One is her first love who has been together for many years and has just started her career, and the other is her boss who has a family and a family and is very helpful to her career. The former wants to marry her, but will have to live a hard life after marriage; the latter can h

2024/05/2122:02:34 emotion 1255

One is her first love who has been together for many years and has just started her career, and the other is her boss who has a family and a family and is very helpful to her career. The former wants to marry her, but will have to live a hard life after marriage; the latter can h - DayDayNews

One is her first love who has been together for many years and has just started her career. The other is her boss who has a family and a family and is very helpful to her career.

The former wants to marry her, but will have to live a hard life after marriage; the latter can help her career, but cannot give her status. She was in trouble as to who to choose. For the convenience of narration, the following uses the first person.


My name is Zhan Yutong. I am 27 years old. I was born in an ordinary working-class family. I am 1.71 meters tall and have outstanding appearance. After graduating from a 985 university, I returned to my hometown city and was admitted to one of the largest local technology companies.

I have a boyfriend who I have been dating for more than 7 years. His name is Li Zheng, and he is my college classmate. After I graduated and he went on to graduate school, we had to live apart.

In the first year I joined the company, I was rated as an outstanding employee in the department. At the annual meeting, the person who presented the award to me was Li Changsheng. He was a university teacher and most of the company's copywriters were written by him. He is a great figure.

Before that, Li Changsheng was sent to work in another city, so that was the first time we met. He is not taller than me, has a big belly, and is a bit bald. He is 13 years older than me and looks about the same age as my dad.

At the beginning, Li Changsheng was not my direct boss. I was in the general manager's office and he was in the planning department.

One day, I received a call from Li Changsheng and asked me to go to his office. "We meet again." This was the first thing he said to me. Li Changsheng still remembered that he gave me the award two months ago.

It turned out that he saw an article I published in the company’s internal magazine and praised my writing skills as good and suitable for copywriting planning. "Come to my department, you are more suitable for cultural and creative work." Li Changsheng's words shocked and excited me.

The work in the office is trivial, the salary is dead, and there is no development prospect. The planning department can participate in various activities. As long as you work hard, the salary will be much higher. My boyfriend Li Zheng suggested that I go to Li Changsheng’s department, so I applied for a job transfer.

In the first month, one of my copywriters was hired, and the commission was almost half a month’s salary. Of course, Li Changsheng guided the entire process from creativity to final revision and finalization.

I asked him to invite him to dinner, but Li Changsheng said that he was very busy and had no time. He also said that this is how he takes care of all newcomers.

Li Changsheng is my Bole. My boyfriend is not around, so I focus on my work. My efforts are also noticed by Li Changsheng. He will praise me for any progress I make, and he will also point out where I have not done enough.

My progress is visible to the naked eye. Li Changsheng asked me to work hard and my future is limitless.

I work hard and have potential. Just like a teacher likes students with good grades, I think it is natural for Li Changsheng to treat me well. For example, when I go to Beijing and Shanghai for training, or when the company holds large-scale events, he will let me participate.

Once, we were on a business trip together, and Li Changsheng told me the story of him and his wife.

After graduating from graduate school, he stayed at the school to teach. His wife was his student. She was 5 years younger than him. She was ordinary in appearance but very talented. They had a pair of children and his wife ran a design studio by herself.

Speaking of his wife, Li Changsheng was very happy. Of course I was not polite and said that my boyfriend Li Zheng was tall, handsome and extremely talented. Li Changsheng said, I should find a local second-generation rich or official.

Li Changsheng is both a mentor and a friend. He is my senior in both career and life. I have never thought of having a further relationship with him, and I even bought birthday gifts for his children.

Once, we participated in the company’s outdoor activities together. At the end, Li Changsheng offered to drive me home. After

arrived downstairs at my house, he asked me to sit with him in the car for a while.

That day, he had a fight with his wife and was in a bad mood. The reason for the quarrel between the two was again his family in the countryside.

Li Changsheng repairs a house for his parents, opens a restaurant for his brother, and supports his nephews and nieces in college. The annual expenses are quite large, and his wife has a lot of objections.

He kept talking that day, and I couldn’t get a word in, so I sat with him in the car for two hours like a fool...

One is her first love who has been together for many years and has just started her career, and the other is her boss who has a family and a family and is very helpful to her career. The former wants to marry her, but will have to live a hard life after marriage; the latter can h - DayDayNews


When I got out of the car, Li Changsheng suddenly grabbed me, and I fell into his arms, He started touching me and I immediately broke away and ran away.

Not long after, he sent a message to apologize, saying that he was too impulsive at the time and promised not to do it again in the future.

Indeed, for a long time since then, Li Changsheng did not do anything extraordinary to me, nor did he neglect or retaliate against me because of my rejection. Instead, he continued to help and support me at work.

If there is anything I don’t understand at work, he will teach me without reservation; when I encounter troubles in life or conflicts with my boyfriend, I will tell Li Changsheng, and he will always patiently help me analyze and point out the direction; friend He would also tell me interesting things, conflicts with his wife, and even things about the children.

Last year, Li Changsheng said that the real estate developed by his friend was good and asked me if I wanted to buy one?

Of course I want to buy a house to prepare for marriage. I can buy his friend’s house at a discount, but my down payment is still not enough. Li Changsheng asked me not to gnaw at my old age, and he would provide me with whatever was the difference between the down payment.

The next day, my Alipay received a transfer of 50,000 yuan from him.

html I bought my first home at the age of 325. I was so happy. I originally wanted to give my boyfriend a surprise, but he got furious and said that I was secretly preparing pre-marital property, and he had no share in it, and he would have to help pay off the mortgage after marriage.

I proposed breaking up in anger, but Li Zheng refused to agree.

But in any case, after this incident, my relationship with Li Zheng went from bad to worse. We originally agreed that he would come to my city after graduating from graduate school, but he signed a job in another city without telling me.

I was tired of being in a different place, so I kept looking for trouble. Li Zheng was busy with work and became increasingly tired of coping.

Whenever Li Zheng and I finish arguing, Li Changsheng will notice the clues and take the time to chat with me and treat me to dinner.

Our relationship has gradually changed. Although there is no intimate behavior, we will send some ambiguous expressions to each other on WeChat, and the topics are getting farther and farther away from work...

Li Changsheng's wife accidentally discovered our chat history and used his WeChat She videotaped me, scolded me, and threatened that if I tried to seduce her husband again, there would be no good consequences.

I felt wronged and scared, so I half-seriously said I wanted to resign. Li Changsheng refused to let me resign. Within a few days, his wife took the initiative to apologize to me, saying that she had misunderstood me.

Ordinarily, I should stop here and have no further contact with Li Changsheng, but after going through this incident, I felt that he really liked me and I had an inexplicable affection for him.

In March this year, Li Changsheng and I went to Shenzhen to participate in an event.

He insisted on letting me live in his deluxe business room, and even helped me push my luggage to the room. Then, I had a relationship with him in a daze... It didn't feel good, I thought he was rude and vulgar.

I think working, eating and chatting with Li Changsheng is great, but the relationship between men and women is really a kind of torture.

After that time, Li Changsheng was no longer such a gentleman. When I went to his office, he would hug me and ask for a kiss. When we were riding in his car, he wanted to shake me in the back seat... I could avoid it all the time, but sometimes I couldn't. Dare to say no.

I finally paid off the 50,000 yuan I owed him not long ago, even though Li Changsheng repeatedly said there was no need to pay back. In order to please me, he would treat me to coffee or dinner at every turn. He bought me medicine when I was sick, and sometimes came to our house to cook for me. He was much more meticulous and considerate than my boyfriend (my parents lived in the country most of the time).

I also seriously thought about divorcing Li Changsheng and marrying him, but he made it clear that he would not divorce because his career was on the rise and his wife would never allow us to be together.

My boyfriend and I are on and off, but we can’t get over each other, but the topic of marriage has not been mentioned for more than a year.We have always been in a different place. He is handsome and well-spoken. There must be a girl who likes him. As for whether he has cheated on her, I also have questions.

Li Changsheng repeatedly suggested that I break up with my boyfriend and that he would introduce me to a better marriage partner.

Li Zheng is my first love. Family members and friends of both parties believe that we will get married. I also think that if nothing big happens, we will probably get married. But I am not sure when the improper relationship with Li Changsheng will end, or what kind of retribution I will receive when our relationship becomes public...

Now I am very entangled, I can't leave here to follow Boyfriend, because this is my hometown, I like my current job, and I have to work hard to pay off the mortgage; on the other hand, my relationship with Li Changsheng will probably ruin everything for me...

One is her first love who has been together for many years and has just started her career, and the other is her boss who has a family and a family and is very helpful to her career. The former wants to marry her, but will have to live a hard life after marriage; the latter can h - DayDayNews


The relationship with my boyfriend is weak I am married, but I can’t bear to break up because of my long-term relationship; I have a secret affair with my boss, but I can’t let go because of my career.

We often say that only children make choices, adults want everything, but 27-year-old Zhan Yutong obviously cannot choose everything and must make a choice. If it was someone else who would have made the choice easily, why was Zhan Yutong hesitant?

First of all, because employment is too busy, many people's love has given way to work.

Whether career or love is more important? This topic has always been a pain that many separated lovers in two places have difficulty facing.

In the past, jobs were not that difficult to find. As long as you were educated and had professional skills, you would have no problem finding a job anywhere. If you really love the other person, it is not difficult to sacrifice your own work to accommodate the other person.

But now the situation is different. Even for unestablished positions in grassroots units, there are many candidates with master's and doctorate degrees. In the past, even college students could not be recruited; in first- and second-tier cities, even public toilet managers are full-time undergraduates. Started.

In this context, Zhan Yutong, who has a decent job, is unlikely to accommodate her boyfriend, and her boyfriend Li Zheng cannot come to her just because he wants to. If he doesn't have a suitable job, it's hard to say how far the relationship between the two can go; even if they are lucky enough to be together, it's not hard to imagine how much respect he can get in the marriage...

Of course, the two really have to overcome all difficulties to reunite , it’s not impossible, but one party must make career sacrifices. The problem is that relationships are fickle and jobs are more reliable. No one among today’s young people wants to be the one who is sacrificed.

Secondly, there are Bole in the workplace, but Bole is easy to "stale".

Many people who are new to the workplace hope to meet a selfless boss; many "old people" in the workplace are also happy to be a boss. But if both parties are of the opposite sex, you need to treat it with caution.

I have been working in the workplace for more than 20 years, and many of my male colleagues around me are keen on being the "boss" of new female colleagues. As for whether they are dedicated to the public or to the "little brothers below", it is really hard to judge.

Li Changsheng's appreciation and help for Zhan Yutong may have been out of love for talent at first. After all, for a supervisor, everyone hopes to have more potential and capable subordinates, so that the team will be more effective.

However, there are still taboos in the relationship between Bole and the "Qianlima" of the opposite sex. If the communication between the two parties is limited to work, the contact is limited to official business, and there are no private or separate gatherings, then it is okay.

If the two parties meet frequently in private, the conversation topics will go deep into each other's private life. Needless to say, this situation often cannot escape the stereotype of extramarital affairs.Even if both parties don't like each other's appearance, they will be pleased with each other once they get used to it...

If Bole's purpose of looking for Chollima is not for work, but purely for "horse riding", then it would be even worse!

Therefore, when Zhan Yutong starts chatting with Li Changsheng about their relationship status, it means that the other party is going to take action; when Li Changsheng’s intimate test is not violently rejected, it means that she is not far away from unfastening her belt...

Third, boyfriends may not be reliable, but married bosses are definitely not.

Well, no matter what, Zhan Yutong has already had an affair with Li Changsheng, and there is no point in regretting it. At most, it will only serve as a warning to those who come after her... Now, she faces a difficult choice.

It is unknown whether Li Zheng is reliable as a person, but judging from his fierce opposition to Zhan Yutong's move of "buying a house before marriage", it is obviously not that simple. He is also very sophisticated in his abacus (Zhan Yutong is also very sophisticated), and he does not care about both parties. Judging from the agreement and firm signing of contracts with foreign companies, he may not value Zhan Yutong that much in his heart.

If Zhan Yutong’s evil relationship with her boss is revealed, Li Zheng will most likely not forgive or accept her. There is a saying that paper cannot contain the fire. Even if it is not exposed now, there is no guarantee that it will not be exposed in the future, so it is very risky for Zhan Yutong to choose him.

However, choosing his boss Li Changsheng was even more stupid -

Li Changsheng made it clear that he would not divorce, and even if he was willing to divorce and marry Zhan Yutong, such a half-bad old man who was married for the second time and had a baby would not have good bed skills. What, how good would it be to marry him?

Even if he has some resources in his hands, he can help Zhan Yutong. But I'm not looking down on him. If a company's vice president or department head can decide the career of a 985 college student, then her future positioning in life is a bit too short-sighted, haha!

Those who can get into 985 colleges and universities may as well have a bigger picture!

Therefore, my suggestion is: if you have to choose one, it is better to choose boyfriend Li Zheng, but it is best not to choose these two men. Zhan Yutong should resolutely cut off the bad relationship with his boss and devote himself wholeheartedly to the next game. love affair.

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