Source: Wan Study Room (ID: DC001234) Silence is not cowardice or incompetence, it is a kind of wisdom and a choice. There is an old saying: "The water is deep and silent, and the people are silent." Timely silence is a kind of cultivation and a state of mind. Cai Zhizhong, the m

2024/05/2116:44:34 emotion 1547

Source: Wan Study Room (ID: DC001234) Silence is not cowardice or incompetence, it is a kind of wisdom and a choice. There is an old saying:

Source: Wan Study Room (ID: DC001234)

Source: Wan Study Room (ID: DC001234) Silence is not cowardice or incompetence, it is a kind of wisdom and a choice. There is an old saying:

Silence is not cowardice or incompetence, it is a kind of wisdom and a choice.

As the old saying goes: "When the water is deep, you don't speak, and when people are stable, you don't speak." Timely silence is a kind of cultivation and a state of mind.

Source: Wan Study Room (ID: DC001234) Silence is not cowardice or incompetence, it is a kind of wisdom and a choice. There is an old saying:

national comic master Cai Zhizhong once drew such a cartoon:

A mosquito flew to the head of a cow and made a "buzzing" noise. I thought that such a move would arouse the cow's anger, but the cow just lowered its head and ate grass and paid no attention to it.

After a while, the mosquito shouted to the cow: "Hey! I'm leaving!"

The cow still ignored him.

After a while, the mosquito shouted to the cow angrily: "Hey, I really have to leave!"

The cow still did not turn a deaf ear.

Finally, the mosquito became angry and shouted loudly to the cow: "I have told you to leave several times, why are you ignoring me?"

The cow didn't even look up and said casually: "When you came, I didn't Notice you; if you are leaving, what does it have to do with me? "

In fact, looking back at life, aren't "cows" and "mosquitoes" true portrayals of some people in our lives?

"Mosquito" is overly enthusiastic and tries his best to gain a sense of presence. But it often makes people feel like a clown.

"Niu" is always silent and will not be disturbed by anyone. Such people are often calm and able to tolerate everything.

Source: Wan Study Room (ID: DC001234) Silence is not cowardice or incompetence, it is a kind of wisdom and a choice. There is an old saying:

Gu Long said: "The more taciturn a person is, the more valuable his words are. If a person talks about martial arts, his bearing must be impressive, and the price of his words will be higher."

Just like the passage between Han Shan and Shi De that shocked the past and present. Dialogue:

"There are people in the world who slander me, bully me, insult me, laugh at me, belittle me, and despise me. How should I deal with them?"

"Just tolerate them, let them, avoid them, let them, be patient with them, and respect them." Don't pay attention to him. In a few years, you will see him. "

Many times, speaking is a kind of expression, and silence is a kind of wisdom.

Right and wrong, right and wrong, become a thing of the past in the blink of an eye. We will eventually understand that silence is a kind of practice and speechlessness is a state.

A truly mature person does not refuse the hustle and bustle of cars and horses, but quietly builds fences and plants chrysanthemums in his heart.

A true wise man never talks about winning or losing with words, but walks life based on quality and virtue!

Source: Wan Study Room (ID: DC001234) Silence is not cowardice or incompetence, it is a kind of wisdom and a choice. There is an old saying:

There are many moments like this in life:

You say you like your current job, but others will say you can’t make much money;

You say you want to see distant places, but others say you are still too old to bother with it;

You say that life should have a sense of freshness and ritual, but others say that ordinary people are too particular;

Usually when we hear such rhetoric, we can’t help but argue. But if you argue over and over again, even if you convince the other party verbally, they may not necessarily agree in their hearts.

Someone said: "Smile and silence are two effective weapons. Smiling can solve many problems, while silence can avoid many problems."

A true wise man will not demand that everyone must understand themselves.

But there is a mountain in his heart, which is difficult for those who do not understand; there is a sea in his heart, which is difficult for those who do not understand.

Some people say that speaking is human nature, but silence is a kind of wisdom, and it is also a state, a kind of calmness and calmness that remain unchanged in the face of bad luck, and a kind of fearless tranquility. and confidence.

There is a measure of progress and retreat in words and deeds, and understanding that silence is golden. Between hardness and softness, there is a sense of strength and wisdom. This is a truly wise move.

Source: Wan Study Room (ID: DC001234) Silence is not cowardice or incompetence, it is a kind of wisdom and a choice. There is an old saying:

An eminent monk said,

It is better not to speak of rumors and lies;

It is better not to speak of others' right and wrong; It is better not to say anything than to say nothing; it is better not to say anything than to say something without keeping it.

Silence is wisdom and connotation. Knowing how to be silent at the right time can make a chaotic heart become clear.

I have always liked this passage:

No one has an easier life than anyone else, but some people are crying out for help and are miserable.

But some people grit their teeth silently, swallowed their grievances, and forced themselves to learn to be strong.

html Three people are just a piece of earth; life is just a moment.

Severe cold often means spring; loneliness often means wonderful; silence often means thinking and flying. Life allows us to experience and learn, while silence allows us to understand deeply!

Source: Wan Study Room (ID: DC001234) Silence is not cowardice or incompetence, it is a kind of wisdom and a choice. There is an old saying:

Leave a silence to yourself. Too many words will lead to mistakes, and disaster will come from the mouth. Talking too much is worse than silence; thinking too much will only make you sad. There is no arguing about right or wrong, time will prove the result.

Leave a silence for yourself, be quiet for a while, listen to a song, read a book, put aside your troubles, let your tired heart rest, and find peace in solitude.

Keep silence for yourself, keep your distance when you meet people with bad intentions; be vigilant when you meet people who are scheming. Don't get into a big fight over trivial matters, don't hurt the harmony because of misunderstandings. Rumors will be destroyed if they are not attacked; those who are purified will be purified themselves, so there is no need to worry.

Source: Wan Study Room (ID: DC001234) Silence is not cowardice or incompetence, it is a kind of wisdom and a choice. There is an old saying:

Leave a silence for yourself. There is no need to explain, and there is no need to deliberately pretend. People who understand you know your character, and people who love you care about your emotions. For those who don't understand you and don't love you, no matter how much you explain, it's meaningless. It's better to remain silent and be yourself.

Leave a silence for yourself. It’s not about saying too much, it’s about the weight. Think twice beforehand, be tenacious during the work, and don’t regret afterwards. As long as you look further ahead and have more solid steps, your life will be more complete and less regretful.

Leave a silence to yourself, don’t compare with others, and don’t envy other people’s happiness. Know your own well-being, happiness is your own, and holding on to what you have now is the best happiness.

When we go through mountains and rivers, we will eventually understand that only silence is the most beautiful voice in the noisy world.

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