The worst is never in this world, the worst is your self-control! "Self-control" on

2021/08/1622:22:01 emotion 1828

Regarding the matter of reading, my view has always been: to be aware of the key points of the problem and learn to ask why is more important than your pure learning methodology! Because there is never a lack of methodology, what is lacking is how to identify the methodology that suits you, and the methodology that allows you to stick to the action!

Recently I was reading a psychology book " self-control " by Professor Magnigel at Stanford University. I picked up this book for self-salvation at first!

The worst is never in this world, the worst is your self-control!

Why do you say that? Since this year, I have been staying up all night for 2 consecutive months, and I don’t get enough sleep every day. I hint to myself every day that my body is already very tired and you need to rest early. But still use the reason of being unable to fall asleep to paralyze myself, can't help but use mobile phone, vibrato, and Taobao. This seems to be a reasonable reason to relieve stress. You should relax!

However, by the next day, there is a serious lack of sleep time, which can cause headaches and dizziness. I can’t wait for my head to explode, so the beginning of a new day is full of guilt. I have a dialogue with my inner self. You need to adjust your state. You can't do this again in the future. Don't get close to the young people who died suddenly at night. It's too scary.

But when the new night comes, everything I said is gone to hell again. I guess I am not fighting alone, and you must feel the same when you see it here. It's really "Promise is like farting, it was earth-shattering at the time, and then pale and weak!"

The worst is never in this world, the worst is your self-control!

When you calm down, you will fall into a new round of pressure and self-blame. See it, this is the trap of self-control! Without good self-control, it will really lead to a terrible life for you!

When I realized that my self-control was a problem, I found a lot of books for the first time, hoping to solve this problem in a targeted manner. In the end, 80.8% of the recommended value of WeChat was locked, the very popular "self-control", this book is Stanford University's most popular psychology course.

The author, Professor Magnigel, has absorbed the latest insights from disciplines such as psychology, neurology and economics,A course called "Science of Willpower" was opened for Stanford University's continuing education program. Those who participated in this course said it could "change a life." Regardless of whether this course can really change your life, I believe that better self-control can really bring you a whole new life!

The worst is never in this world, the worst is your self-control!

Of course, even if you find yourself a problem, maybe you never thought about changing it, because there is no new power to stimulate you, so just go ahead and break it!

But, I have such a friend, she really stimulated me! What she admires is not how rich and famous she is, but admiring her self-disciplined lifestyle and good self-management. For the same woman, others can exercise every day, run, swim, and manage their body well. They will watch movies with her husband several times a month, and they will also go to the library when they are alone. I run my own business very beautifully, and I also run my family very happy!

All these things that most people seem to be stressful, look very relaxed to her! In just two months, she also ushered in the opportunity for her promotion and salary increase. It seems that everything is under her control, and life is always arranged in an orderly manner. I realized that she is the big winner of life!

The worst is never in this world, the worst is your self-control!

So I was thinking, where is the gap between people?

Everyone wants to be excellent, but for various reasons, they always get themselves stuck in trivial matters. The core reason for is that there is a problem with self-control! The reason for mentioning such a group of people is because I am one of them, and I believe there are many people like me.

In order to be successful in self-control, you must know why you failed? And be able to find some practical ways to solve this problem! Maybe in the book "Self-Control", we can find the answer!


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