It is that you can get along with yourself independently when a man is busy; it is that you are independent when a man is away and will not press harder; it is that when a man is where you can be independent, you can not fully rely on men. Independence is to have an independent personality, to have one's own thoughts, and to have a way of dealing with problems. So when a woman learns to be independent, your charm will radiate, which will often make men move.


men don’t like small-bellied, caring girls, this will make them feel that girls are not generous and have a lot of things, and they will have a lot of trouble in getting along in the future. What is tolerance? It is to understand your emotional instability, to know your embarrassment, and to magnify the strengths of others and reduce the weaknesses of others. But often many people always have the shortcomings of the method and only see the bad places, so life is unhappy and has a lot of negative energy. When you are tolerant, boys will get along with you naturally, and will often be taken care of by your carelessness, and your heart will be attracted by your carelessness.

When you get along with the opposite sex, what makes a man move is often these

makes people have a desire to protect

girls are girls after all, and there are things they can’t do. A girl can't always be a man, be careless, and learn to behave like a baby and behave appropriately. When a boy finds that you are good at everything, he will think you are strong and have no urge to protect you, or even take you as a buddy. And in daily life, boys think you are strong, so strong women are often not taken care of. And often girls who are good at showing that they are not allowed will arouse boys' desire for protection. For example, you can’t unscrew the bottle cap instead of lifting the bucket. So when a boy has the feeling of protecting you, he often doesn't like you. Z1z


temperament is from the bones, is emitted from the inside out. What is temperament? It is the girl who dresses well, talks generously, behaves gracefully, and treats others softly. Temperament is cultivated and reflects the quality of a family. Temperament is more and more precipitated as the years go by. It is different from appearance, which is only temporary, but temperament is not. The beautiful face may only attract a temporary stop, but the temperament can often attract men for a long time. A man who sees your unique temperament will often move your heart. What is


thoughtfulness? Thoughtfulness is the hand that presses your shoulders when you are tired, the money you buy for wine when you are upset, and the tenderness you want to share when you are happy. But being considerate does not mean being gentle. Gentleness hits the heart directly, and considerateness is a small detail in daily life, because of considerateness, he feels that you are someone you can pursue for a lifetime. Because he wants to marry you home because he is considerate, he will want to be with you forever, and the president will treat you well. Heartbeat is not a long-term thing, but always heartbeat is. Therefore, when two people get along, being considerate is also the reason why a man's heart is moved.

When you get along with the opposite sex, what makes a man move is often these

emotional message: men and women in this world, some are attracted to each other, some are mutually exclusive. In the eyes of men, women are like prey, and there are always some fatal charms that attract men to hunt. So when a boy is moved to you, he is often special, and you are shining. So make good use of your shining points, become a successful adult, and have a beautiful and heart-warming relationship.

(picture comes from the Internet)

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