As long as I don't get married, have children, or buy a house, can my happiness improve? According to data from the Ministry of Civil Affairs, my country's single adult population in 2018 was 240 million, of which 77 million lived alone. It is expected that by 2021, the single po

2024/07/0222:55:33 emotion 1114

As long as I don’t get married, have children, or buy a house, can my happiness be improved?

As long as I don't get married, have children, or buy a house, can my happiness improve? According to data from the Ministry of Civil Affairs, my country's single adult population in 2018 was 240 million, of which 77 million lived alone. It is expected that by 2021, the single po - DayDayNews

According to data from the Ministry of Civil Affairs, my country's single adult population was 240 million in 2018, of which 77 million lived alone. It is expected that by 2021, the single population will be close to 260 million. The number is shocking.

A strange phenomenon has emerged when it comes to marriage issues nowadays, that is, parents are extremely anxious, but young people are not anxious at all. In the traditional concept, there is an idiom called starting a family and starting a career. Starting a family first and then developing a career is the order of life development of adults in traditional culture, and it is also an important indicator of life set by parents. Parents can feel at ease when their children have their own families and careers. Nowadays, many young people regard starting a family as a worry, thinking that as long as they don't get married or buy a house, their lives will be much happier.

As long as I don't get married, have children, or buy a house, can my happiness improve? According to data from the Ministry of Civil Affairs, my country's single adult population in 2018 was 240 million, of which 77 million lived alone. It is expected that by 2021, the single po - DayDayNews

In fact, this is no wonder for young people. Factors such as low income and high prices also limit young people's vision for the future. There is a set of data that says that 44% of young people in first-tier cities are moonlighters. In fact, there is no need for data analysis. I believe that most young people are like this. They spend all their money on themselves, so naturally there is no way to fall in love. After all, men and women My friend spends hundreds of dollars on a date.

Long working hours and no time for love are also factors. There is a table here in . China’s annual working hours are 2555 hours, ranking first in Asia. Based on 250 days of working hours per year, we have to work more than 10 hours a day. Based on my work experience in the imperial capital, it is still relatively good. objective. Including the time spent on public transportation to and from get off work every day, there should be 11 to 12 hours a day. When I get home from get off work, I am so exhausted that I have lost my human form, and the thought of falling in love has become a luxury.

As long as I don't get married, have children, or buy a house, can my happiness improve? According to data from the Ministry of Civil Affairs, my country's single adult population in 2018 was 240 million, of which 77 million lived alone. It is expected that by 2021, the single po - DayDayNews

Those born in the 1990s and 1995s are also relatively open in their emotional thinking. Marriage is a sign of a good relationship between two people, but divorce is also a common phenomenon when the relationship fades. There are fewer people getting married and more people getting divorced. Naturally, the number of single people is also increasing.

There is important data in the seventh census. Most single women are in cities, while single men are in rural areas. . Urban women have higher requirements for marriage. Houses, cars, and betrothal gifts are all indispensable. The three major items The total number exceeds "millions", and the matching mechanism is extremely bad, which makes the two lose the chance to see each other.

So if we don’t get married or buy a house, can our happiness in life improve? I won’t say whether this behavior can improve happiness, only its feasibility. It is not difficult for a person to live happily if only his personal necessities of life are met. As for the satisfaction of emotional needs, electronic products and the Internet have now given people sufficient emotional sustenance. After all, people's emotions are diverse, as long as there are things that they like and make people feel satisfied. Playing games and petting pets, many people live alone like this.

As long as I don't get married, have children, or buy a house, can my happiness improve? According to data from the Ministry of Civil Affairs, my country's single adult population in 2018 was 240 million, of which 77 million lived alone. It is expected that by 2021, the single po - DayDayNews

As for if you want to lie down and avoid being cut, that is impossible. Personalized travel, small kitchen utensils, and single apartments have all been prepared for you. After all, there are as many as 200 million singles, and what capital is most concerned about is Consumer groups, consumption for single people have quietly appeared in all aspects of life.

In fact, the most important thing in life is to have hope. Getting married and having children is an act full of hope for the future life. Without hope, you will lose this motivation. After all, you are unknown in the future, and you don't want your children to face the unknown with you.

To say that a perfect life definitely does not exist, some people value material things, while others value inner things. Every lifestyle has pros and cons, it all depends on what kind of life you want. Getting means giving up something at the same time, whether to stay with the right person for a long time, or to just go with the flow and follow your own feelings. What do you think about this? You might as well chat in the comment area.

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