Text/Xia Mo 01, Preface: Love is intoxicating, but it is also heartbreaking. When love blooms passionately, it always sparkles, making people full of expectations and longing. However, when it disappears, the beloved becomes elusive, and the best expectations for love are taken a

2024/05/1620:06:33 emotion 1752

Text/Xia Mo 01, Preface: Love is intoxicating, but it is also heartbreaking. When love blooms passionately, it always sparkles, making people full of expectations and longing. However, when it disappears, the beloved becomes elusive, and the best expectations for love are taken a - DayDayNews

Text/Xia Mo

01, Preface

Love is intoxicating, but it is also heartbreaking.

When love blooms passionately, it always shines, making people full of expectations and longing. However, when it disappears, the beloved becomes elusive, and the best expectations for love are taken away.

Zhang Xiaoxian said: "The origin and destruction of fate, the intensity of fate and the weakness of fate are beyond our control. What we can do is to cherish the short time when fate meets."

How can we not have fate in this life? If we meet by fate, how can we be separated?

When love is broken, from the bottom of my heart, I lament that fate plays tricks on people, but there is nothing I can do about it. It is true that we have loved each other, and it is true that we are reluctant to let go. How happy we were once, but how difficult the lonely nights are after separation.

Love makes people become persistent, and they cannot bear to say goodbye until their expectations are exhausted.

However, life is not a fairy tale, and no matter how beautiful the story is, it cannot match the reality. If the breakup is a foregone conclusion, letting him go and letting yourself go may be the best choice.

Text/Xia Mo 01, Preface: Love is intoxicating, but it is also heartbreaking. When love blooms passionately, it always sparkles, making people full of expectations and longing. However, when it disappears, the beloved becomes elusive, and the best expectations for love are taken a - DayDayNews

02. Meeting is a kind of fate.

Meeting is a kind of fate. Two people are attracted to each other in the vast sea of ​​people. From getting to know each other to falling in love, it seems to be destined.

Shi Naian said: " We are destined to meet you thousands of miles away, but if you are not destined to meet us, we will not meet each other."

However, I once thought that if we see each other for ten thousand years, we can stay with each other for the rest of our lives. Little did he know that the ending was unsatisfactory, but the beautiful encounter was still unforgettable, and it would become a unique memory that will stay in our hearts forever.

Buddhism talks about cause and effect. Perhaps it is the practice in the previous life that brings about the love and fate in this life. It is wonderful.

Looking back at the memories after the encounter, they seemed to be filled with light and once made people feel very warm. Those years spent together are unforgettable.

When we are in love, we feel extremely happy when we have a meal together or watch a movie together.

Memories of the past are like a card, stored in the memory. I don’t want to forget, I don’t want to let go, I don’t want to turn around, I want to cherish each other’s love in this life.

However, no matter how beautiful the fate is, we have to say goodbye. The love disappeared, and in the days to come, they went in opposite directions and started their own new lives.

Text/Xia Mo 01, Preface: Love is intoxicating, but it is also heartbreaking. When love blooms passionately, it always sparkles, making people full of expectations and longing. However, when it disappears, the beloved becomes elusive, and the best expectations for love are taken a - DayDayNews

03. Having loved one is a kind of luck.

Having loved one is a kind of luck.

In the process of falling in love, the happy memories we once had are real, and the efforts we made at that time were sincere, and this is enough.

On the road of life, life is always accompanied by regrets. God briefly favored two people who loved each other, but it was a pity that they did not stay together for a lifetime.

At the most beautiful age, you can meet someone you really like and spend a happy time. Even if you are not destined to stay together in this life, it is a kind of happiness to have you once.

Although, facing separation, there is all kinds of reluctance. However, we once loved each other and left beautiful memories in each other's lives.

We have been separated for a long time, but I still secretly miss the people I loved. However, we must understand after all that the unsuitable person cannot accompany us through life. They have loved and separated again. Although it is painful, both of them have grown up.

When faced with wrong love, maybe turning around is a way to stop losses.

Only when you leave the wrong person can you meet the right person. On the road of life, it is also a kind of luck not to spend your whole life in the wrong love.

Text/Xia Mo 01, Preface: Love is intoxicating, but it is also heartbreaking. When love blooms passionately, it always sparkles, making people full of expectations and longing. However, when it disappears, the beloved becomes elusive, and the best expectations for love are taken a - DayDayNews

04. After separation, bless each other.

After separation, bless each other is the best ending. There is no need to force yourself to forget that beautiful memory. The more you force yourself, the clearer your memory will be.

To truly let go is to bless each other, and not to disturb is the final tenderness.

On the road of life, if you have to miss it, please choose blessings. Ask yourself, are you sorry? Then leave yourself some regrets! If you have truly loved each other, then there will be less entanglement, and each of you will be safe and decent.

After all, we have spent a wonderful time accompanying each other.

respect each other's choice, even if we can't let go, even if we can't forget it now, but please believe that time will heal everything. Once you have fallen in love, then wish the other person a new life in the future.

As long as a person lives, there will always be some people who will quietly choose to leave after staying with you for a period of time.

If you have fallen in love and missed each other, say to yourself: "It doesn't matter." To the person you have loved, say: "Bless you." In life, we learn to cherish it because we miss it.

Text/Xia Mo 01, Preface: Love is intoxicating, but it is also heartbreaking. When love blooms passionately, it always sparkles, making people full of expectations and longing. However, when it disappears, the beloved becomes elusive, and the best expectations for love are taken a - DayDayNews

05. Summary

Although you have missed love, please live your life well in the future.

Hayao Miyazaki said: "There are no things that can't be overcome, only feelings that can't be overcome. As long as you change your mood, the world will be completely different."

Some feelings cannot withstand the passage of time after all. In this life, you will meet many people, but you must always believe that there is someone waiting for you in the future.

In the vast sea of ​​​​people, falling in love deeply is a blessing in life, and separation is already helpless.

Those without umbrellas must run hard, and those who are not loved must learn to love themselves. From now on, live your life well and learn to be strong despite regrets.

Just like what the book says: "The sincerity of the world is like the snow in the sky, its brightness is bright and its water is cool. It is beautiful from a distance, but it always hurts when you get close." When facing love that cannot be obtained, we all have to accept that we will Become a passer-by in other people's lives, and then live your own life well.

In the days to come, love yourself well. In the near future, you will eventually meet someone who treats you sincerely.

Author: Xia Mo, a cutting-edge emotional mentor, a psychology scholar, an emotional writer with over 1 billion hits on the Internet, and a manager of happy women. He has focused on emotions, gender, and answering questions about mother-in-law and daughter-in-law for more than ten years.

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