What is the sense of security? It is said in "I am fine in a foreign country": A sense of security is the high wall you try to build for yourself, and it is the light that stays on for you no matter how late you go home. Or is it the slowly growing string of numbers on your bank

2024/07/0108:43:33 emotion 1865
What is the sense of security in

? It is said in " I am doing well in a foreign country ":

A sense of security is the high wall you try to build for yourself, and it is the light that stays on for you no matter how late you go home.

or the series of slowly growing numbers on the bank card? I don't think so.

A sense of security should be a kind of belief, even if it comes from the kindness of a stranger, believing that you are irreplaceable in that person's heart, and believing that you have the ability to withstand any storm.

In the final analysis, it is to believe that only you can give yourself the so-called sense of security.

Symptoms of lack of security:

1. Like to hear sweet words from the other party, but at the same time doubtful.

2. I don’t like to trouble others, I just support myself.

3. Afraid of doing the wrong thing or saying the wrong thing, especially caring about other people's eyes and opinions.

4. Sensitive and suspicious.

5. Unable to accept the bad side of myself.

6. Pretending to be strong but eager for someone to understand.

7. It is easy to worry about gains and losses.

So how to change these problems?

1. Give others more opportunities and try to trust them.

2. Try to reveal your true inner thoughts.

3. Accept your imperfections.

4. Appreciate more and learn to love yourself.

5. Get rid of excessive dependence on others.

6. Take care of your body.

7. Give up comparison.

What is the sense of security? It is said in

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