To change yourself, you don't actually need to do much in particular. You just need to insert some actions in your life that will help you grow, and then regularize your life. Over time, you can gather sand into a tower and slowly cultivate yourself into an excellent person. Belo

2024/06/2420:56:32 emotion 1341

To change yourself, you don’t actually need to do a lot of things. You just need to insert some actions that will help your growth in your life, and then regularize your life. Over time, you can gather sand into a tower and slowly cultivate yourself into an excellent person. .

Below are 8 things I carefully selected. Do these 8 things well and use one year to change yourself.

To change yourself, you don't actually need to do much in particular. You just need to insert some actions in your life that will help you grow, and then regularize your life. Over time, you can gather sand into a tower and slowly cultivate yourself into an excellent person. Belo - DayDayNews


and you will find that throughout the entire Internet, at least 90% of people are telling you to read.

The importance of reading is self-evident. First, reading helps increase knowledge and improve abilities; second, reading helps expand horizons and increase knowledge; third, reading can help solve practical problems, such as some practical books "How to Read a Book" and "Deliberately" Practice: How to go from novice to master" etc.

As Mr. Yu Qiuyu said:

"The biggest reason for reading is to get rid of mediocrity. One day earlier will bring more excitement to life, and one day late will bring more troubles of mediocrity."

If you want to get rid of mediocrity, you want to do better. To develop, reading is one of the easiest and most accessible ways.

⒉ Goals and plans

Goals are directions, and plans are actions.

When I have no goals, I feel like I am dawdling all day long. I don’t know why I have to study or work hard. I just follow the crowd and get easily involved in other people’s rhythms. Time flies by, but I don’t know why I have to work hard. There is nothing left for me.

I was just thinking, why do I seem to be working hard, but with no real results? I answer myself: Because there is no exact goal. It's like walking aimlessly, when will you reach the end?

When you have a goal, you must have a plan to coordinate it. It does not necessarily have to be a detailed plan like what to do every hour, but to have a general plan before doing things, knowing what to do, and among these things What are the specific tasks next? Let yourself know what you want to accomplish every day, instead of sitting at your desk and not knowing which book to read.

To change yourself, you don't actually need to do much in particular. You just need to insert some actions in your life that will help you grow, and then regularize your life. Over time, you can gather sand into a tower and slowly cultivate yourself into an excellent person. Belo - DayDayNews

⒊Self-disciplined work and rest

Self-disciplined work and rest is firstly the foundation of health, and secondly, it is the guarantee of energy.

Have you ever experienced the crushing feeling of having to take care of your skin for a long time, only to end up with pimples all over your face because you stayed up all night?

Have you ever experienced the powerless feeling of being groggy the next day because you stayed up late?

Have you ever experienced the unbearable headache when you stayed up late the night before and didn't want to get up the next morning, but had to get up due to work?

If you have experienced it, you will definitely understand why you need to go to bed early and get up early, and why you need to have a regular schedule.


wrote in the book "Review: Self-Guidance Rules for Solving Life Problems":

"In fact, a person's achievements in life largely depend on whether this review system can Stable and effective operation. If there is a problem with the review system, it can be said with certainty that it will be very difficult to come up with results in life. "

To put it simply, review is reflection. If you do things without reflection and just rush forward headlong, it will be like a student who has done a lot of questions but never corrected them. In the end, he or she will not be able to do it.

The same is true in life. Without review, you will not know where you went wrong, and you will not be able to learn some experience from your mistakes to correct yourself, and you will not be able to move from failure to success.

⒌ Develop good living habits

Good living habits help us maintain our love for life and maintain a positive mood in life.

Such as good hygiene habits, good eating habits, etc.

Do these things in life well and maintain a passionate and positive life. Only in this way will your life be more interesting.

To change yourself, you don't actually need to do much in particular. You just need to insert some actions in your life that will help you grow, and then regularize your life. Over time, you can gather sand into a tower and slowly cultivate yourself into an excellent person. Belo - DayDayNews


New York University Neuroscientist Wendy Suzuki said in a TED speech: Exercise can bring better mood, higher energy, better memory, and better concentration.

The body is the capital of everything. Only with good health can we have the opportunity to pursue more dreams and a better life.

⒎ Get rid of procrastination

Have you ever had such a moment? :

You wake up very early in the morning, but you can’t get up;

You have a full plan, but you only think of it at night;

You will never do it until the deadline is reached. pay.


Procrastination is a major problem that affects our progress. It will slow us down indefinitely in action and put us in a state of internal friction psychologically.

To defeat procrastination, we can help ourselves by setting deadlines for ourselves and arranging an environment for studying and working.

At the beginning, you need more willpower to resist procrastination and let yourself get into study and work. After a long time, you can form a habit.

8. Accept yourself

Learn to accept yourself. This is a very important thing and affects our life status.

If a person cannot accept himself, then his perspective on time and the way he treats the world will be negative, and he will not be able to make himself happy every day. This is a very painful thing.

Accept yourself, accept your strengths and weaknesses, and allow yourself to be imperfect.

Give yourself a year to widen the gap with your peers and meet a better self.

To change yourself, you don't actually need to do much in particular. You just need to insert some actions in your life that will help you grow, and then regularize your life. Over time, you can gather sand into a tower and slowly cultivate yourself into an excellent person. Belo - DayDayNews

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