As we grow in life, what should we do when we regret it? In fact, regret is the norm, and impermanence is the norm. #思#​#PERSONALGROWTH#​# Thinking Upgrade#​#Psychology#​Thinking upgrade avoids detours, hello, I am Sen, do you often regret it? Maybe while you are listening to thi

2024/06/2921:37:32 emotion 1283

As we grow in life, what should we do when we regret it? In fact, regret is the norm, and impermanence is the norm. #思#​#PERSONALGROWTH#​# Thinking Upgrade#​#Psychology#​Thinking upgrade avoids detours, hello, I am Sen, do you often regret it? Maybe while you are listening to thi - DayDayNews

As we grow in life, what should we do when we regret it? In fact, regret is the norm, and impermanence is the norm.

# Thinking##Personal growth##Thinking upgrade##Psychology#

Thinking upgrade avoid detours, hello, I am Sen, do you often regret it?

Maybe while you are listening to this program, you are still thinking about what happened yesterday, or maybe you are also thinking about things that have not happened yet.

When I think about things that have not happened in the future, I may feel fear and disappointment in life.

It could be all kinds of other moods and emotions, but it really hasn't happened yet, has it?

So this part of the time is really important to me, and of course, it is also very important to you, because it can change your thinking habits, change one of my thinking habits, and it can make you now Do more things and do better in the present. Look at the things you regret, and look at the things you regret in a person's life. There are so many things, but most of them don't have much memory value. , because time has passed, and then, things that were originally recalled become less important. As many people say, important things will change, and people will also change. People are the most fickle. The reason What is it?

The reason is because time is changing and the world is changing.

It turns out that when I was studying psychology in Taiwan, the psychology professor mentioned a point of view: in a person's life, the time for regret is half of his life. I still didn't believe it, but later on As time goes by, I believe more and more.

In fact, it is undeniable for everyone that in life, there are many things worth regretting and remembering. However, every time we think about things we regret, it will be a rearview mirror on our way forward. So if we want to drive fast, we can't always look in the rearview mirror.

are you right?

At least I think it is a kind of spiritual and psychological internal friction. In fact, no one can decide the past or whether there will be regrets in the future, but that kind of thinking can make us think about things we regret every time. Sometimes, if you can free yourself from the emotions of regretful things, at least you still have a lot of wonderful things.

Thinking is also a reaction to our physical feelings. When we accept regrets and accept the vacancies and changes in our lives, we will have a new life and new changes.

You see, when I moved from Shanghai to another city, I was constantly growing without knowing it. I hope that you who listen to this audio will also have one.

A new life has a new psychological state to deal with regrets in life, because it is a normal state.

Okay, that’s all we’ll talk about today. Let’s talk tomorrow. Remember to follow me, upgrade your thinking, and grow together. Bye.

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