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What are single women in their later years worried about most? What is the most intolerable thing for them in their later years? I believe that many women have their own feelings. After all, everyone's situation is different, so their inner feelings are also different. A 58-year-old single woman said what was in her heart today. In her heart, this is the most unbearable thing for her. What kind of thing is it? Let’s take a look at Ms. Yu’s story.

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Narrator: Ms. Yu is 58 years old

I am 58 years old this year. I evaluate myself. I have the image of a strong woman in life. I am the kind of person who is vigorous and resolute at work, so I have my own principles and requirements. , although my colleagues who work with me don’t like me very much, I think I am still a good employee. After retiring from a state-owned enterprise, my monthly salary is about 5,500.

The money I earn is enough for myself. Even if it is not enough, my husband also has money. He is in the lumber business and made a lot of money when he was young, so we bought a house, a new car, and two shops. We rented out. We had two daughters, and their academic performance was also very good. However, my husband passed away in an accident, leaving me to raise our two daughters by myself. It was really hard. Fortunately, the daughters have grown up. Now that I am married and retired, I should enjoy my old age.

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Actually, I am a restless person. I usually go out for a walk after eating, but after a long time, I feel that this kind of life is very boring. Later, my eldest daughter got pregnant and gave birth to a baby. I thought it was her mother-in-law’s. My daughter is not in good health, so my daughter wants me to take care of her children, so that I can spend more time with my daughter and avoid being bored by myself.

It was pretty good when I first moved in, but after living there for a long time, my son-in-law started to dislike me a little. Although he didn't say it, he always quarreled with my daughter. I'm a smart man, so can I. It was obvious that he just didn’t want me to continue living in his home. Later, in order not to disturb the woman’s family harmony, I finally moved out. Later, my youngest daughter also wanted me to live in her home, but I felt it was not necessary. , moving there will end up with the same result, so it’s better to move back to your hometown.

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I am actually not short of money in my later years, because I can collect almost 7,000 yuan from rent alone. Plus my own pension and savings in hand, I don’t need a lot of expenses, so, I should be very happy in my later years, but it is really lonely to be alone all the time. I later figured out that I need to develop some interests and hobbies. I can't let my old age live in such a mediocre way.

Later, I went out to square dance with my sisters. To be honest, this dance was really good. After dancing for a while, I felt that dancing can not only exercise but also make some new friends. This will be good for me in the future. Life is still very helpful, but during this period of dancing, I also witnessed the love of many elderly people. After many women danced, their wives came to drive them home. Whenever I see this , I would feel particularly uncomfortable. If my husband hadn't passed away, I guess my husband would have been so kind to me, but none of this would have come true.

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Later, what I didn’t expect was that several men took the initiative to chat with me. They just wanted to date me and live together with me. To be honest, many of them were very nice to me. , often bought me something to eat, and even took the initiative to send me home, but I took the initiative to reject these men.

Speaking of which, one of the men was quite interesting. He was very nice to me. Just when he thought I would be with him, I rejected him. He actually yelled and cursed me, saying that I was not a serious woman and did all kinds of things. To slander me, in fact, I really didn’t want to have a relationship with him. I just thought it was good to be a friend. He has always been self-righteous and thought that I already completely belonged to him. It was really ridiculous.

Actually, in my heart, I can never let go of my husband. Although he is no longer here, he still exists in my heart, and my heart cannot tolerate other men. These years have been really hard, and it doesn’t matter if it’s hard or tiring. The most difficult thing is loneliness. Being alone is really hard, but I will be a good woman. I am very self-disciplined. I want to be alone. Live the life you want.

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Today’s topic:

In my opinion, many elderly people in their later years, especially when they are single, will feel lonely whether they are men or women after living alone for a long time. That feeling is actually very uncomfortable. Yes, but some people have a lot of things on their minds, especially single women who have more delicate minds and will think a lot. Everyone thinks differently, and we must fully respect it.

What do you think is the most difficult thing for a single woman in her later years? Everyone is welcome to leave a message and discuss in the comment area below.

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