Any relationship, if there is only superficial sweetness or deep affection from one party, most of the ending will not be perfect. Only those loves that are truly comfortable to get along with can achieve positive results.

2024/05/2711:38:33 emotion 1823

Any relationship, if there is only superficial sweetness or deep affection from one party, most of the ending will not be perfect. Only those loves that are truly comfortable to get along with can achieve positive results. - DayDayNews

Any relationship, if there is only sweetness on the surface or deep affection from one party, most of the ending will not be perfect.

Only those loves that are truly comfortable to get along with can achieve positive results.

A reader once said:

"I have been together with him for three years. In the eyes of outsiders, we are already husband and wife, but as soon as I mention the word marriage to him, he will either say that he is afraid of marriage. , or they said that the mortgage and car loan have not been paid off yet, and they will wait a little longer. Later, even his parents urged us to get married as soon as possible, teasing him about how old his neighbor’s children were. They wanted to have a grandson as soon as possible. However, he was still unmoved, and I was very confused, what did he mean?"

Yes, if a man wants to live with you but doesn’t want to give you a status, what should he do?

won’t answer for now, let’s look at another case.

A girl went to visit an art exhibition. She stopped in front of a painting and stared at it for a long time. At this time, the author of the painting came up and chatted with her. The two people chatted more and more, and finally exchanged contact information. The man made an appointment with the girl. Time to visit his studio.

Afterwards, they met several times and found that they had many common interests. The girl instantly felt that they were in love.

Therefore, she always went to help in the man's studio whenever she had time. When she saw the man sitting in front of the canvas and painting all day long, she would also cook soup and meals and deliver them to him.

But suddenly one day, she sent a message saying that she would go to see him at what time, but she could not wait for his reply.

Later, she couldn't help but call and ask why she didn't reply to the message. The man hesitated and said, "My girlfriend is next to me." The girl asked in surprise, "When did you have a girlfriend?" The man was silent for a while and replied. "She has been abroad before and just returned to China recently, so we should not meet each other recently"...

Are you speechless?

The man's confident "We won't see each other recently" means that after my girlfriend leaves, we can return to normal.

How ridiculous!

So, does a man only have a crush on you, or will he marry you? Does he treat you as a playmate, or as a lover who will accompany you for a lifetime? In his heart, he is a man of pure love. of.

If he wants to marry you home, he will definitely take the following three special "actions" towards you. If not, then he is just trampling on your love for him and asking for you shamelessly.

Any relationship, if there is only superficial sweetness or deep affection from one party, most of the ending will not be perfect. Only those loves that are truly comfortable to get along with can achieve positive results. - DayDayNews

Every sentence has an echo, everything has a response.

Love will definitely have a response.

Just like in the first case, when the woman proposes marriage, the man’s words can be almost immediately judged as an excuse by those who hear it.

If a man wants to marry you, he will be reluctant to let you wait for him, wasting his youth and worrying.

There is probably one reason why he treats you like this: you are not the person he wants to marry, and he is waiting for you to leave on your own initiative.

In life, how many girls think that men love them very much, so they wait wholeheartedly for the day when they can put on their phoenix crowns and harems, but unexpectedly, men have already made plans in their hearts, hoping that they can escape safely.

I still remember a girl saying: After breaking up with my ex-boyfriend, I was always sad and thought that we were so in love, why should we separate, until one day, I saw him and other girls happily hugging each other while walking in the mall. , I was relieved instantly. It turned out that he was cheating on me, and he still made so many ridiculous excuses. For such a person, I kept crying and couldn't let go. It was so stupid.

Yes, if many women who have been in love for many years and have been rejected by men again and again could think like her, I guess they wouldn't be so confused.

You must know that a man who really wants to marry you will definitely do this little thing for you: every word will be echoed and everything will fall into place.

's so-called "every sentence has an echo and everything is settled" is not just that he answers your questions and helps you settle things if you have something, but more importantly: he is sincerely paving the way for your future, and he sincerely Seriously consider marrying you home as a matter that needs to be done immediately and resolve it.

Words can be tactful, but actions must be firm.

You know, getting a marriage certificate only costs a few dollars.

Therefore, if a man has never made any move towards you, you should no longer expect it unprepared and let yourself fall into the dust of the unknown.

Any relationship, if there is only superficial sweetness or deep affection from one party, most of the ending will not be perfect. Only those loves that are truly comfortable to get along with can achieve positive results. - DayDayNews

Know your warmth and warmth, understand your joys and sorrows

Once people are immersed in a relationship, they will probably have a habit of treating the other person's joy as their own joys and sorrows, and letting the other person's warmth and coldness entangle their own emotions.

Therefore, the longer you stay together, the more you will understand each other's thoughts, see through each other's thoughts, and the more you will incorporate each other's habits into your own lives.

Therefore, if a man wants to marry you, he will definitely do a special "little trick" for you, which is to know your warmth and happiness, and understand your joys and sorrows.

Of course, don’t think this is just romantic in a literary sentence.

This is the most appropriate expression for someone who loves you deeply.

Only if he understands what you think and knows what you know, he will understand that it turns out that you really want to marry him and that you have already identified with him in this life. Then, he will also speed up the pace and create conditions to marry you home.

is that simple.

If he lets you feel sad, knowing clearly that you really want to get married, but still holding you back, making excuses to deal with you, seeing you very sad, but giving you all kinds of excuses, making you more and more suspicious of him. Do I really love you... Then, this man has never thought about marrying you.

At that time, Zhang Ailing fell in love with Hu Lancheng. She was so paranoid that almost everyone thought that Hu Lancheng would not marry her. Even the aunt who was with Zhang Ailing suspected that this scumbag was just playing with her, but unexpectedly, he really He dissolved his original marriage and married Zhang Ailing.

Therefore, some people say that Zhang Ailing is unworthy of love and humbled into the dust, but Hu Lancheng is a person who truly "knows her warmth and warmth, and understands her joys and sorrows."

Therefore, for those women who are addicted to love, if you are with the person you have been with for a long time, and the memories can fit into several trucks, but you cannot see that he can give you a future, then you should cut it off. Then break it off, don't wait until you are stuck in the mud, it will be difficult to regret it.

Any relationship, if there is only superficial sweetness or deep affection from one party, most of the ending will not be perfect. Only those loves that are truly comfortable to get along with can achieve positive results. - DayDayNews

will protect you comprehensively and give you peace of mind.

People who are familiar with the workplace know one thing.

If an employer cannot provide you with any living security, and you have to work day and night, then most likely, this employer is just a stepping stone for you, and you will not stay here for the rest of your life.

And, emotionally, the same is true.

If a man cannot protect you and give you peace of mind, then most likely, it will be difficult for you to truly commit to him in this life.

Therefore, if a man wants to marry you, he will definitely do what Gu Er said to Minglan when he asked for marriage in "Do You Know": I point to the sky and say, from now on , I am the oldest among men, and you are the oldest among women.

Although life is not a movie or TV series, living life is really like this.

If a man lets you be bullied and turns a blind eye to you being wronged, then most likely he doesn’t care about your thoughtfulness.

Even if you are in great pain and cry to him about your inner pain, he will not be able to give you any comfort, or he will only give you a verbal promise, but he will take basically zero action. He even just wants to enjoy your care for him, but does not do anything for it. You pay nothing.

Then, you still have to be decisive about this man.

To put it bluntly, men would do this to women who just want to be ambiguous, and would only use their mouths to coax her with sweet words. Just like the story mentioned in many articles, a man was about to die and he made a will. He gave all his so-called love to his lover, but gave all his money to his wife and children. This is the same truth. .

Therefore, women, if you find that a man does not take this special action to "protect you and give you peace of mind", then let it go.

Don’t fall into a lifelong trap just because of an ambiguity.

Any relationship, if there is only superficial sweetness or deep affection from one party, most of the ending will not be perfect. Only those loves that are truly comfortable to get along with can achieve positive results. - DayDayNews


Life is long, and many lovers, at the beginning of their love, walk toward each other with the intention of getting married.

However, the more they fall in love, the more superficial perfunctory they become. The more they get along with each other, the more they are talking about nothing. Under the pretext of getting married, they still act out the drama of "husband and wife harmony" in front of others. They also do many things together and watch them together. Movies, attending friend gatherings together, eating countless meals together... However, there was no thought of getting married at all.

But the difference is that a woman’s youth only lasts a few years. After the best time, it is probably a little difficult to meet a suitable person again.

So, even if love is an investment, you have to find someone who will marry you home.

If you love, love deeply; if you abandon, love completely.

Don't indulge your soft-heartedness and wait for someone who can't give you a future, let alone suppress your grievances and nourish someone who doesn't want to marry you at all.

Finally, I hope every woman can meet a lover who loves you sincerely. Even though life is short, he is willing to stay with you for the rest of his life.

Any relationship, if there is only superficial sweetness or deep affection from one party, most of the ending will not be perfect. Only those loves that are truly comfortable to get along with can achieve positive results. - DayDayNews

author, calm fox

picture, network

I hope you can find the deep affection in the ordinary years in my words! Thanks for attention!

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