As the old saying goes: "If a person wants to succeed, he must meet three conditions: three points of talent, six points of hard work, and one point of relying on the support of noble people." The first two points can be achieved by ourselves. But what determines the success or f

2024/06/3013:21:32 emotion 1888

The old saying goes:

"If a person wants to succeed, he must meet three conditions: three points of talent, six points of hard work, and one point of relying on the support of noble people."

The first two points can be achieved by ourselves.

But what determines the success or failure of our career and the height of our life is often whether we have the support of noble people.

As the old saying goes:

Many times, the role of support from noble people is decisive:

He may be the person who gives us help in times of need. He can help us get out of trouble and turn the crisis into safety;

It may also be the person who adds the finishing touch to us. We go straight to the ninth heaven, and our future is endless.

The support of noble people is fate and luck. It is rare to meet but not to seek.

If you want to meet a noble person, you must first learn to shine in order to attract the attention of the noble person.

People who understand these three points will be more likely to receive support from noble people, and their lives will become smoother and smoother.

01 Full respect for noble people

Voltaire said:

"Respect is the best stepping stone to the development of a relationship."

This is especially true for noble people.

When getting along with noble people, you must accurately grasp each other's position and distance, and don't be too abrupt or too intimate.

Instead, give the other party sufficient space and full respect, and put your heart and effort into the details to win the other party's recognition.

When getting along with noble people, don't be too purposeful or flattery.

Excessive enthusiasm is hypocrisy. Not only does the other person not feel respected, they may even think you have bad intentions. No one is willing to help such a person.

When getting along with noble people, you must be humble and sincere, and not arrogant.

Noble people are all "human spirits". They have seen too many people and things. The most basic thing and what they want most is the respect of others.

In their eyes, the more arrogant a person is, the more worthless they are and the less likely they are to support them.

As the old saying goes:

As the saying goes:

"To attract the phoenix, build the nest first, and the phoenix will come to warm the nest."

If a noble person doesn't get respect from you and doesn't feel the warmth, then there is a high probability that he will not be interested in you.

Not only will you not get guidance and support from noble people, but you will also get further and further away from you.

So, put yourself in others’ shoes.

If you want to be supported by noble people, you must first start with respect.

02 It can make up for the shortcomings of noble people.

Tolstoy said:

"Everyone has flaws, just like the apple that God has bitten."

Noble people are no exception.

Although a noble person may be smarter, more capable, and have more resources than you, he is not omnipotent and may have shortcomings.

For noble people, time is the most precious. In order to make up for this shortcoming, he is willing to take the initiative to get to know and win over such talents.

If you happen to be an expert in this field, you can become his "guest" and naturally get support from the noble person.

But the reality is that we cannot determine who is the noble person, let alone which "shortcoming" to start with.

The method of seeking the sword at the last minute will definitely not work. You can only "wait and wait":

means to continue to work hard in a certain field, become a master, and become an irreplaceable person.

When the time comes, experts with corresponding needs will naturally come to our door.

As the old saying goes:

Ge You said in " A World Without Thieves ":

"The most expensive thing in the 21st century is talent."

The more noble you are, the more you are attracted to talents. If you can save time and make up for the shortcomings of the noble people, you will naturally receive special treatment and strong support from the noble people.

Therefore, if you want to take something, you must first give it.

wants the support of noble people, see if you can make up for the shortcomings of noble people.

03 Can provide value to noble people

There is a saying that goes well:

"The essence of interpersonal communication is value exchange."

The same is true for interacting with noble people.

The reason why a noble person supports you is ultimately because you can provide value and he can benefit from you.

Nothing in this world is bad for no reason, and nothing is good for no reason. The only people who can help you regardless of any reward are your parents.

Therefore, if you want to get support from noble people, you must first ask what value you can provide to them.

As the old saying goes:

Some people may think:

Talking about value is too vain, talking about exchange is too vulgar?

Shouldn’t support from noble people be unconditional?

If I can provide value, what else do I need from you?

This kind of thinking not only misunderstands "noble people", underestimates oneself, but also fails to understand social rules.

Interpersonal communication is a mutually nested process. The greater the value they provide each other, the deeper they are nested.

Noble people support you to give you an opportunity to nest and bind each other. You should actively provide value to the other party and strive to achieve a win-win situation.

Such "cooperation" will be more reliable and support will be longer-lasting.

Therefore, show your heart to your heart and exchange sincerity for sincerity.

If you want support from noble people, try your best to provide value to them.

As the old saying goes:

Confucius said:

"When three people are walking together, there must be one who is my teacher."

The noble person may be around us.

The reason why we haven't discovered it yet and haven't received support from noble people may be that we haven't cultivated enough ourselves.

Understand these 3 points, stay focused and sincere, and sooner or later you will meet a noble person.

Life will also become brighter and smoother!

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