"The strong wind knows the strong grass, and the fierce fire knows the true gold." The huge emotional waves wrapped in desire will eventually ebb, but true love is the unbreakable "mainstay" that remains unwavering despite the wear and tear of the years. There is no gender distin

2024/06/1103:11:33 emotion 1271

"The strong wind knows the strong grass, and the fierce fire sees the true gold." The emotional waves carrying desire will eventually ebb, but true love is the unbreakable "mainstay" that remains unchanged despite the wear and tear of the years.

Infatuated Person There is no gender distinction. Compared with women, men are more rational. They are emotionally reserved and straightforward in expression. Reason is a unique charm and a bonus for men. As a taste of spiritual temperament, it works together with a man's stalwart body to form a charming image.

Rational men seem to be colder. They will measure right and wrong, evaluate profits and losses, and even when love comes, they will stop and wait and see whether to get involved in the relationship after evaluating the emotional state of both parties. Therefore, when they meet someone they don't love, they are decisive and decisive, even more aloof and cold.

But if you meet the one who stirs your heartstrings, once he is "imprisoned" by love, no matter how rational a man is, he will find it difficult to control himself and his violently beating heart. He will be unable to control himself and reveal his true feelings in his actions.

Take the initiative to confess, not afraid of danger

Just one glance, and you are already emotional. True love is so pure and simple.

When we met for the first time, the ordinary figure dancing in the crowd was labeled "the only" because of love, which made the emotional man feel uncomfortable. Every time their eyes collide, those eyes are either as clear as water or as deep as night, and they always have an intoxicating charm.

When the night is lifted up into the sky, the hustle and bustle of the day slowly fades away, and the throbbing caused by love becomes the beating light of the night, accompanied by the memory candle illuminating that memorable face.

Longing is hidden in the blood, giving birth to soft tentacles, rolling and flowing, making people feel unbearable; longing is hidden in the throat, growing a huge body, hard and firm, making people unable to swallow.

Men driven by longing will take a brave step - they will blow the horn of confession and express their true feelings to the person they love.

will have the same outcome after confessing his love, either he will be rejected or he will get his wish. Those who are granted the wish can continue to write the road to happiness, but those who are rejected may hesitate or regain their glory. Men imprisoned by love often choose the latter, because true love will provide them with motivation and make them suffer. Not afraid.

Welcome to each other, eager to meet

Meeting can bring an end to longing. Those waiting in the night and looking into the distance during the day often arouse a sense of helplessness, but face-to-face communication will dilute this helplessness, and then joy will take over. Emotionally high, allowing men immersed in love to feel the pleasant sweetness.

When we are separated by two places and unable to meet each other, in addition to missing each other, concern becomes another attitude to express love.

A man who is imprisoned in love will often greet the person he loves and try to express his love through verbal concern. He also hopes to get positive feedback to shorten the distance between the two and achieve the purpose of falling in love and staying together. .

If a man really misses you, he will overcome difficulties and let you know that even if you have rejected him before, the love in his heart will provide a steady stream of motivation to make you feel this hot emotion.

And if you have not rejected him and have a good impression of him, you may wish to respond promptly when he often expresses concern. This will help to promote a mutually satisfying relationship.

Some inner thoughts can only be more serious when discussed face to face; some actions can only be done more seriously in person. If you also intend to meet him, you can take the initiative to send an invitation to meet him when he expresses your love. This will not only satisfy your inner desires, but also make him full of joy, making the relationship between the two of you more solid.

Take action and be braver

Everyone can express verbal "love", but not everyone means it sincerely, because this kind of expression is too cheap and will become an excuse for some hypocritical people to achieve their goals. Therefore, when judging whether a love is true, you should not just look at words. Actions are more convincing than words.

When a man is imprisoned by love, he will not just talk about love, but will also put love into action and interpret it into surprises in life. Those scruples, worries, timidity and pride will be left behind, and courage will stand on top and dominate the actions of men.

For men who are determined to pursue love, even if "the one they love is separated by mountains and seas", "mountains and seas can be leveled". What allowed him to overcome various psychological and life obstacles was the courage provoked by true love. But this kind of bravery is not equated with recklessness, but a kind of bravery with a clear purpose. He challenges all obstacles with the goal of true love and includes a bright future in his plan.

If a man always says "I love you" verbally, but always gives in when obstacles come, and does not express his love for you through actions, it is likely that he just enjoys the feeling of being with you, and does not really love you. Don't fall into the trap carefully crafted by a man who doesn't love you.

Actions should be the touchstone of love to prevent you from getting lost in sweet words. If you really meet a man who loves you through actions, don't miss the opportunity to fall in love with him.

Love can always change a person in the smallest details and make people look different. Even a rational man in life will lose the armor made by reason when he is deeply in love. Show love with sincere and direct actions. , this is a kind of charm that goes against the beauty of reason.

Men who lose their minds because of love also have a cute side. They are sincere and brave, they can withstand the torrent of adversity and can withstand all kinds of pressure in life. If you meet such a man who loses his mind for you, you might as well Take a step and give two people a chance to fall in love.

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