It is said that it is difficult to get along with mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. In fact, it is not difficult for mother-in-law and daughter-in-law to get along with each other. What is difficult is that they fail to treat each other sincerely. Someone once said that when get

2024/07/0301:30:32 emotion 1255

It is said that it is difficult to get along with mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. In fact, it is not difficult for mother-in-law and daughter-in-law to get along with each other. What is difficult is that they fail to treat each other sincerely. Someone once said that when get - DayDayNews

It is said that it is difficult to get along with mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. In fact, it is not difficult for mother-in-law and daughter-in-law to get along with each other. What is difficult is that they fail to treat each other sincerely.

Someone once said that the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law should be regarded as caring and caring as one's own, and treat each other with respect and hospitality. Only by empathizing with each other, treating other people's mothers as mothers, and treating other people's daughters as daughters can the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law live in harmony.

Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law who can really do this are extremely rare and rare. Because mother-in-law and daughter-in-law cannot get along as mother and daughter, it is inevitable that there will be various conflicts and disputes between the two strange women. If you want your family to live in harmony, you can only exchange your sincerity with each other.

It is said that it is difficult to get along with mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. In fact, it is not difficult for mother-in-law and daughter-in-law to get along with each other. What is difficult is that they fail to treat each other sincerely. Someone once said that when get - DayDayNews

01. Partial mother-in-law, favoring daughters over sons.

Parents in other families favor sons over daughters, and give all good things to their sons. But in Luo Wen's husband's family, it was the other way around. Her parents-in-law favored daughters over sons. All the good things in the family were given to the daughter by the parents-in-law, but the son only got the obligation to support him in old age.

Luo Wen and her husband were in a free love relationship. At that time, her parents did not agree with the marriage, so Luo Wen insisted on marrying her husband against all opinions. Because she was naive at the time, she only thought that although her husband had a sister, he had no brothers and was the only son in the family.

However, she didn't understand until Luo Wen actually got married. Even if the husband is the only son in the family, there is nothing he can do to stop his parents-in-law from favoring sons over daughters. Parents who are biased are all the same, without exception.

Luo Wen was a little bit worried about her parents-in-law's favoritism. My aunt is two years older than her husband and got married a year earlier than they did. When my aunt got married, her parents-in-law were reluctant to part with it. They even used their own money to prepare a wedding house and a dowry of 200,000 yuan for my aunt.

When her husband got married, her parents-in-law only gave her 100,000 yuan, and then refused to give her any more money on the grounds that "the son has grown up and should not chew on his old age." In the end, the 100,000 yuan was not spent on the wedding room and wedding, but was used by Luo Wen and her husband on business.

It is said that it is difficult to get along with mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. In fact, it is not difficult for mother-in-law and daughter-in-law to get along with each other. What is difficult is that they fail to treat each other sincerely. Someone once said that when get - DayDayNews

02. My mother-in-law was sick, and when I paid the bill, I found that my deposit was zero.

Luo Wen felt very uncomfortable, and she also argued with her mother-in-law. But the mother-in-law said confidently, I have the final say on my money, and I can spend it on whoever I want, and you have nothing to do with it. I have my own daughter and pension money, and I don’t expect you to provide for her pension.

The mother-in-law said so definitely that Luo Wen couldn't hold on to her anymore. Later, Luo Wen and her husband bought a house and had a baby. Although her mother-in-law was present, she did not contribute any money or effort. She was just like a bystander, watching them struggle by themselves.

If her mother-in-law hadn't been ill and hospitalized, Luo Wen might not have known that her mother-in-law had saved so much money, but she subsidized the money to her aunt, leaving no penny for them or herself.

My mother-in-law was sick and hospitalized, and her medical expenses were 50,000 yuan. My aunt called them and asked them to come over and pay for it. After hearing the news, Luo Wen and her husband put down what they were doing and rushed to the hospital.

But when we arrived at the hospital, we only saw my mother-in-law lying on the hospital bed alone. As for my aunt, she had long since disappeared. When her mother-in-law saw them coming, she ordered them to pay the bill, saying that the hospital had been in urgent need of treatment for a long time.

Luo Wen felt very uncomfortable. Her mother-in-law fell down because she was tired from taking care of the children for her aunt. Shouldn't it be her aunt who pays for the medical expenses? Luo Wen said unhappily: You have your own pension money. Use your pension money first. If it is not enough, we will make up for it. Otherwise, let your aunt pay for the 50,000 yuan alone. After all, you are tired of taking care of the child for her.

The mother-in-law was forced to have no choice but to reluctantly take out her salary card. But when Luo Wen took her mother-in-law's salary card to pay, she found that the deposit on the salary card was zero. Luo Wen was so angry that she didn't pay the medical bills and went straight back to the ward.

It is said that it is difficult to get along with mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. In fact, it is not difficult for mother-in-law and daughter-in-law to get along with each other. What is difficult is that they fail to treat each other sincerely. Someone once said that when get - DayDayNews

03. Daughter-in-law gave up: find your daughter to take care of her in old age

Luo Wen threw the salary card back to her mother-in-law and told her: find your daughter to take care of her in old age, I can't afford it. Anyway, all your pension money is given to your aunt, and it is only natural that you should look to her for your pension.

After seeing that the matter was revealed, the mother-in-law's face turned red and white.But not long after, the mother-in-law became confident again. The married daughter had no obligation to support her parents, but the son had the obligation to support his parents.

Her mother-in-law's arrogance and cheating left Luo Wen extremely speechless. She couldn't understand why her mother-in-law was so partial to her aunt as they were both children. Since you are partial to your aunt, then stop morally kidnapping them to support them in their old age.

Her husband was in the middle making peace, and even took out a card and asked Luo Wen to pay the medical bills first, and they would discuss the rest after his mother was discharged from the hospital. But Luo Wen couldn't swallow this breath. Even if her son was obliged to provide for him in old age, he should only bear half of the medical expenses.

After thinking about this, Luo Wen paid 25,000 directly. As for the remaining 25,000, she called her aunt and asked her to come and pay. Otherwise, they would send her mother-in-law directly to her aunt's house. Let my aunt take care of me full time.

Luo Wen has long understood that no matter how kind and well-intentioned she is, she cannot be manipulated by her mother-in-law like this. It is true that she feels sorry for her husband, but she does not want to be morally kidnapped to provide for her mother-in-law in her old age.

Today’s topic:

Do you support Luo Wen to help pay for half of the medical expenses?

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