I was busy in class when a colleague came to me and asked me to have my eyebrows done and lip tattooed. She told me that it didn’t cost much, and it usually cost about two thousand yuan. I declined. A colleague also showed off to me that she spent three to five hundred dollars to

2024/07/0301:31:33 emotion 1022

I was busy in class when a colleague came to me and asked me to do eyebrow tattoos and lip tattoos. She told me that it didn’t cost much, and it usually cost about two thousand yuan. I declined. A colleague also showed off to me that she spent three to five hundred dollars to buy a set of sexy underwear. The quality is very good and it is so comfortable. I smiled slightly and said nothing.

I was busy in class when a colleague came to me and asked me to have my eyebrows done and lip tattooed. She told me that it didn’t cost much, and it usually cost about two thousand yuan. I declined. A colleague also showed off to me that she spent three to five hundred dollars to - DayDayNews

If I can’t do it, what capital can I show off? I just try to be myself, there is no need to compare with anyone. I am just an ordinary me, with no brand-name clothes, no high-end cosmetics, no background, no gold mines, no talent, no capital, no charm, and no high IQ or high EQ. In my husband's words, I am a stupid woman, so stupid that I fall into pieces.

It’s not that I can’t afford the two thousand yuan, or that I don’t love beauty. Because I know that these two thousand yuan are hard-earned, I want to spend it wisely and make it more valuable.

I was busy in class when a colleague came to me and asked me to have my eyebrows done and lip tattooed. She told me that it didn’t cost much, and it usually cost about two thousand yuan. I declined. A colleague also showed off to me that she spent three to five hundred dollars to - DayDayNews

Two years ago, my semi-automatic washing machine broke down. My husband told me, let’s buy another fully automatic one! It was only more than 3,000 yuan, which happened to be more than 200,000 yuan when my mother-in-law was hospitalized. I said let’s not buy a fully automatic one, let’s buy a semi-automatic one! I bought two of them and gave one to my parents so that they can do laundry more conveniently and not have to work so hard: "You stupid bitch, you are so stupid..." My husband was so angry that his facial features were deformed and he cursed me, He ignored me for several days.

I have been silent and made no sound. Because I know that my mother-in-law is in an advanced stage and my husband is in a bad mood and moody, so I can understand the pain in his heart. I am willing to be his punching bag and fire extinguisher. Besides, he was right in scolding her. Indeed, this stupid bitch was really stupid...

I was busy in class when a colleague came to me and asked me to have my eyebrows done and lip tattooed. She told me that it didn’t cost much, and it usually cost about two thousand yuan. I declined. A colleague also showed off to me that she spent three to five hundred dollars to - DayDayNews

One day later I went to the hospital to take care of my mother-in-law. I told her the good news but not the bad news and said: "Mom, the doctor said, in a few days We can be discharged from the hospital in the next day. I have agreed with your son to buy you a new washing machine. It is very cheap now, if you don’t buy it, it will return to the original price in a few days.” But the mother-in-law said: “Buy whatever you want!” The medical treatment cost more than 20,000 yuan. "We kept her condition and actual expenses hidden. If you tell her that you have spent too little, she will be angry and think that you will not see a doctor; if you say that you have spent too much, she will feel distressed and anxious. She kept asking how much it cost. We all agreed: I told her it cost 20,000 yuan.

"Oh, Mom, so you have to take good medicine, take good care of your illness, and get well soon. Then we can earn back the money we spent. When you get older, we will buy a new washing machine, so you won't have to wash clothes in the future." You're so tired, aren't you?" The mother-in-law said nothing more.

I was busy in class when a colleague came to me and asked me to have my eyebrows done and lip tattooed. She told me that it didn’t cost much, and it usually cost about two thousand yuan. I declined. A colleague also showed off to me that she spent three to five hundred dollars to - DayDayNews

A week later, my husband finally figured it out and bought two semi-automatic washing machines and installed them.

After some time, I mobilized my husband to install an air conditioner for the elderly. I say filial piety comes first . The elderly have worked hard all their lives. As children, we must do our best to fill the elderly with joy, happiness and gratification in their later years. This is our unshirkable responsibility and mission. We cannot wait to fulfill our filial piety. This will be our tomorrow and the future that everyone must step into!

My husband still couldn't figure it out for a long time, cursed me, said I had too many things to do, was messing around, and ignored me for a long time! I firmly believe that good things come hard, and if I am right, perseverance is victory.

I was busy in class when a colleague came to me and asked me to have my eyebrows done and lip tattooed. She told me that it didn’t cost much, and it usually cost about two thousand yuan. I declined. A colleague also showed off to me that she spent three to five hundred dollars to - DayDayNews

As expected, after a while, he installed an air conditioner for the old man. I smiled happily. He also smiled and told others that I was thinking about making trouble every day, but he really couldn't do anything about me, as if he had been wronged a lot, but in fact it was me who was really wronged.

When both parents were sick and hospitalized, I contributed money and help. I often had disagreements with my husband, and I tried my best to coax them. I will support my eldest brother with 50,000 yuan to buy a house. I will support 100,000 yuan for my uncle’s business shortage. I will support 30,000 yuan for my uncle’s sister to buy a big car. I will support 10,000 yuan for my colleague to buy a house for his son to get married. I will support 10,000 yuan for my husband’s brother-in-law’s treatment for cancer. , I support my old father with 20,000 yuan if he has no money for medical treatment...

I was busy in class when a colleague came to me and asked me to have my eyebrows done and lip tattooed. She told me that it didn’t cost much, and it usually cost about two thousand yuan. I declined. A colleague also showed off to me that she spent three to five hundred dollars to - DayDayNews

I am such a stupid woman, so stupid that I fall into pieces. I don't pay much attention to food and clothing. I have few clothes and shoes that cost more than 100 yuan. I do odd jobs when I have time after get off work to earn a few taels of silver.What can I do? I want to protect the health of my parents, the growth of my young son, and the comings and goings of lovers. Money is inseparable from everything. I have neither talent nor capital, so I can only live my life in my own hard-earned way, and work hard with the patience that is tempered into steel. Stumbling along the way, but not daring to stop.

Because I deeply understand: When one day you have experienced the ruthlessness of society, the pressure of money, the unbearable love, and the sinisterness of the human heart, you will eventually understand that no matter how big the roof of others is, it is not as good as having an umbrella of your own!

It is better to rely on myself than to rely on anyone, so I, a silly woman, can only stay optimistic, maintain enthusiasm for life, be energetic, and run all the way!

I was busy in class when a colleague came to me and asked me to have my eyebrows done and lip tattooed. She told me that it didn’t cost much, and it usually cost about two thousand yuan. I declined. A colleague also showed off to me that she spent three to five hundred dollars to - DayDayNews

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