01 There was a young monk practicing in a monastery. While he was familiar with the scriptures, he often thought about matters of life and death. One day he saw a problem and couldn't figure it out, so he asked his master: "If one day, one step forward will lead to death, and one

2024/05/2317:07:33 emotion 1467

01 There was a young monk practicing in a monastery. While he was familiar with the scriptures, he often thought about matters of life and death. One day he saw a problem and couldn't figure it out, so he asked his master:


There was a young monk practicing in a monastery. While he was familiar with the scriptures, he often thought about matters of life and death.

One day he saw a question and was puzzled by the solution, so he asked the master:

"If one day, one step forward will lead to death, one step back will lead to death, but you have to make a choice in a dilemma, how should we solve it." "

Master thought for a while and replied with a smile:

"There are countless roads in life. Since there is no way forward and backward, why not change the direction and go to the side?"


A person must know how to be flexible throughout his life. He cannot hit the wall and not look back, nor can he beat his head and bleed and remain stubborn.

Only by making timely turns can we get out of trouble; only by knowing how to be flexible can we travel far.

Turning a corner is not about escaping or giving up, it is a smart way of doing things.

" Zhouyi " has a saying: "If you are poor, you will change, if you change, you will be general, and if you are general, you will last."

Some people say that persevering in the face of trouble is a kind of courage, but to be realistic, if you know that you can't do something or there is nothing you can do, You should give up as soon as possible and make reasonable changes.

Stop losses in time and know how to turn around to see different life situations.

The road of life is long and far away, and may be bumpy or smooth.

When you are trapped and confused, when you are in despair, don’t be trapped in the current situation and be unable to extricate yourself.

If we live in another way, we may be able to see the bright spots in the difficult situation of life.

01 There was a young monk practicing in a monastery. While he was familiar with the scriptures, he often thought about matters of life and death. One day he saw a problem and couldn't figure it out, so he asked his master:


There are two tigers like this. When they were young, their living conditions and body size were the same.

But after adulthood, one with a violent temper was locked in a cage, and the other with a docile temper was released in the wild.

were envious of each other's situation, so they decided to exchange places.

At first, everyone was happy, the violent one had freedom, and the docile one had safety.

But not long after, both tigers died, one died of hunger and the other died of depression.


The same is true for people. Everyone’s life is different. Some people are prosperous and some are poor. Everyone has his or her own destiny, so don’t force it.

No matter what kind of trump card God gives us, we must try our best to play it.

Don’t be jealous of those who are in a better situation than us, and don’t despise those who are in a worse situation than us.

You only have to live your life and take your own path in life.

It is said that there is nothing in the world except for people to disturb themselves. The root of people's pain is that they want too much.

Don't always magnify other people's happiness and your own pain. There is no standard answer to happiness.

Don't use other people's rulers to measure your own path. When you envy others' smooth and wide roads, maybe they are also envious of the flowers on your path.

Don't turn a blind eye to your own happiness. In any situation, only those who know how to be content and cherish blessings will have good luck.

As Ma De once said:

"A person always looks up and envy the happiness of others. When he looks back, he finds that he is being looked up to and envied by others."

Everyone has his own flowering period, just wait for the flowers to bloom. Just fine, if you force the benchmark, no matter how beautiful it is, it will wither prematurely.

01 There was a young monk practicing in a monastery. While he was familiar with the scriptures, he often thought about matters of life and death. One day he saw a problem and couldn't figure it out, so he asked his master:


A person was diagnosed with early-stage cancer, and the doctor told him that the probability of recovery from the disease was very low.

He was originally optimistic and cheerful and felt deep pain. There is a tree with many branches and leaves outside the window of

's room, but because it is early autumn, most of the leaves are falling in the wind.

Looking at these lifeless leaves, he fell deeper into depression and his health deteriorated.

I often lamented to myself: "When all the leaves fall off, I will die."

After a painter friend learned about it, he used a paintbrush to draw a whole leaf with green veins hanging on the branch.

Although he knows that this is what his friends use to comfort him, every time he sees this green patch of green from the window, his mood will get better.

As his mentality improved, his various body functions also changed. Finally, because of this green patch of life, he miraculously recovered.


Zeng Guofan once said: "To treat the mind, use the word "vast" as medicine, to treat the body, use the word "no medicine" as medicine."

The ups and downs of life are related to the external environment, but the most important thing is to have one's own mentality. Related.

If the heart is relaxed, the disease will disappear, the mentality will be good, and everything will be fine. Human body functions can best perceive changes in mentality.

If you are depressed and complacent every day, then various organs in your body will have problems and your life will be a mess.

If you are positive, cheerful and confident every day, your mental state will be in high spirits and your life will go smoothly.

There is a popular question on Zhihu: "What is the highest state of health care?"

Someone said: "Have a lot of health care products."

Someone said: "A rich and balanced diet."

A high-like reply said: Maintain health. The heart is the best health.

Having a good attitude is the cure for everything.

Traditional Chinese medicine theory once said: "Anger hurts the liver, joy hurts the spleen, sadness hurts the lungs, fear hurts the kidneys."

Winter is covered with snow, and some people feel the power of tranquility and tranquility, while others only see the coldness of the north wind. .

In summer hunting, some people complain that the sun exposure affects their skin, but some people feel the pure enthusiasm of life from it.

As the saying goes, "Things are changed by the heart, and situations are created by the heart." Your mentality affects your state.

01 There was a young monk practicing in a monastery. While he was familiar with the scriptures, he often thought about matters of life and death. One day he saw a problem and couldn't figure it out, so he asked his master:


Xiao Zhang complained to his friend Xiao Liu about his neighbor, saying that the neighbor did not understand politeness and education at all.

I have been deeply troubled recently and have health problems. I want to move to a different place.

Xiao Liu quickly asked what was going on.

Xiao Zhang: "The newly moved neighbor is very hateful. He always comes and rings my doorbell in the middle of the night."

Xiao Liu: "It is indeed hateful! Did you call the police immediately?"

Xiao Zhang: "No. I treated them as lunatics and continued to play my horn and rehearse my music."

Xiao Liu sighed after hearing this:

"If you haven't realized your own problems and just blame the other party, where will you end up? They are all the same."


There are all kinds of life, each with its own difficulties, and all living things have their own shortcomings.

No matter what situation a person is in, he cannot only see his own interests in doing things.

Learning to introspect and understand empathy is how a truly mature person handles problems.

In this world, except for your parents who can tolerate you unconditionally, no one has to pay for your selfishness.

Society is not your mother and will not pamper you.

Before doing things, you must first know how to respect others and then ask others to respect yourself.

Don't always stand in your own perspective and do what you think is right.

People who don’t know how to put themselves in someone else’s shoes and only see the good side of themselves have no right to ask others to be kind to them.

When interacting with others, learning to compare your heart to your heart will make it easier to approach happiness.

has a big picture, and people who can think from other people's perspective are more likely to gain respect from others.

As the saying goes, "Be generous to yourself and blame others less."

Only those who care about others and know how to respect others can gain equal respect.

The above four short stories are short, but the truth is profound. I hope we can all learn to understand the truth of life:

Know how to turn corners, cherish what you have, calm down, respect others, and become a better version of yourself.

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