When we feel that we don’t want to do anything, don’t want to think about anything, or even feel that we are not interested in many things in our daily lives, have you ever thought about what happened to you? Do you understand its origin? So, what are some ways you can change?

2024/05/1912:18:33 emotion 1268

When we feel that we don’t want to do anything, don’t want to think about anything, or even feel that we are not interested in many things in our daily life, have you ever thought about what happened to you, and do you understand its origin? What are some ways you can change this?

When we feel that we don’t want to do anything, don’t want to think about anything, or even feel that we are not interested in many things in our daily lives, have you ever thought about what happened to you? Do you understand its origin? So, what are some ways you can change? - DayDayNews

In " The Psychology of Burnout " written by Robert Borg, he gives us a simple and effective explanation, telling us when I have a lot of indifference and burnout psychology, what does it originate from, and what can we do to change it? Among them, it is mentioned The two models mentioned by the author have brought us a lot of inspiration. The two models mentioned by the author have provided us with many directions for thinking, and they have acted on our specific lives and brought about changes. Let’s take a look at this together. What content will it have that can improve our living conditions?

1. What happens inside you when you don’t want to do anything?

When we have nothing to do with anything, we just want to lie down and scroll through our mobile phones with a sense of emptiness that cannot be dissipated. In this state of suppression and suffocation, we seem to be trapped by something, and we want to break through something but can’t. We have not touched it. By understanding the bathtub model mentioned by the author, we will better understand this state. In the bathtub model, it explains our state of burnout for the present and the future.

When we feel that we don’t want to do anything, don’t want to think about anything, or even feel that we are not interested in many things in our daily lives, have you ever thought about what happened to you? Do you understand its origin? So, what are some ways you can change? - DayDayNews

We can imagine that our own individual agency, that is, the ability to take the initiative to do things well, can be compared to a rain shield, and what flows in and out of our bathtub when the bathtub is empty , we get tired, so what flows in and out of the bathtub?

When we feel that we don’t want to do anything, don’t want to think about anything, or even feel that we are not interested in many things in our daily lives, have you ever thought about what happened to you? Do you understand its origin? So, what are some ways you can change? - DayDayNews

This involves three aspects, that is, perception results , gaining support and self-care . When these three things form a balance in our own bathtub, we can carry out vigorous actions and survive. On the contrary, if there is an imbalance or even emptiness, then our burnout will arise. In this regard, how do we view the various factors that constitute our growth?

When we feel that we don’t want to do anything, don’t want to think about anything, or even feel that we are not interested in many things in our daily lives, have you ever thought about what happened to you? Do you understand its origin? So, what are some ways you can change? - DayDayNews

2. Life is not easy, what are we doing behind the scenes of living a good life?

When we understand the three elements from the bathtub model mentioned by the author, it touches us extremely. For example, why is the perceived outcome an important factor that affects whether we are burnt out?

When thinking about the perception results , we can imagine that even if you can successfully complete some of the plans you have made every day, when your perception cannot touch these, or there are some negative perception results, you Is it still possible to have an affirmative and positive response to your self-initiative?

When we feel that we don’t want to do anything, don’t want to think about anything, or even feel that we are not interested in many things in our daily lives, have you ever thought about what happened to you? Do you understand its origin? So, what are some ways you can change? - DayDayNews

The perception result here involves feedback and seeing. It affects each of us and affects each of us. Even if we complete specific tasks very seriously and meticulously, you have not learned from your own inner perception. Recognize your own power, it cannot bring you a continuous motivation, so for the bathtub in the bathtub model, it lacks the faucet that provides energy.

and among them received support . This is a point that is easier to understand in daily life. Support and encouragement are important ways to give us pillars. After all, we live in a group, and receiving support makes us stronger and more capable of accomplishing things. The necessity of tasks in life.

When we feel that we don’t want to do anything, don’t want to think about anything, or even feel that we are not interested in many things in our daily lives, have you ever thought about what happened to you? Do you understand its origin? So, what are some ways you can change? - DayDayNews

As for self-care, the reason this is easily ignored by us to a large extent is that for the perceived results, it acts on specific feedback and visibility of abilities, and receiving support is a sensory response visible in the atmosphere and energy. , and for self-care, it’s more like self-acceptance, allowing the self to regain its energy.

The process of simply understanding these three points will give us a general understanding of the bathtub model mentioned by the author. In life, living well, paying attention to and filling these three points will make our individual initiative full of energy. , let us become a person with energy!

When we feel that we don’t want to do anything, don’t want to think about anything, or even feel that we are not interested in many things in our daily lives, have you ever thought about what happened to you? Do you understand its origin? So, what are some ways you can change? - DayDayNews

3. Becoming the person you want to be depends on how you see yourself

When we understand from the bathtub model mentioned by the author how to eliminate burnout and better engage in work and study in life, our understanding of reality Perceiving and adjusting one's view of the past is an important element of the second model mentioned by the author: Perceptual model . Understanding this model means that we know how we view the past, how we view existing results, and we know whether this result is reasonable and how it was caused.

It means that we know what we have done, what we are doing and what we want to do, and what possible states it can bring us. The bathtub model allows us to clearly know from which aspects we can analyze our own weaknesses, and how Increase your sense of energy.

When we feel that we don’t want to do anything, don’t want to think about anything, or even feel that we are not interested in many things in our daily lives, have you ever thought about what happened to you? Do you understand its origin? So, what are some ways you can change? - DayDayNews

After understanding the bathtub model and perception model mentioned by the author, we can better know how to recover from our empty bathtub, and how we can recover from the fatigue and weakness. This is given in detail in the book. The methods and paths, whether it is using SMART principles to specify what we want to do and what we are already completing, or whether we are improving our own energy through caring for the body, taking care of ourselves through meditation, etc., we are all giving reasonable steps step by step. solution.

When we feel that we don’t want to do anything, don’t want to think about anything, or even feel that we are not interested in many things in our daily lives, have you ever thought about what happened to you? Do you understand its origin? So, what are some ways you can change? - DayDayNews

" The Psychology of Burnout " gives us a perspective to see the principles and patterns behind our fatigue and burnout, and find our own solutions from it. When reading, whether it is randomly selecting a chapter, or from the Force model To understand, it gives us a trigger to connect to our inner way of perception and thinking. It not only traces the source of problems and our own experience to find feasible solutions, but also looks at it from multiple aspects and perspectives. Integrate the energy within us.

Go into it to gain our own understanding and energy perception, and let every thought and awareness converge into a full of vitality!

When we feel that we don’t want to do anything, don’t want to think about anything, or even feel that we are not interested in many things in our daily lives, have you ever thought about what happened to you? Do you understand its origin? So, what are some ways you can change? - DayDayNews

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