Society is not sick, only you and me are sick

2021/08/1723:47:01 emotion 428

Society is not sick, only you and me are sick - DayDayNews

I often hear a few people talk loudly, that society is sick, and the world is sick. In fact, the world is still that world, and society is still that society. It's just that your code of conduct has changed the perception of the world and also changed some of the status quo of society. Little does it know that it is humans that dominate the world.

Mr. Lu Xun said that it has always been like this, right? We still follow this concept in certain things and in certain links, and we have always been such a bad habit to follow the trend and follow the trend. No matter how high-sounding we speak in front of the public, there will always be a vulgar and gloomy side unconsciously exposed in private. This has always been the case, and occasionally you can change the environment and change the status quo. Let us find a shortcut that is valuable to ourselves, and never get tired of it. When you go out to do errands, even if you don't smoke, you have to put on a cigarette. From the moment you enter the door, you will disappear when you see people, bow down, nod and smile. It wasn't until the end of the matter that I felt relieved. Everyone knows that begging for help is focused on begging. The wise all seek self, and the fool all seek others. But we have unknowingly acted as fools, as perpetrators of breaking the rules. I have a classmate who always sees the scattered smoke on the table when he goes to his office. In fact, he does not smoke, as everyone knows. There were more than four packs of cigarettes piled up on the table every day, and they were eventually smoked by colleagues. He was entangled with this kind of waste, and some people had to buy a pack if they knew they didn't smoke. It seems that this is the rule.

Society is not sick, only you and me are sick - DayDayNews

I, who have always been self and do not want to agree with the world, are also deeply disturbed by this concept. One thing changed my original intention. I have always been afraid of the annual vehicle inspection, which is time-consuming and troublesome. In the past few years, at the inspection station, the vehicle was almost impossible to approach, and the front was crowded with "scalpers" parked vehicles. , I was unwilling to charge 300 yuan for the labor service fee. Then, it was difficult to get in from the morning to the end of the afternoon. I was very depressed when watching their steady stream of vehicles enter through the cracks and drive out from the other end. The first day I returned without success, the next day, I came there early to line up, but was still squeezed into a few cars by the "scalpers". It was not my turn until the afternoon. As the inspectors did not enjoy the benefits, the headlights of the vehicle were blown out.After driving out, I was asked to reinstall the lights. I didn't come out until the end of the afternoon. The roar of the engine was obviously louder than before, just like the sound of a tractor. The heartache was beyond words. All because of avoiding "scalpers". Later, I compromised and not only handed it over to the "scalper", but also smiled and handed two packs of cigarettes, hoping to be faster. Although I wish, my heart is always as disgusting as swallowing a fly. Later, the testing station was privatized. I chose a testing station by myself. Two packs of cigarettes were placed in the cab at a time, and the inspectors could see it. So my car was often driven to the front, and the testing ended soon, and the power was not abnormal. Variety. The people in line looked at me with strange eyes, and I trampled on the rules that made them unable to understand.

In life, we often generalize individual phenomena in general, with negative energy in our eyes. Attribute the responsibility to the society, attribute it to others, and regard oneself as a passer-by and spectator of the society. This kind of sorrow is often by our side. There is a party member and cadre who knows that the unit’s violations of discipline and law are prominent and should not be looked at directly. So he wrote an innuendo in a self-media article, accidentally seen by his son at work, and his son persuaded him not to Nosy. One is that it’s not what he asked, and the other is that even if the offenders are punished, they may only be understated, or they may come out in a different place. Isn’t it ironic. Hearing what he said, I was shocked. Nowadays, young people are not at all bloody, maybe there are not a few. Everyone is silent. It is not only the interests of the country and the people, but also the environment in which we live. Sometimes the gates of the city may catch fire and damage the pond fish. What qualifications do we have to say that society is sick? In fact, it is ourselves who are sick. We are used to being a spectator, gesticulating in private, hoping that others can become the vanguard of the times, and then we give a big praise. He hides behind the cusp of the storm and enjoys the gloomy pleasure. Suddenly, he would stand up and give generously, pointing out the country, lamenting that the peaks and ridges are like gathering, the waves are like anger, and the mountains and rivers are like Tongguan Road. Looking at both, hesitated. Hesitate? It's like a passion and pity, not knowing the world and sighing about the past and the present.

In life, as long as it is not our own personal business, we can often turn a blind eye. If it is detrimental to our own interests, we will shout for justice. As long as it is beneficial to ourselves, we can break through the rules and the bottom line, focus on our own interests, and focus on the faults of others. A patient in the neighbourhood, knowing that the doctor in the hospital could not prescribe drugs outside the prescription, begged the doctor to get the drugs outside the prescription in every possible way.In the end, because of the controversy over the distribution of tens of dollars, the doctor just got punished by the hospital. I also said with no shame that the rectification of unhealthy trends started with me, and that my own faults induced the faults of others, and I shamelessly condemned the society.

There is no shortage of laws and rules in society. What is lacking is people who abide by the law and abide by the rules in a normal way. Society belongs to everyone, and society cannot become another's society because of one's own fault. It is everyone's responsibility to build a good social ecological environment. Do what you should do well, play your role well, and refrain from doing things that are detrimental to the moral bottom line and social rules. In order to curb the evil remaining in the bottom of my heart, it will not become a pusher of the undercurrent of society.


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