Someone asked: Why did God let one of Adam's ribs become his lover? Someone answered: Because we should love the person who is like us. It can be seen that when love is moved, there must be something about both parties that deeply touches each other, so they will miss each other

2024/05/2202:07:33 emotion 1913

Someone asked: Why did God let one of Adam's ribs become his lover? Someone answered: Because we should love the person who is like us. It can be seen that when love is moved, there must be something about both parties that deeply touches each other, so they will miss each other  - DayDayNews

Someone asked: Why did God let one of Adam 's ribs become his lover?

Someone answered: Because we should love the person who is like us.

It can be seen that when moved by love, there must be something about both parties that deeply moved each other, so they will miss each other and cannot let go.

They all say that what best reflects a woman’s taste is not her clothes, nor her decorations, nor what she likes to eat or what books she reads. The most important thing is, what kind of person she will fall in love with. people.

Because taste can be improved by oneself and can be bought with money, but love relies on attraction and a person's truest state to gain that person's favor.

So, the same goes for men.

He likes you very much, but he is afraid that if he expresses his love in a hurry, he will be rejected by you immediately.

Therefore, he will calmly understand what you think of him. He also hopes to find common ground in your daily interactions, attract your eyes to look at him, and attract your heart to pay attention. to him.

So, women, when you have doubts about "does this man like me?", you can check the following four details. If he does, it means that he has already "fallen in love" with you in his heart.

Someone asked: Why did God let one of Adam's ribs become his lover? Someone answered: Because we should love the person who is like us. It can be seen that when love is moved, there must be something about both parties that deeply touches each other, so they will miss each other  - DayDayNews

When chatting, he will show his "appreciation" for you

Love is actually the same as a love song.

When you listen to a love song, there will be a lingering sound in your heart, and falling in love with someone is like turning that person into a "remaining sound", which will keep smacking in your heart, and the person you like and her preferences will slowly fade away. Think it through slowly.

Because love can turn curiosity into "appreciation".

I saw a boy once talking about his love experience and said:

"She and I met on the Internet. She was a sophomore in the far north, and I was in the same grade as her in the south. We met each other from the beginning. We have been going through a year, and the "red rope" between us is that we both like painting.

She studied printmaking and production, and I studied animation. The two of us were in an online competition. We met each other, but found that we both have the same goal, which is to pass the graduate school of the Central Academy of Fine Arts.

Later, she helped me revise my paper, and I helped her revise her homework. Her works are all great, and I can't help but express my appreciation every time. Then, I came up with the idea of ​​meeting her in person, so we met, and I confessed my love to her for the first time, and it was successful."

Yes, we have a common goal, a common life, and common hobbies. Perhaps, this is the most beautiful thing when young people fall in love.

It can also be seen that if a man is in love with a woman, as long as he talks about her, he will feel it from the bottom of his heart and cannot control his inner joy and desire to praise her.

Love, nothing else, is unabashed "appreciation".

Someone asked: Why did God let one of Adam's ribs become his lover? Someone answered: Because we should love the person who is like us. It can be seen that when love is moved, there must be something about both parties that deeply touches each other, so they will miss each other  - DayDayNews

When in trouble, he will immediately "think about you"

I once watched a TV series and there was a scene.

A group of men and women were discussing where to go on vacation.

Some people suggested going to a farmhouse, some people suggested having a group building, some people said it would be better to go to the mountains to breathe fresh air, some people said it would be better to go to the beach to set up a tent... At this time, the heroine said that she had something to do at home and couldn't go. The male protagonist immediately suggested that the timetable for this vacation was not suitable, so it was better to change the time.

Although the plot is a bit "dark" about the female protagonist, it can also be seen that if a man has someone in his heart, his suggestions and arrangements will all revolve around this woman.

Wang Xiaobo once said something to Li Yinhe: If you like someone else, I will cry, but I will still like you.

If a man likes you in his heart, he will do the same. If you haven't shown "interest" or "interesting" in him yet, then he will wait patiently and "grind" with you little by little.

He will be very eager. Through your interactions, you can see how good he is, and you can feel that he is a person worth relying on.

It’s like, if you have a difficult problem at home, you will find that he has found an excuse to help you before you mention it; it is also like, if you are sick, and he finds out, he will act more uncomfortable than if he is sick. .

When a man cares about you so much, you should understand that if he didn't have you in his heart, he wouldn't treat you like this.

In this world, there is never tenderness for no reason. There is only one person who loves you and wants the best for you.

Someone asked: Why did God let one of Adam's ribs become his lover? Someone answered: Because we should love the person who is like us. It can be seen that when love is moved, there must be something about both parties that deeply touches each other, so they will miss each other  - DayDayNews

When we are separated from each other, we will be "very scared" and you will forget about him.

Once in the background, I saw a boy leaving a message saying:

"Once, I had a voice chat with a girl I liked. Later, she was sleepy and fell asleep. The phone was not turned off, and I was still preparing the work plan for the next day, so I wore headphones and listened to her slight breathing until I finished my work, then went to bed until the next morning."

You can see how sweet it is when love comes.

On the road of life, there will always be all kinds of things, big and small, that will keep wrapping you up, and there will be various tests that will keep coming at you.

In the midst of chaos and difficulty, the most beautiful thing is that there is someone who is always thinking about you. He doesn't care whether you are doing well or not, he doesn't care about the level of your income. He only cares about whether you can eat well, sleep well, and be in a good mood. He is only afraid that you will forget that he exists.

Therefore, if a man likes you in his heart but dare not confess it, then you will feel that he will be involved in everything you do, big and small, and all your arrangements will be inadvertently made for him. Make time.

Just like that poem:

I give you my hands, my arms, my ticket, my journey... I give you my lonely courage and the remaining sixty years of my life.

Perhaps, as a young man, he can't give you much, most of which are just vows and promises, which are not worth mentioning.

But if a man gives you the most "fear", fear that he will lose you from now on, fear that you will "forget him", fear that your feelings for him are not the "like" he imagined... Then, in his heart I must be "in love" with you.

Someone asked: Why did God let one of Adam's ribs become his lover? Someone answered: Because we should love the person who is like us. It can be seen that when love is moved, there must be something about both parties that deeply touches each other, so they will miss each other  - DayDayNews

When he hears you talking about him with others, he will "eavesdrop" on your thoughts about him.

has a lyric: Who comes from mountains, rivers and lakes, but is limited to day and night, kitchen and love.

A deep feeling seems to become "language" through words, reaching straight to the bottom of my heart.

When a person has love in his heart, his taste buds will be affected and his heart will be missed.

still remember that I once saw a story.

A man is a restaurant chef. Although he is slightly fat, he has a gentle and kind personality. His steak is the signature of this restaurant. Because his cooking is delicious, it attracts many people to this restaurant and specially requests him to come. Do.

There was a girl who was also learning to cook Western food, and her friend worked in this store, so there was a "near water terrace". Gradually, more and more people came, and the man developed a liking for the girl.

But he learned from her friend that the girl didn’t want to fall in love now, so he hid this love in his heart, but every time the girl came, she would cook a new dish that had never been on the restaurant menu. The name is to let her help "taste one dish", but in fact every dish is a "confession" of love.

At first, the girl thought that her friend was helping her "learn skills", but later she found out that it was the man who was "making trouble".

The girl inadvertently told her friend that she had a crush on him, but it was more of admiration.

The friend immediately told the man this. For a while, the man thought that the girl was also interested in him, but unexpectedly, a few months later, the girl left the city without saying hello.

’s friend didn’t find out until later that in fact, she already had a boyfriend and was studying abroad.

The story is a bit sad for boys.

However, it can also be seen that if a man has feelings for a woman, he will not miss any opportunity to get close to her, and will even inquire about her in various ways, wanting to know what she thinks of him.

has some love. Although he doesn't say anything, his behavior has been sublimated and he has put a lot of effort into "loving women".

Someone asked: Why did God let one of Adam's ribs become his lover? Someone answered: Because we should love the person who is like us. It can be seen that when love is moved, there must be something about both parties that deeply touches each other, so they will miss each other  - DayDayNews

There is a saying that goes well: If you like someone, you can't hide it. Even if you don't say it in your mouth, it will overflow in your eyes.

Therefore, if a man likes you, you will feel that even if there is little communication between you, he will use his actions and details to confess his love to you.

Whenever you need encouragement, he is the one who appreciates you; when you are in trouble, he is the one who can break the deadlock for you; when you are separated, I am afraid that you will forget him. He is the one who keeps "reminding you" and "harassing you"; he is the one who always wants to know what you think of him and tries every means to get close to you, or is he

So, if you also have a crush on him , then, don’t wait, don’t let there be regrets between two people.

Fate means that there is no one step too early or one step too late. The two of you met by chance.

author, calm fox

picture, network

I hope you can find the deep affection in the ordinary years in my words! Thanks for attention!

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