# punchcardchallengebureau# Marriage is a practice, and it is a person’s practice. Life is about relationships, deal with the relationship with yourself first. Searching for true and lasting intimacy is actually searching for yourself. Your intimate partner is here to help you kn

2024/07/0216:55:32 emotion 1961

# punchcardchallengebureau# Marriage is a practice, and it is a person’s practice. Life is about relationships, deal with the relationship with yourself first. Searching for true and lasting intimacy is actually searching for yourself. Your intimate partner is here to help you kn - DayDayNews

We are in social interpersonal relationships, and it is almost impossible not to have the trouble of intimate relationships. Intimate relationships are not limited to love relationships between men and women. As long as two people are close to a certain extent, such as roommates, colleagues, friends, family, etc., they can be considered intimate relationships. kind of.

The intimate relationship between men and women is the most energetic and tense, and therefore the most conflicting and heartbreaking.

empathizes and truly believes that the happy switch of intimate relationships is in our own hands. It is a journey to explore the truth of life.

You can understand it and be aware of it, which is a kind of fate and an awakening of life.

# punchcardchallengebureau# Marriage is a practice, and it is a person’s practice. Life is about relationships, deal with the relationship with yourself first. Searching for true and lasting intimacy is actually searching for yourself. Your intimate partner is here to help you kn - DayDayNews

Why do you have a bad relationship with your spouse, customers, colleagues, and friends? It's because you don't love yourself enough and don't understand what love is.

Any intimate relationship is about helping you understand yourself, and you are the love you have been looking for.

On the road of soul relationship, we are not only looking for love, but also an experience that can make us fall into passion again and again. We hope to get something from intimate relationships that can satisfy the desires of body, mind and soul.

On the surface, it seems that we are just lonely or longing for someone to share our joys, sorrows and joys, but in fact, behind every intimate relationship, our souls are operating, leading us to experience spiritual satisfaction.

# punchcardchallengebureau# Marriage is a practice, and it is a person’s practice. Life is about relationships, deal with the relationship with yourself first. Searching for true and lasting intimacy is actually searching for yourself. Your intimate partner is here to help you kn - DayDayNews

Intimacy is a perfect design: In an intimate relationship, everything is an important part, even unpleasant conflicts and uncomfortable situations. As you continue to grow emotionally, you begin to understand that you and Anything that happens between partners.

When you refuse to accept displeasure and discomfort, you no longer see the revelation these things bring, and it will also prevent you from seeing clearly what is happening.

True love is unconditional. It has nothing to do with any situation or situation. It cannot be obtained from others, nor is it triggered by other people's actions. It is because you are you. The purpose of a relationship is not to give and receive, but to each other. Love, but to help you understand that you are the love you have been looking for, which means that you are love itself.

# punchcardchallengebureau# Marriage is a practice, and it is a person’s practice. Life is about relationships, deal with the relationship with yourself first. Searching for true and lasting intimacy is actually searching for yourself. Your intimate partner is here to help you kn - DayDayNews

The purpose of a partner: not to be your source of love and happiness. It is not their job to meet your expectations and make you happy. When it comes to emotional maturity and awakening to your true self, your partner plays one of three roles in your love life.

1. A mirror that allows you to see the discomfort that arouses your attention.

2. A teacher that will motivate and inspire you when you explore your true self.

3. A "playmate" starts and accompanies you on a journey of life.

# punchcardchallengebureau# Marriage is a practice, and it is a person’s practice. Life is about relationships, deal with the relationship with yourself first. Searching for true and lasting intimacy is actually searching for yourself. Your intimate partner is here to help you kn - DayDayNews

We usually project all our unmet needs that we have not received since childhood, and all our inner needs on the person who loves us and makes us special. We feel that with him, these needs will be satisfied.

In fact, this kind of projection is to project the prototype of our ideal parents onto each other. It is impossible for anyone in this world to meet all your needs and fill the lack you have had since childhood. You have too high expectations and feel fresh from the beginning. The process of returning to ordinary life will involve many difficulties and contradictions, which are worth pondering.

# punchcardchallengebureau# Marriage is a practice, and it is a person’s practice. Life is about relationships, deal with the relationship with yourself first. Searching for true and lasting intimacy is actually searching for yourself. Your intimate partner is here to help you kn - DayDayNews

When you set out to find true love, you embark on a journey of self-seeking. I wish our journey will be fruitful all the way to the end.

Love yourself well, love others well, and give more love to get love.

Live love, become love, and find love! (The next article will continue in-depth introspection)

Thank you for reading, and slowly heal your soul in the text

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