In this life, people will meet all kinds of people, experience big and small things, and hear profound and superficial truths. On the other hand, if we look around us, we will find that the truly powerful people have achieved these three things: they don’t procrastinate, they don

2024/05/3117:38:33 emotion 1277

In this life, people will meet all kinds of people, experience big and small things, and hear profound and superficial truths. On the other hand, if we look around us, we will find that the truly powerful people have achieved these three things: they don’t procrastinate, they don - DayDayNews

No matter who you are, you will encounter unprepared troubles; no matter who you are, you can't predict tomorrow or which accident will come first. In this life, people will meet all kinds of people, experience big and small things, and hear profound and superficial truths. There is a sharp saying in the movie " will never be ": "I have heard a lot of truths, but I still can't live this life well." Looking back on half a life, this is indeed the case. We all know the truth, but we still inevitably make the same mistakes again. So how to avoid falling into such a "trap" in life? Mr. Wang Yangming once said: Knowledge is the idea of ​​action, and action is the effort of knowing. Knowledge is the beginning of action, and action is the completion of knowledge. That is the unity of knowledge and action. I deeply agree. On the other hand, if we look around us, we will find that the truly powerful people have achieved these three things: they don’t procrastinate, they don’t talk too much, and they don’t act.


Don’t procrastinate. I have seen this question: Have you ever missed anything because of procrastination? A young man's answer was quite touching: The young man wrote: He said he remembered that when he and his girlfriend were together last year, every time his girlfriend asked him to do something. He always said: "Just wait a little longer..." After a long time, finally one day, his girlfriend no longer gave him a chance to say this, and the two broke up. The boy left a message under the question: "If I hadn't kept telling you to wait a little longer until she was extremely disappointed and left, then she and I might have had different endings..." Sometimes, once missed, it will be a lifetime. Some people have lost love because of procrastination; some have lost friendship because of procrastination; some have lost family ties because of procrastination; some have lost their future because of procrastination. Zeng Guofan, a famous official in the late Qing Dynasty said: All the talented people in the world, ancient and modern, are defeated by the word "arrogance"; the mediocre people in the world, ancient and modern, are all defeated by the word "lazy". Hundreds of ills arise from laziness. Avoid arrogance and laziness, this is the way to protect your family. Laziness and procrastination are the biggest stumbling blocks on the road to success. As the old saying goes, nothing is difficult if you work hard. After all, hard work can make up for weakness. Zeng Guofan spent his whole life proving to the world and future generations that even a middle-aged person can become a late bloomer. People often think that they are in the late stages of procrastination and are hopeless. As a result, their mentality changes and they gradually deteriorate. In the end, they will only become more lazy and unable to cheer up for anything. Everyone will have laziness. When encountering something that they feel is troublesome, they will often procrastinate unconsciously. This is human nature. It’s just that tomorrow comes after tomorrow, and there are so many tomorrows. If we can overcome the laziness of one thought at the moment, don't make excuses when things happen, and finish today's work, I believe the outcome will be very different. Don't delay, it's easier said than done. Have the courage to take the first step, be punctual and trustworthy, and do not delay, so that you will have fewer regrets in life. A truly powerful person is someone who cherishes time and is diligent; he is vigorous and resolute in dealing with things.

In this life, people will meet all kinds of people, experience big and small things, and hear profound and superficial truths. On the other hand, if we look around us, we will find that the truly powerful people have achieved these three things: they don’t procrastinate, they don - DayDayNews


Confucius said: "A gentleman wants to be slow in words but quick in deeds." It means that a gentleman is slow and cautious in words, but quick and agile in doing things. On June 29, Zhang Guimei , who was affectionately called "Mother Zhang" by the students, won the "July 1st" Medal. This is a commendation for her actions and the greatest affirmation of her dedication. Working selflessly despite his illness, he helped nearly two thousand girls from impoverished mountainous areas realize their college dreams and helped them leave the mountain villages and go to a wider world. She changed the fate of many people. Isn't this great enough? Even so, there are still people on the Internet who slander her simply because she requires students to get up at 5:30, go to bed at 12, and only have ten minutes for lunch. This strict schedule was criticized by netizens as a form of education that misleads her children. And this is not an isolated case. Yuan Longping touched a luxury car at a car show and was labeled as "life is corrupt." Zhang Wenhong suggested that everyone eat eggs and drink milk, but he was criticized for admiring foreign things and sitting on his butt crookedly. Liu Xianghtml retired from the 408 Olympic Games due to injury and was ridiculed as Liu Paopao. He pretended to be sick and made a miserable show, embarrassing the country and so on. They are extremely accomplished in their respective fields, but they are also ordinary individuals. Faced with countless slanders, abuses, and satires, they often remain silent.We can get information from countless channels, including entertainment, news, and knowledge, which is not limited to one place or time. However, these complicated information, some are true and some are false, some are new and some are old, making it difficult to distinguish. It has become easier to speak out, and everyone has a considerable say. A weak voice can be deafening, and a small event can create a storm. Dickens said: This was the best of times and the worst of times. Everyone can influence public opinion and be influenced by public opinion. Putting ourselves in their shoes, what should we do if we are slandered, abused, or ridiculed by others? Don't talk too much, don't talk nonsense, keep your mind upright, and avoid hurting others and yourself with unintentional words. As the saying goes, if you keep your mind you will not make mistakes, if you keep your mouth you will not cause trouble. No matter in life or on the Internet, you should remember that you should not speak nonsense if you maliciously slander someone; don't speak nonsense if you hear something from hearsay; and don't speak nonsense if you add jealousy.

In this life, people will meet all kinds of people, experience big and small things, and hear profound and superficial truths. On the other hand, if we look around us, we will find that the truly powerful people have achieved these three things: they don’t procrastinate, they don - DayDayNews


People often say that if you don’t commit suicide, you won’t die. The words are rough, but the reasoning is very correct. Master Confucius sighed with emotion: "The Doctrine of the Mean is a virtue, and it has lasted for a long time." The golden mean is not the middle way, neither higher nor lower, but a subtle grasp of proportion and scale. If a person loses his sense of proportion and cannot grasp things well, he will often end up not very well. Hanxin are good examples. Han Xin’s death is inseparable from his character. Qi State surrendered to the Han Dynasty, which was already in his pocket. Han Xin followed the advice of strategist Kuai Tong and conquered Qi State in one fell swoop. On the grounds that Qi State was not stable, he asked Liu Bang for the title of "King of Qi". Liu Bang was trapped in Xingyang by Xiang Yu at that time. He did not dare to offend Han Xin at will, so he had to make Han Xin King of Qi, but he had murderous intentions in his heart. Later, someone reported that Han Xin was plotting rebellion. Liu Bang captured Han Xin, but did not kill him. He only demoted Han Xin and changed his title to Marquis of Huaiyin. Han Xin's resentment gradually increased, and he was ashamed to associate with Zhou Bo, Guan Ying, Fan Kuai. For Empress Lu , the world was peaceful, and Han Xin was always a serious concern. Therefore, there is the famous allusion of Xiao He who succeeds and Xiao He who fails. Han Xin was tricked into the palace by Xiao He , and Empress Lu killed Han Xin. Xiao He committed suicide, Zhang Liang practiced Taoism in a low profile, but Han Xin remained the same as before, did not change his mind, failed to grasp the relationship between the monarch and his ministers, lost his sense of proportion, and was therefore suspected and designed to be killed. Not doing anything is actually a kind of bottom-line thinking and a degree of control. No matter how you behave or do things, you have a bottom line and your own rules for doing things. Being able to grasp a certain degree without losing proportion is a person's most reliable ability. In everything, you must have a certain degree of control and know how to stop in moderation. Learn to put yourself in someone else's shoes and see the problem from the other person's perspective. Know how to retreat bravely from the rapids, and learn to show weakness to others. " Guiguzi " says, "The transformation of heaven and earth lies in high and deep; the way of a saint lies in concealment and concealment." Let me encourage you.

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